Religious Typology Quiz

Yes, I agree Dictionaries give pithy little rules of thumb about words.

I love it when you simply ignore my posts (I discussed the "dictionary" which you just blew past). You are not an honest broker in the conversation. I'll stop now. You don't actually seem to know much philosophy despite having clearly READ a ton of it. It appears the only thing you retained was the names of the philosophers and maybe the chapter titles which you simply list as if that is an philosophical position. You are constantly "appealing to authority" without much in the way of deeper description.

Maybe you spent too long in the 4D Seismic class than you did in the philosophy class.
I love it when you simply ignore my posts (I discussed the "dictionary" which you just blew past). You are not an honest broker in the conversation. I'll stop now. You don't actually seem to know much philosophy despite having clearly READ a ton of it. It appears the only thing you retained was the names of the philosophers and maybe the chapter titles which you simply list as if that is an philosophical position. You are constantly "appealing to authority" without much in the way of deeper description.

Maybe you spent too long in the 4D Seismic class than you did in the philosophy class.
The obsession with dictionaries is yours, my posts on this topic have been pretty consistently clear that my interest in freedom and liberation is ontological and epistemological

Speaking of dishonesty and deception, are you a sock of a previous poster?

I don't see how someone who just joined the board this month would link me to seismic classes, unless they had been around paying way too much attention to my posts in the past.

I've maybe mentioned my association with seismic data maybe five times in the last 16 years here, and not at all in February when you joined the board
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The obsession with dictionaries is yours, my posts on this topic have been pretty consistently clear that my interest in freedom and liberation is ontological and epistemological

Speaking of dishonesty and deception, are you a sock of a previous poster? I don't see how someone who just joined the board this month would link me to seismic classes, unless they had been around paying way too much attention to my posts in the past.

I've maybe mentioned my association with seismic data maybe five times in the last 16 years here, and not at all in February when you joined m

You said in one of your posts on this thread you were a geophysicist. Did you not also study seismic? Most geophysicists do.
You said in one of your posts on this thread you were a geophysicist. Did you not also study seismic? Most geophysicists do.

Seismic is only a small part of geophysics. Dutch noticed also that you seem to have forgetten your own screen name was Jank. I'm getting a distinct sense of deception
Seismic is only a small part of geophysics. Dutch noticed also that you seem to have forgetten your own screen name was Jank. I'm getting a distinct sense of deception

You sense deception in everything that even marginally disagrees with you.

That's why you are now going after argumentum ad hominem rather than engaging on the points. Just like you rely solely on "appeals to authority" rather than making your own.
What part of geophysics are you in?

What is up with you, Jank? You seem to be all over the map on this one. Are you having a bad day? Or are you possibly suffering from bipolar disorder? You know, you sound like Perry PhD a lot when you try to talk about geology. Perry says he's a geologist too, Sybil.
Yikes! Doxxing people? That's a bit scary. Thanks for the heads up.

I've read this thread without posting but have to speak up now. Nobody is doxxing anyone here, that's just the voices in goat's head. Also, the people he referenced are not chasing noobs off the board. Most of us welcome noobs in order to get another perspective on things. Goat is just stirring the pot.
I've read this thread without posting but have to speak up now. Nobody is doxxing anyone here, that's just the voices in goat's head. Also, the people he referenced are not chasing noobs off the board. Most of us welcome noobs in order to get another perspective on things. Goat is just stirring the pot.
I was doxxed my first month here. That's impossible without mod help.
I've read this thread without posting but have to speak up now. Nobody is doxxing anyone here, that's just the voices in goat's head. Also, the people he referenced are not chasing noobs off the board. Most of us welcome noobs in order to get another perspective on things. Goat is just stirring the pot.

Goat is mentally ill. No joke.
I am genuinely interested in what your actual definition of "Freedom" is. (I understand you may not be amenable to actually answering my question since I sense I am still in the "dog house" over my comments on faith. Hopefully we can move beyond that as I would actually love to know what the definition of "freedom" is per your philosophy).


Philosophers and theologians have been debating the nature of freedom for centuries, so I don't have brilliant answers of my own. I don't think the absence of restraint on action is an adequate definition.
But I Iike FDR's formulation of the four freedoms, and the formulations of freedom by The Buddha, Jesus, Utilitarianism, and German Romantics, aka freedom from the slavery of ignorance and sin, and freedom to create and participate something larger than oneself.

He asked Your opinion! As always you name drop others opinions.
What good will it do? We all saw Owl post 4 receipts with someone's name on it and nothing happened. Go clean your kitty litter, I can smell it from here.

We "all" saw? Who's "we," you and your goldfish?

I've seen posts where Owl's name was alluded to and posted, so save your outrage for the Toxic thread.

I never saw anything about you being doxxed so I'll assume you're making it up just to stir the pot.
We "all" saw? Who's "we," you and your goldfish?

I've seen posts where Owl's name was alluded to and posted, so save your outrage for the Toxic thread.

I never saw anything about you being doxxed so I'll assume you're making it up just to stir the pot.
Again, go clean your kitty litter. You drank too much of the Owl Koolaid. You see what I did there?