
Nothing about conformity there. Manipulation yes, power yes. Conformity no.
The 'certain bodies' does not refer to government policies (except perhaps some Islamic governments).
I refer to the control of the ignorant by the religiously powerful. The use of the 'terrible' god and the 'all knowing' god as a tool to control their flocks by religious leaders dates back thousands of years.
Nothing about conforming as you mean it.

I was not interpreting government bodies, just religious institutions and authorities. All of those factors lead to conformity.
From the archives:


03-01-2010, 03:06 PM

Whoever usurps the Constitution without being man enough to state the truth of their intentions is evil, and I despise them. Our republican form of government has a mechanism for you libs to have the federal government do whatever you wish: the amendment process. It is you who hate the democratic process.

Your stance on gay marriage, as Mott pointed out, are blatantly unconstitutional.

You talk a good game about smaller gov't and less gov't interference. But you want the gov't to step in and protect what YOU want them to protect.

Its called hypocrisy.

You posted "I love the way you try to dodge responsibility for your hate by claiming it's "the work of a handful of fundamentalists" - they comprise the backbone of the Tea Party, and you know it." and now you claim the above archived post is an example of that?

LMAO! Keep trying.
More Chris-chun love from the archives:


08-13-2010, 02:01 PM

Your mom is the centerfold in this month's issue of "Ugle Whore".

You whining little titty-baby. You bailed on the debate and now you are demandingthat the entire thing be redone so you can save face?

Again, you said "I love the way you try to dodge responsibility for your hate by claiming it's "the work of a handful of fundamentalists" - they comprise the backbone of the Tea Party, and you know it." and now you think this is an example of that?

This place is going downhill so fast.
you are a pagan dixie, as are all who believe in supernatural

I believe in science, education and Blasting racist morons from Alabama.

Okay... so 95% of us, who believe in something greater than self, superstitiousious pagans, and you 5% who dismiss the supernatural with no evidence whatsoever, are geniuses? Is that how you see it, Dude?

And what's this "blast racist morons from alabama" crap? Do you believe I am a racist? Do you believe I am a moron? And "blast" is a terribly violent word, don't you think? Some might get the idea you are making a threat against me. A coward's last refuge.
Okay... so 95% of us, who believe in something greater than self, superstitiousious pagans, and you 5% who dismiss the supernatural with no evidence whatsoever, are geniuses? Is that how you see it, Dude?

And what's this "blast racist morons from alabama" crap? Do you believe I am a racist? Do you believe I am a moron? And "blast" is a terribly violent word, don't you think? Some might get the idea you are making a threat against me. A coward's last refuge.

Ok so I used the word Genius to describe those not in a cult
your avatar is more racist than David Duke
I really don't care if you are in a cult, but it's fun to mock those in a cult
Ok so I used the word Genius to describe those not in a cult
your avatar is more racist than David Duke
I really don't care if you are in a cult, but it's fun to mock those in a cult

My avatar is only "racist" if you lack a basic knowledge and understanding of American history. Many people do, but I figured you were smarter than most. The Confederate flag can only be considered "racist" if you believe 1860 was 1963, and Abe Lincoln was akin to Martin Luther King Jr. If you comprehend that pretty much everyone in America in 1860, held "racist" views by today's standard, then you can realize the flag is merely a symbol of historical significance for a Confederate form of government as opposed to Federalism.
My avatar is only "racist" if you lack a basic knowledge and understanding of American history. Many people do, but I figured you were smarter than most. The Confederate flag can only be considered "racist" if you believe 1860 was 1963, and Abe Lincoln was akin to Martin Luther King Jr. If you comprehend that pretty much everyone in America in 1860, held "racist" views by today's standard, then you can realize the flag is merely a symbol of historical significance for a Confederate form of government as opposed to Federalism.

I guess these guys "lack a basic knowledge and understanding of American history", 6.8 Million Dollar Man.


What do you have in common with them, besides a love of guns, fundamentalist Chris-tee-an-a-tee and the Confederate battle flag?
My avatar is only "racist" if you lack a basic knowledge and understanding of American history. Many people do, but I figured you were smarter than most. The Confederate flag can only be considered "racist" if you believe 1860 was 1963, and Abe Lincoln was akin to Martin Luther King Jr. If you comprehend that pretty much everyone in America in 1860, held "racist" views by today's standard, then you can realize the flag is merely a symbol of historical significance for a Confederate form of government as opposed to Federalism.

Then at the very least, you are un-American, because to love America is to love federalism, along with the other core values.
The document in its entirety?

Entirety or any part... the Constitution says nothing about "loving" or even "liking" Federalism.

In 1860, the age-old debate was, are we a confederation of states who control a central government, or are we a federal government who controls the many states. In some aspects, this debate is still going on today... States Rights. But to retroactively pretend the sentiments in the US prior to the Civil War were, we are "lovers" of Federalism, is just plain dishonest.
Dixie: Okay... so 95% of us, who believe in something greater than self, superstitiousious pagans, and you 5% who dismiss the supernatural with no evidence whatsoever, are geniuses? Is that how you see it, Dude?

If you were in a court of Law, and made an affirmative statement, such as 'Dixie burgled my house', the onus would be on the individual making the statement to produce evidence to support that statement. The onus wouldn't be on you to prove that you didn't burgle the house. This system seems to work. If we followed the idea that anyone can make a statement and it would be the responsibility of others to disprove it, any bizarre statements would have to accepted as truth.

As to your assertion concerning 95% of people believing, rather than challenging your figures, I would ask you this... Is truth a democracy? A few hundred years ago, the vast majority of people believed that the Earth is flat. Did that belief make it so?

And as to your assertion earlier in the thread that atheism is a religion, I will simply refer you to Mark Schnitzius' quote: If atheism is a religion, then bald is a hair colour.

So what evidence can you produce to support your assertion that 'the supernatural' exists?
Entirety or any part... the Constitution says nothing about "loving" or even "liking" Federalism.

In 1860, the age-old debate was, are we a confederation of states who control a central government, or are we a federal government who controls the many states. In some aspects, this debate is still going on today... States Rights. But to retroactively pretend the sentiments in the US prior to the Civil War were, we are "lovers" of Federalism, is just plain dishonest.
If you are opposed to American principals you are therefore unamerican. Thus, since you oppose federalism, you are unamerican.
"The beginning of our time" means, from archaeologicalgical findings of previous human civilizations. Humans = Homo sapiens. Spiritual = belief in something not of the physical world. I don't know that I can make it any clearer to understand, the oldest civilizations we've unearthed, shows man practiced spiritual belief. All throughout history, through all the wars that have been fought to try and stamp out man's spiritual belief, through all the years of so-called 'enlightenment' from atheist pinheads... and still to this day, 95% of human beings believe in something greater than self. That is a pretty strong (and stubborn) attribute. As I stated, if we were studying the behavior of any other species, we would conclude this is fundamentally important to the species. No living thing we've ever studied, displays attributes for NO reason! If aliens came here and studied human history, they would arrive at the same conclusion, there must be some fundamental connection between spirituality and humanity in humans.

A form of Homo Sapiens was in existence something like 300,000 years ago, homo Neanderthalensis were in existence at about the same time. DNA records suggest that they occasionally interbred. Obviously a race of people with little or no knowledge will soon discover that there are patterns in the way things happen. Rather as a footballer might pick a blade of grass as he runs onto the pitch because he has a memory which connects grass with a goal. Or when one sees a smooth boulder in the sun one might connect it with a snake or lizard which one might eat. So a 'belief' grows and eventually one asks 'why?',

but there is no answer.

Someone put the lizard on the rock so I could eat it. Someone? Yes someone. Where is this person? I cannot see him. Up in the sky perhaps? Ah yes.

We buried grandma under that tree so jackals couldn't eat her body, but when we checked a few months later the body had gone. We looked but it wasnt there. Maybe it is in the sky, the place that we can see but not understand.

All through history man has wanted to know stuff but did not have the wherewithall to find the answer. Where does the rain come from? Why does it get cold every year and then warm again? How do plants grow?

Unlike the Midwich Cuckoos one man's knowledge is not immediately transferred to all people so when, one day, one one man realises why it gets cold every year he can tell the others that its OK, it'll be warm again soon. And the grasses that no longer grow will return to provide seeds that can be eaten.

Now people rely on this man, but he doesnt know much more than he has told them ... so he invents stuff. And people honour him - even when not all the stuff happens. They give him food so he does not have to work.

He doesnt realise it at first, but he has invented god and religion.

You know the rest of the story, indeed you are a player in that fantasy so understand it all very well.

Then you say that there is a connection between spirituality and humanity in humans. I would not deny that but would rather call it superstition or ignorance. Certainly it is not organised religion and most definitely not monotheist or christian.

You have lived in backward America for far to long my friend and demonstrate with every breath the correctness of what I say by continuing to believe the Great Anerican Myth. I understand you must believe it else your life will have no meaning.

Look about you though. Look at this great Free Christian nation. What do you see? Drugs, pornography, racism, teenage pregnancies, crime, murder in numbers far greater than almost every other nation, religious or not, on the face of the earth.

So even if I play devil's advocate and argue against myself and for you I must conclude that your belief system does not work.

Here endeth the first lesson taken from the Book of Low, Ch 2:vs 1 - 25.

May peace fill your life
If you were in a court of Law, and made an affirmative statement, such as 'Dixie burgled my house', the onus would be on the individual making the statement to produce evidence to support that statement. The onus wouldn't be on you to prove that you didn't burgle the house. This system seems to work. If we followed the idea that anyone can make a statement and it would be the responsibility of others to disprove it, any bizarre statements would have to accepted as truth.

As to your assertion concerning 95% of people believing, rather than challenging your figures, I would ask you this... Is truth a democracy? A few hundred years ago, the vast majority of people believed that the Earth is flat. Did that belief make it so?

And as to your assertion earlier in the thread that atheism is a religion, I will simply refer you to Mark Schnitzius' quote: If atheism is a religion, then bald is a hair colour.

So what evidence can you produce to support your assertion that 'the supernatural' exists?

The burden in a court of law would be for you to prove that God doesn't exist, and you can't. I have not stated that God exists, I simply reject the idea that he absolutely positively doesn't. In other words, my finding is inconclusive, I don't know if God exists or not, but you are stating that God doesn't exist... the "onus" is on YOU to prove that. You haven't.

So what evidence can you produce to support your assertion that 'the supernatural' exists?

First we need to define what is meant by "exist?" If you mean, in a physical sense, no... supernatural things do not "exist" in the physical realm, and aren't expected or required to. If this is your criteria, it is woefully flawed. If you mean, is there a supernatural realm, and can I prove it? I would again point to the fact that mankind has always been spiritual, often sacrificing life for their spiritual beliefs. I would say it's a rather odd attribute for humans to have for so long, and there be nothing to it. Does that "prove" anything? Not really, because the supernatural ultimately requires faith and belief in the supernatural, there is no definitive "proof."
If you are opposed to American principals you are therefore unamerican. Thus, since you oppose federalism, you are unamerican.

No douche-brain... American principles simply do not include Federalism. In fact, one could argue, true founding principles don't support Federalism at all. In that case, it is you who support Federalism, who are "un-American."