Religious Typology Quiz

You're 67 and have no accomplishments so you create a make-believe life.

When was the last time you went outside? Answer that and I'll answer any question you want.
Wow. You spent all that money and months of your time and still fucked it up? Is that the story of your life, COgoat? :rofl2:

Today. Why and when did your psychology career go awry? Are you under treatment for any mental conditions? If so, which ones? If not, have you been recommended to seek treatment?
Wow. You spent all that money and months of your time and still fucked it up? Is that the story of your life, COgoat? :rofl2:

Today. Why and when did your psychology career go awry? Are you under treatment for any mental conditions? If so, which ones? If not, have you been recommended to seek treatment?
Why is it so important for you to list your accomplishments?
Do you really think we believe you're a doctor?
When was the last time you went outside? Answer that and I'll answer any question you want.
Today. Why and when did your psychology career go awry? Are you under treatment for any mental conditions? If so, which ones? If not, have you been recommended to seek treatment?
Why is it so important for you to list your accomplishments?
Do you really think we believe you're a doctor?
I knew you were lying, but it’s better to let you prove you’re a liar than for me to simply accuse you of it.