Religious Typology Quiz

Religion is hard to define, especially if one is mentally stuck in just accepting the Christian model as the gold standard.

I like this definition by Lynn Max Stackhouse, because it seems inclusive enough to include all world religious traditions.

religion: "a comprehensive worldview or 'metaphysical moral vision' that is accepted as binding because it is held to be in itself basically true and just even if all dimensions of it cannot be either fully confirmed or refuted".

It's a good definition, but by who? Other adherents? Oneself? Others outside the religion? All of the above?
Really what the quiz was testing was whether one is a traditional practicing christian, or not.

Short, online quizzes are indicators, not good assessments like the SATs.

The same for the Myers-Briggs personality test or various mental health tests online:

They are good for indicators as to a person's nature or if they should seek a doctor's advice.

More interesting to me are those who post or seek to hide their results. It's a data point.
Religion is hard to define, especially if one is mentally stuck in just accepting the Christian model as the gold standard.

I like this definition by Lynn Max Stackhouse, because it seems inclusive enough to include all world religious traditions.

religion: "a comprehensive worldview or 'metaphysical moral vision' that is accepted as binding because it is held to be in itself basically true and just even if all dimensions of it cannot be either fully confirmed or refuted".

A good definition.

I view religion like those who say their martial arts is the best form or the one and only. Really? Results count and no one has a monopoly on what it all means.
It's a good definition, but by who? Other adherents? Oneself? Others outside the religion? All of the above?

My interpretation is that the core tenets, creeds, and metaphysics are held as binding and 'basically true' by the actual practitioners and adherents of a specific religious tradition.
My test only has one question......

Did God create man, or did man create God?


I don't think Buddhists or Daoists could give a reasonable answer to that question.

If I was only to craft one question, it would be:
do you think matter and energy is all that there is - or do you think there is a higher organizing principle underlying the cosmos?
The quiz said, my best fit was Solidly Secular, are the least religious among the seven groups along with 17% of the public?!!

Are you a Sunday Stalwart? Solidly Secular? Or somewhere in between? Take our quiz to find out which one of the religious typology groups is your best match and see how you compare with our nationally representative survey of more than 4,000 U.S. adults.

You may find some of these questions are difficult to answer. For example, you may see yourself in more than one category or feel that none quite describes you. That’s OK. In those cases, pick the answer that comes closest, even if it isn’t exactly right.


The quiz was pretty pointless with the questions geared a certain way. I got relaxed religious since I don't attend mass. Some questions were hard to give the proper answer.
We created gods to explain stuff. Then we found that science can answer most of our questions. It cannot answer them all, though.

I will live my whole life, without the feeling that I must know how the Universe was created!

And I do not have to know there is some afterlife, or Heaven, Or Hell to consider either, in order to feel content with my life.

I use the Good vs. Evil angels method.

I have these imaginary angels that I carry on my shoulders everywhere I go! One is evil and the other is Good.

The Evil angel is always trying to get me to do something wrong or Evil, and the Good angel tells me to ALWAYS do Good things and to not be tempted by the Evil angel!

It is a system that has worked for me all my life.
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