
That is not what I claim.

It is always used as such. The entire content of the bible is designed to fill the huge but slowly reducing gaps in mans knowledge, to give guidelines as to how he should live and to be the tool by which various bodies exercise power and manipulation over the masses.
Religion has always done this - always. All the man made gods ever fashioned in man's mind served to give reason for his life and death. The responsibility, of which you are justly proud, for your own actions exists within parameters set by men with god as an excuse.
I see no possibility of there being an intelligent debate for very few people are so backward to really believe such mumbo jumbo.
For goodness sake read Richard Dawkins and all the others and then open your eyes so they shed light into your closed mind.


Nothing about conformity there. Manipulation yes, power yes. Conformity no.
The 'certain bodies' does not refer to government policies (except perhaps some Islamic governments).
I refer to the control of the ignorant by the religiously powerful. The use of the 'terrible' god and the 'all knowing' god as a tool to control their flocks by religious leaders dates back thousands of years.
Nothing about conforming as you mean it.
Teabagging GOP Chris-chuns speak:

The Constitution does not require us to nourish the seeds of our own destruction. It is not, as many have observed, a suicide pact.

But the constitutional issue must be addressed. The truth is, as I have written before, Islam has no First Amendment guarantee to build mosques anywhere it wants.

This is for the simple reason that the First Amendment was written neither to guarantee freedom of religion to Muslims or Buddhists or Hindus nor to prohibit their free exercise of religion. It wasn't written about them one way or another.

It was written for one specific purpose: to protect the free exercise of the Christian religion.

Hear and see a Chris-chun say that Muslims must convert or die:

Its funny, at the same time we argue against holding all of Islam responsible for a handful of radicals, you want to hold Christianity responsible for the words of a handful of fundamentalists.

Sounds like you and Dixie are cut from the same cloth, just different sides of the issue.
Well his argument/statement was a misrepresentation so's a strawman.

how on earth could you claim my statement was a misrepresentation.....he made the claim that religion viewed man as lacking responsibility.....obviously, the opposite is true.....that's no misrepresentation.....
Its funny, at the same time we argue against holding all of Islam responsible for a handful of radicals, you want to hold Christianity responsible for the words of a handful of fundamentalists. Sounds like you and Dixie are cut from the same cloth, just different sides of the issue.

I love the way you try to dodge responsibility for your hate by claiming it's "the work of a handful of fundamentalists" - they comprise the backbone of the Tea Party, and you know it.
I love the way you try to dodge responsibility for your hate by claiming it's "the work of a handful of fundamentalists" - they comprise the backbone of the Tea Party, and you know it.

Show me evidence of my hatred?
As you know I have you on ignore, but I saw your post before I logged on so felt obliged to respond.
I think we have had a similar discussion before.
I am not quite sure what you mean by 'the beginning of our time' neither am I completely certain what you mean by humans. Before further comment perhaps you would be good enough to clarify. Similarly you might like to expand a little on what you mean by spiritual.
Thank you.

"The beginning of our time" means, from archaeologicalgical findings of previous human civilizations. Humans = Homo sapiens. Spiritual = belief in something not of the physical world. I don't know that I can make it any clearer to understand, the oldest civilizations we've unearthed, shows man practiced spiritual belief. All throughout history, through all the wars that have been fought to try and stamp out man's spiritual belief, through all the years of so-called 'enlightenment' from atheist pinheads... and still to this day, 95% of human beings believe in something greater than self. That is a pretty strong (and stubborn) attribute. As I stated, if we were studying the behavior of any other species, we would conclude this is fundamentally important to the species. No living thing we've ever studied, displays attributes for NO reason! If aliens came here and studied human history, they would arrive at the same conclusion, there must be some fundamental connection between spirituality and humanity in humans.
From the archives:


03-01-2010, 03:06 PM

Whoever usurps the Constitution without being man enough to state the truth of their intentions is evil, and I despise them. Our republican form of government has a mechanism for you libs to have the federal government do whatever you wish: the amendment process. It is you who hate the democratic process.

Your stance on gay marriage, as Mott pointed out, are blatantly unconstitutional.

You talk a good game about smaller gov't and less gov't interference. But you want the gov't to step in and protect what YOU want them to protect.

Its called hypocrisy.
Does the 6.8 Million Dollar Man think the Earth is 7,000 years old?

Well I don't think so, since I was citing archeological findings dating back 80,000 years. Duh!

But then... an omnipotent God could certainly make things appear much older than they are... so who knows for sure?

Wouldn't it be a hoot if you got to heaven and said... but we thought the earth was billions of years old, and God says... yeah, I know you thought that, it was the whole idea, I was just messing with your heads! Hahhahahaahahaa! Stupid human!
you are a pagan dixie, as are all who believe in supernatural

I believe in science, education and Blasting racist morons from Alabama.
Ahh.. but "PROOF" is something you seem to be lacking as well. Is "Science" your Religion? Is that what you put your FAITH in? Seems to be the case.

The 6.8 Million Dollar Man has an invisible friend that tells him stuff.