I explain that in my first post. The claim among the conspiracy theorist
What is a "conspiracy theorist"? Is it someone who acknowledges that humans conspire?
is that the observers were told to leave.
Exactly. If you had bothered to read the affidavit you posted, you would have noticed that sometime after 10:00 pm on Tuesday, 3 NOV, a younger lady with long braided blonde hair shouted out to everyone to stop working and to "come back tomorrow." Thereafter, all but four election employees departed. The Fox News crew ended up leaving at 10:30 pm and Mitchell Harrison departed shortly thereafter. Whereas Mitchell Harrison had been told that the ballot counting had stopped and that it would resume at 08:00 the next morning, the ballot counting continued past midnight to 01:00 am. After departing from the State Farm Arena, while at the warehouse on English St., Mitchell Harrison learned from news teams that the ballot counting was still ongoing. He returned to the State Farm Arena to investigate, arriving just after 01:00 am, being told that the counting "had just finished."
So, this eyewitness testimony corroborates the part of the conspiracy whereby everybody is sent home so that the ballot-stuffing could resume with complete ease and without any possible scrutiny.
This, combined with the verifiable testimony that during regular ballot processing, all observers and news reporters were kept at such a far distance that they could not observe anything with any clarity and were required to remain where they could not see the machines or any activity involved in counting the ballots. Observers are to be allowed to observe, not prevented from observing. That official observers and the free press were prevented from observing is sufficient to decertify, and render null, any voting center.
This Republican observer specifically says that it was announced that they were going to stop counting for the night. Nobody was told to leave.
Yet you continue to insist that you read the affidavit, despite the absurdity of the claim. You couldn't be bothered to read four pages, not even to verify whether or not it actually supported your claim. It didn't, yet you posted it anyway without having read it, presumably because someone ordered you to do so, figuring that you would be the one to look stupid, not him.
Why does the affidavit justify voiding the election?
Voiding the results from that station ... and from every other station where these shennanigans occurred. That would, of course, reverse the overall election results.