Even if we accept that man has been 'spiritual' for eons, never before have we had the knowledge recently gleaned from Hubble and several other space telescopes and, in seven years, the James Webb telescope that can show speeding galaxies still in their first seconds of existence at the far corners of the universe.
First of all, it doesn't matter if you accept it or not, them's the facts. Man has been spiritual for as long as there has been man, as best we can tell. Science discoveries haven't changed a thing. If anything, they point to the wonder and fascination in God's work. With all the knowledge and wisdom we have gleaned, there are still 95% of us with the unshakable need to worship something greater than self. That's just a strange and odd attribute to have for no apparent reason, it defies everything we've ever learned about any species of life. We have to conclude there must be some fundamental reason for the attribute, it doesn't exist simply because man is ignorant, as you insist.
The reason for the invention of the various gods no longer exists.
Then why is this attribute found in 95% of humans? Again... Science tells us that living creatures never display behaviors for no reason.
The bible, for instance, tells us nothing about life in all its aspects, that we do not now know from scientific exploration.
This is like saying Shakespeare is wholly inadequate literature because it has taught you nothing of how to repair your appliances! The Bible is not intended or designed to explore scientific possibilities! One is spiritual knowledge, the other is Physical knowledge... we've covered the differences already. The Bible tells you how you can have eternal salvation, Science doesn't even ponder eternal salvation...but, it's not expected to.
It can also be shown (no I will not) that far from helping man's quest for reason, the bible (for bible read whichever holy book you hold in high regard) has hindered it.
I disagree. Without the guidance of the Bible, we'd still be living in the Dark Ages. Without human spirituality, we'd still be swinging from trees. Religious belief is responsible for far more GOOD in the world, than BAD. You can point to exceptions, the Christian Crusades... the Taliban... but as a whole... Gandhi and Mother Theresa, the Unitarians who started the abolitionist movement... the Salvation Army... Sacred Heart Mission... millions of missionaries, treating people with disease and feeding the starving... many sacrificing their own lives for the 'greater good' ...I think the evidence is overwhelming here. We're a far better place because of Religion.
Religious teachings have had to change more during the last century than in their entire prior existence. They have had to change because man's knowledge has overtaken the supposed word of the various gods, goddesses and goddettes..
Man has become smarter than God? Is that what you are arguing now? I'm sorry, I disagree. While religious views may have reformed with society, the foundational basis of human spirituality remains unchanged. We still have the intractable need to worship. Look at how strongly you are worshiping your beliefs, here in this very thread... You're a smart man, you have intelligence and science, why do you need to argue with the ignorant masses about religion? But here you are... arguing away... trying desperately to convince 95% of us there is no God. Yes, worship is a very strong human attribute.
So, all that remains is a personal requirement by some, for the comfort of a huge father figure and an entity to take the blame and responsibility that some people cannot take upon themselves. I don't have a problem with that. Take that comfort and enjoy it, but please do not try to substitute this imaginary comfort blanket for the fantastic discoveries, yes and questions, that science has brought us.
Why not substitute them? That's what you are doing! Mixing the physical world with the spiritual world in a game of oneupmanship.
Oh..Science can't prove Religion, so it must not be true! ...There is no physical evidence of God, so he must not be real!
You, my friend, are a worshiper just like the rest of us.... you are a worshiper of Science. But now... how many times in the past 100 years, has Science had to change its views, because man's intelligence overtook the theories of some scientist-Gods? Seems that works both ways!
Man's creation of a god in his own image, while giving comfort to some and power to others is sold harder than baked beans and Disney. They all share a commonality. They are all dispensable.
Finally please, never, never preach as truth, the fairy tales of theism without first describing them as such.
Again.... According to your God, Darwin.... if man's need to worship were "dispensable" he would have discarded the attribute from the species thousands of years ago. So.... either Saint Darwin is wrong, or humankind has a fundamental and foundational need to worship. They always have and always will, and without it, we are not human.