Nonsense. We have a set of laws and principles we define as the "laws of physics" and these hard and fast rules apply to everything, with the exception of things we've recently discovered, like black holes and dark energy. Those things seem to defy our understanding of and rules of physics. Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, according to our understanding of physics... yet, this happens in black holes... does it 'nullify' this law of physics? Do the laws of physics change outside of the black hole? Or... is this simply a phenomenon we can't explain with our limited understanding of physics? Could it be possible that our physics are not applicable to everything in our universe? It would appear this is the case, and if our laws of physics don't apply in some cases, why would they apply in others? In other words, just because I can't give you physical proof there is a God, doesn't mean there isn't one.
Things do not travel faster than the speed of light in black holes. Light cannot escape from them, but that's not the same thing. From the perspective of the person travelling at the speed of light, they are moving at infinite speed (their speed only seems limited from the perspective of an observer). It's not possible to travel at more than infinite speed. It's fully possible, however, that Einstein's theory of relativity is an incomplete understanding of the universe, just like Newton's theory of gravitation was erroneous in some ways and had to be updated by Einstein's general theory of relativity. If this were ever proven to be the case, that new theory would improve our knowledge of physics. Physics
advances when the current understanding of physics is disproven, and when what we
thought were the laws of physics are proven to be broken by some phenomena. It doesn't sit and a corner and whine about how this can't be so.
I still don't think you understand what I'm saying. If God existed, he'd be part of physics. If certain laws apply in some instances and not in others, those are two instances in which two different sets of knowledge are needed to understand the true physical universe. You can be wrong about physics, you can't violate it.
And you are attempting to assign a positive truth value to the question of God by saying that it can't be disproven (it has, in fact, been cleverly crafted to be an undisprovable myth). This isn't correct. When you don't know if something is true or not, you say you do not know. You do not say that it certainly exists and scream at people who are skeptical of your claims. You also don't say "we don't know!" over and over again at people who choose to say that we don't know instead of "it's true!" and act, for all practical purposes, as if it were true beyond a reasonable doubt. There are an infinite number of possible phenomena in the world that you can come up with and construct arguments for in a way that denies all attempts to inquire as to whether or not they are true. The only reasonable way to respond to this is to treat them as if they don't exist until you know that they do. It's not practical to believe in everything (it's not even really possible, as many of the claims directly contradict one another). And it's not honest to, as the religious so often do, select a certain few undisprovable claims and promote them when there's no reason to believe in any one over the other.
Let's imagine that there are two universes. One in which God doesn't exist, and one in which your unspecified spiritual entity that you claim to be all Gods ever exists. How would I tell if I were in one universe or the other? You yourself have said that there's no way to disprove or prove it. So, according to your own arguments, there's not anything I can do to tell which universe I'm in. Perhaps your unspecified spiritual entity explains a few things that can't be explained right now. So what? I can come up with all of the explanations I want for anything at all. That doesn't accomplish anything. Mere explanations, unaccompanied by evidence in their favor, are worthless.
And let's go further and compare the universe in which your unspecified spiritual entity exists to all of the other possible universes with similar entities. How could I tell your universe from the Shiah's Allah, or the Catholic Yahweh, or the Jewish Yahweh, or Thor, or the Great