Religious Typology Quiz

You’re the wacko spending money and months of work to track down strangers on the Internet to attack them. What kind of person does that except a nutjob?
It was well worth it. I knew you were full of shit my first week here but now I have proof.
It was well worth it. I knew you were full of shit my first week here but now I have proof.
QED Why else would you spend all of that money and time if you didn’t think stalking and doxxing people was worth it? Normal people don’t do such a thing, but violent paranoid schizos most certainly would believe was “well worth it”.

It took me over 8 months and a lot of money to find out who Dutch is. And I'm pretty good at what I do.
QED Why else would you spend all of that money and time if you didn’t think stalking and doxxing people was worth it? Normal people don’t do such a thing, but violent paranoid schizos most certainly would believe was “well worth it”.
I believe in a level playing field. I'm working on a few others. Time is on my side.
I believe in a level playing field. I'm working on a few others. Time is on my side.

Why do you believe doxxing and stalking people is leveling the “playing field”?

Dude, you're a nobody.
Obivously not since you’ve spent so much time and “a lot of money” stalking me.

It’s really nice that you care so much. Weird and psychotically stalkerish, but nice. LOL

BTW, the fact you ran from the question like the pussified little psycho you and I both know you are was an expected result.
Obivously not since you’ve spent so much time and “a lot of money” stalking me.

It’s really nice that you care so much. Weird and psychotically stalkerish, but nice. LOL

BTW, the fact you ran from the question like the pussified little psycho you and I both know you are was an expected result.
You're 67 and have no accomplishments so you create a make-believe life. When was the last time you went outside? Answer that and I'll answer any question you want.