Religious Typology Quiz

You don't do honest conversation. You spend your time here slamming people, that's it.
Doxxing was going on at JPP long before I got here and will continue long after I leave. You denying that fact makes it imposable to have an honest conversation with you.
Doxxing was going on at JPP long before I got here and will continue long after I leave.

Exactly the type of excuse a sociopath would use to excuse their doxxing of JPP members, COgoat. It’s fact you’ve been banned for doxxing while you lie and whine about others doxxing you.
Doxxing was going on at JPP long before I got here and will continue long after I leave. You denying that fact makes it imposable to have an honest conversation with you.

Show me where I denied there was doxxing here in the past. I'm questioning your claim that the mods helped someone dox you when you were a noob. No mod has ever stood by silently when presented real proof of doxxing, which you would know if you had been here long enough. You have lied about me and others for so long that it's clear you're the one with honesty problems.
Show me where I denied there was doxxing here in the past. I'm questioning your claim that the mods helped someone dox you when you were a noob. No mod has ever stood by silently when presented real proof of doxxing, which you would know if you had been here long enough. You have lied about me and others for so long that it's clear you're the one with honesty problems.

Glad I didn't miss this exchange between crazy COgoat/Titmouse and reality. Continue kicking his shriveled ass. Thank you.
Show me where I denied there was doxxing here in the past. I'm questioning your claim that the mods helped someone dox you when you were a noob. No mod has ever stood by silently when presented real proof of doxxing, which you would know if you had been here long enough. You have lied about me and others for so long that it's clear you're the one with honesty problems.
It's my duty to let noobs know what happens when they argue with Dutch or anyone in the liars club. There is no way I could be doxxed in a month without mod help. It took me over 8 months and a lot of money to find out who Dutch is. And I'm pretty good at what I do.
It's my duty to let noobs know what happens when they argue with Dutch or anyone in the liars club. There is no way I could be doxxed in a month without mod help. It took me over 8 months and a lot of money to find out who Dutch is. And I'm pretty good at what I do.

What I believe is that if you were doxxed on any forum with mod help, you would quit that forum and never show your face there again.

I don't recall a single poster getting banned for doxxing you, or even getting a warning. So put up or shut up already.
What I believe is that if you were doxxed on any forum with mod help, you would quit that forum and never show your face there again.

I don't recall a single poster getting banned for doxxing you, or even getting a warning. So put up or shut up already.

I'm also enjoying how he confesses to spending actual money to dox someone on this forum -- Dutch Uncle -- while whining that he was allegedly doxed but with absolutely zero details or proof. Contacts at Pinkerton? lol
What I believe is that if you were doxxed on any forum with mod help, you would quit that forum and never show your face there again.

I don't recall a single poster getting banned for doxxing you, or even getting a warning. So put up or shut up already.
I drank beer and smoked dope with half of Cyberia. They know I'm a stand-up guy. I'd drink beer with Dutch to bury the hatchet but he's too much of a coward.
It's my duty to let noobs know what happens when they argue with Dutch or anyone in the liars club. There is no way I could be doxxed in a month without mod help. It took me over 8 months and a lot of money to find out who Dutch is. And I'm pretty good at what I do.

Paranoid Schizophrenic talk, COgoat.
Seismic is only a small part of geophysics. Dutch noticed also that you seem to have forgetten your own screen name was Jank. I'm getting a distinct sense of deception

My favorite time to go Sock Hunting is Friday and Saturday nights after 9PM. Jank gave himself away early in the day..which is odd. LOL