Religion is for....

Oh please! I can appreciate your point of view, I'm more an apathist about religion then I am an athiest. I just find it an incredibly boring subject but it must have more going for it then you project or it wouldn't be so popular with billions of people.

The first point I would make is that truth isn't a democracy. Secondly, having fears about the nihilistic nature of existence is very common. As I mentioned, the god of the gaps has little strength now, only god the great comforter has any strength. Overcoming the nihilistic nature of existence is hard, and religions are self-protecting, they don't encourage rational enquiry.

Also there hasn't been the strength of argument against god the great comforter as there has god of the gaps. There has been no philosophical Darwin. Our nearest is Neitzsche, who isn't the easiest to read and understand.

And don't be a hyporcit about crutches. We all have them, yours may not be religion but you can't tell me that in a moment of weakness you've never reached for a crutch?

I look for support from my loved ones and friends if I feel weak, but I look to address the issue causing that weakness also. No crutches involved.

why would anyone fear a nihilistic nature of existence?.......if it's actually nihilistic, all you have to do is think it's not nihilistic, and it isn't.......

Shoving your head into the sand is one method.

But it isn't very intellectually honest and doesn't stand up to scrutiny...
I'm not going to debate with Anyold, because I don't think he exists. He's just a fairytale that some members of this site go along with. There's no proof that he is real.

Apart from my posting on this site....
God posts here too. If that is all the criteria we need to prove you exist then this god must exist.
God posts here too. If that is all the criteria we need to prove you exist then this god must exist.

ha ha Ok, you are all welcome to come to England and see me in person. I will make you a nice cup of tea and show you my passport...
God posts here too. If that is all the criteria we need to prove you exist then this god must exist.

ha ha Ok, you are all welcome to come to England and see me in person. I will make you a nice cup of tea and show you my passport...
Excellent! But I must warn you. I've had a beer with this God chap. He lives in Colorado.
Excellent! But I must warn you. I've had a beer with this God chap. He lives in Colorado.

You wouldn't like English beer, but if I am to compete with God then I'll throw in a high tea, with cucumber sarnies and eccles cakes...
Excellent! But I must warn you. I've had a beer with this God chap. He lives in Colorado.

You wouldn't like English beer, but if I am to compete with God then I'll throw in a high tea, with cucumber sarnies and eccles cakes...
Who says he wouldn't like English beer. American micro breweries make ales that are every bit as good if not better than the English make. IPA's are especially popular in this country now as are ESB's and Pale Ales.
Excellent! But I must warn you. I've had a beer with this God chap. He lives in Colorado.

You wouldn't like English beer, but if I am to compete with God then I'll throw in a high tea, with cucumber sarnies and eccles cakes...
You are wrong. I loved it when I was out there on my honeymoon. In fact, that was part of the whole thing. We visited every pub and stayed at every "haunted" place we could find. (No, nary a ghost appeared, it was sad really.)
You are wrong. I loved it when I was out there on my honeymoon. In fact, that was part of the whole thing. We visited every pub and stayed at every "haunted" place we could find. (No, nary a ghost appeared, it was sad really.)
That's cause you're a Buddist. You scared them off!
Who says he wouldn't like English beer. American micro breweries make ales that are every bit as good if not better than the English make. IPA's are especially popular in this country now as are ESB's and Pale Ales.

Cool. I thought you guys liked your beers on the edge of freezing?
You are wrong. I loved it when I was out there on my honeymoon. In fact, that was part of the whole thing. We visited every pub and stayed at every "haunted" place we could find. (No, nary a ghost appeared, it was sad really.)

No you aren't likely to, unless you drink enough cherry beer! :)

You came over here for your honeymoon? Hope you came during the two weeks of our summer?