Religious Typology Quiz

I found the quiz difficult to answer as it was clearly directed at a Christian POV. Being Buddhist made many of the questions kind of absurd to answer correctly as nothing really fit.

People who have taken a lot of government tests know to simply select the best fitting answer.

OTOH, some people stop to whine and some people just go with the flow. Which one is more Zen-like, Terry?
So did I.

I thought the question about believing that inanimate objects like rocks, trees, and crystals have spirit was pretty stupid. Trees are not inanimate. A person of Ojibwe tradition would have answered yes, and then the quiz would have parked him/her in the hippy-dippy New Age section.
My results will come as a surprise to the JPP lib'ruls who love to say I'm not a seems they were all wrong.......

One can easily misrepresent themselves to tests like this. And there are many people out there who lack sufficient intellect to process self-analysis.

I've even seen Christians on this forum who are so in love with lying and false witness that they can barely speak the truth when called on to do so.

So, ya know, it happens that sometimes pop culture quizlets don't give a really good insight.
One can easily misrepresent themselves to tests like this. And there are many people out there who lack sufficient intellect to process self-analysis.

I've even seen Christians on this forum who are so in love with lying and false witness that they can barely speak the truth when called on to do so.

So, ya know, it happens that sometimes pop culture quizlets don't give a really good insight.

"You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?" -- Jesus
One can easily misrepresent themselves to tests like this. And there are many people out there who lack sufficient intellect to process self-analysis.

I've even seen Christians on this forum who are so in love with lying and false witness that they can barely speak the truth when called on to do so.

So, ya know, it happens that sometimes pop culture quizlets don't give a really good insight.

Kierkegaard called them the "Christian mob"; that swath of people who call themselves genuine and pious christians just by virtue of attending church service on Sunday.
Kierkegaard called them the "Christian mob"; that swath of people who call themselves genuine and pious christians just by virtue of attending church service on Sunday.

These days they don't even bother with attending services. Apparently it's enough to just call yourself ___ without behaving as ___ dictates.
These days they don't even bother with attending services. Apparently it's enough to just call yourself ___ without behaving as ___ dictates.
Ghandi said Christianity would replace Hinduism in India if Christians actually tried to emulate the example of Jesus.
I thought the question about believing that inanimate objects like rocks, trees, and crystals have spirit was pretty stupid. Trees are not inanimate. A person of Ojibwe tradition would have answered yes, and then the quiz would have parked him/her in the hippy-dippy New Age section.
Yes, it was fun to see where I landed, it was a pretty black and white quiz.
It was definitely geared towards American Xtians. I answered it again, slightly differently, and got "Religious resister." WTF? lol

Do you believe in heaven and hell?
Do you attend service on Sunday?
Do you believe scripture is the word of God?

^^ It's basically a test of whether one is a Christian or not.
Do you believe in heaven and hell?
Do you attend service on Sunday?
Do you believe scripture is the word of God?

^^ It's basically a test of whether one is a Christian or not.

That's what I thought, as well. I'd like to see one that includes more variables pertaining to other religious trads.
That's what I thought, as well. I'd like to see one that includes more variables pertaining to other religious trads.

Religion is hard to define, especially if one is mentally stuck in just accepting the Christian model as the gold standard.

I like this definition by Lynn Max Stackhouse, because it seems inclusive enough to include all world religious traditions.

religion: "a comprehensive worldview or 'metaphysical moral vision' that is accepted as binding because it is held to be in itself basically true and just even if all dimensions of it cannot be either fully confirmed or refuted".