Topic of the thread is Religion. Sorry!
I know I haven't exactly talked about Religion, but I am not religious. I am very spiritual, I probably spend several hours a day in spiritual meditation. I have a great deal of respect for Christianity in present-day form, I come from a Christian family. My experience with religion spans about every mainstream religious denominations, I sampled it all... but my ultimate finding is, religion is simply man's way of attempting to understand something they can't comprehend any other way.
Well that's convenient, isn't it. You've framed the belief in a way that makes it impossible to verify the truth of the matter without already believing that it is true. Why is this such a common line in religious apologetics? What other real thing in the universe depends on your initial belief in it to verify its existence?
By putting a face on God... by giving him human attribute... HIM... as if God would have genetalia or a physical human body... because, that is what we can understand as humans and relate to.
They're just heroes who were promoted to extreme deification by the human process of myth. This has happened many times in many different ways. If it pointed to the same being, you would expect them to be more similar to each other. As it is, the current reality fits much better with various cultures independently inventing deities than accessing some central source of knowledge. If record keeping were as sloppy today as it was 2000 years ago, idiots would be worshipping presidents 100 years after their term. As it is, we know they're not Gods because we have records of it. You can still see many historical figures in the process of being granted mythical qualities, though. It's just a flaw in human reasoning. If someone is thought of is great, people will begin saying untruly great things about them, and others won't question these people for fear of denying that persons unquestionable greatness. In a couple of decades, you have a hero with ridiculous attributes, give it a few centuries and you've got a God. If record keeping is slightly less primitive, you might have a prophet instead of a God (although prophets are sometimes promoted to Godhood as well, as we see in the case of Jesus).
So man has developed these assorted systems of belief, ritual, moral behaviors, believed to be beneficial in pleasing God.
Because we've invented a being whom we've finally given all possible positive attributes in the process of mythification. Everyone's God is different to them, of course, because God, having all positive attributes, can't possibly have the negative attribute of disagreeing with their value system.
I can't find a sound argument for ANY organized religious belief, as the "be-all-end-all" on the subject of God. I think the common understanding is, that something, some force or energy, is responsible for our existence and the existence of our planet, universe, and everything else.
Energy = ability to do work
Force = any influence that causes a free body to undergo a change in speed, a change in direction, or a change in shape (can be reduced down to magnetism, gravitation, the electroweak force, and the strong nuclear force)
These can't be responsible for the creation of the universe as they are attributes of the universe itself. There is not yet an adequate theory for what caused the big bang. That does not imply that God exists. The appropriate response to lacking knowledge on a subject is not to just accept whatever the first random crazy person you meet says about the subject.
PHYSICS!! .......We even developed a science of gathering and composing based on the reliability of how things work in our universe. There is a system of order in the physical realm, we invented physics to explain those predictable things. As we've advanced, we have discovered black holes and dark energy... places in our universe where our "laws of physics" simply no longer apply.
The existence of black holes and dark energy merely expanded our knowledge of physics. If the laws of physics are "broken", the "laws of physics" are changed to account for it. Since physics is a field of study trying to find out what truly is, it's impossible for something that is to contradict true physics. By existing, it's part of physics. It may disagree with
our interpretation of physics, but it does not disagree with physics. I know this is confusing to a
religious person, such as yourself. Religion believes that it's found all the answers, so if anything contradictory comes up, they merely deny it's existence. Physics, on the other hand, knows that it doesn't know everything, and is in the process of trying to find out as much as it can. This sensible approach is bizarre and incomprehensible to a religious person, who feel they must assign an absolute truth value to everything, even if they have to do so with faulty or incomplete information. You've really given away the fact that you think in this manner with this line.
Up is down... right is left... slow is fast... good is evil?
It depends on your perspective.
...We don't know! Our understanding of things is incomplete, yet some of us arrogantly conclude they have all the information and have made a determination on God. It defies reason, it defies logic, because the simple truth is, none of us KNOW or can PROVE the existence or non-existence of God.
Our understanding is incomplete, yes. Science fills in the incomplete sections with "incomplete", religion fills it in with "God".