
What absolute nonsense. Do you have ANY evidence to back your belief that MAN created GOD? Nope! Nadda!
You remain closed-minded to the possibility, it's not the other way around. We see in the very nature of evolution and the evolutionary process, a miracle so profound it could have only been by design. Science, the ability to comprehend the universe around you, having the ability to achieve things no other living creature can achieve or ever will achieve, those are miraculous things to emerge from a pile of goo billions of years ago, through happenstance. You can't even explain the who/what/why/how for the purported Big Bang! Doesn't it strike you as odd that you can't explain rationally how the universe began?

We have discovered ancient civilizations of humans to somewhere around 80-90k years, and in every instance, we've found some evidence of some form of spiritual belief, rituals, worship. This seems to be an intractable attribute of humans. Now... If we were studying any other species and their behavior, we could certainly consider a fundamental attribute such as this, as important. Our next scientific endeavor should be to ask why... but you have already determined all of this, haven't you? Rather than exploring the possibilities of a spiritual existence we can't relate to, you have dismissed this as a fairy tale, make believe... but from the beginning of our time, we have been spiritual creatures, and it has served us well as a species. Now come you, Mr. Dawkins, and Bill Mahr, telling us that God is not real, it's all made up stuff... but you really don't have any proof of that, and 95% of us still believe in something greater than self. So, who are the idiots and who are the smart people? Who are the enlightened and who are still in the dark?

I surmise, if you can look at the fascination of our universe and life itself, and not see some sign of a designer, you are blind to the truth.

As you know I have you on ignore, but I saw your post before I logged on so felt obliged to respond.
I think we have had a similar discussion before.
I am not quite sure what you mean by 'the beginning of our time' neither am I completely certain what you mean by humans. Before further comment perhaps you would be good enough to clarify. Similarly you might like to expand a little on what you mean by spiritual.
Thank you.
religion is helpful for the uneducated to get to sleep at night and justify thier bigotry

So how do you sleep at night or justify your own bigotry?

BTW, I am neither uneducated nor bigotted.
Count me out. I'm an apathist. I just don't really care about religion. I find it the most excruciatingly boring subject matter their is and cannot for the world of me fathom how people become so passionate and irrational about any particular set of superstitous beliefs.
/shrugs.....and we can recognize yours by the stench of rotting, wasted verbage......

The only truth that can possibly emerge from a debate such as this is that none of the participants will ever change their stance. It is, therefore, as pointless an exercise as the subject itself.
Low, you claim that religion is a tool to make individuals behave as others wish. How conformist are you, though? How much of your life is dictated by the society of Hong Kong? Many times that you critique American problems (obesity, gay marriage debate, rural culture) you tend point out that your government and society would never tolerate (i.e. allow independent thought or action) such silliness?
Low, you claim that religion is a tool to make individuals behave as others wish. How conformist are you, though? How much of your life is dictated by the society of Hong Kong? Many times that you critique American problems (obesity, gay marriage debate, rural culture) you tend point out that your government and society would never tolerate (i.e. allow independent thought or action) such silliness?

Hope Solo is a loser.

For those of us unfamiliar with PKs, blocking one or two goals is impressive, considering most of the 5 will likely go in. Team USA sucks at shots on goal, however, so Hope basically had to block them all, which is not going to happen.
For those of us unfamiliar with PKs, blocking one or two goals is impressive, considering most of the 5 will likely go in. Team USA sucks at shots on goal, however, so Hope basically had to block them all, which is not going to happen.

So you you named yourself after a failure.
Teatards say the Constitution is only for Chris-chun Americans.

Low, you claim that religion is a tool to make individuals behave as others wish. How conformist are you, though? How much of your life is dictated by the society of Hong Kong? Many times that you critique American problems (obesity, gay marriage debate, rural culture) you tend point out that your government and society would never tolerate (i.e. allow independent thought or action) such silliness?

That is not what I claim.
Hear and see a Chris-chun say that Muslims must convert or die:
