Remake The Confederate Flag

This makes absolutely no sense.

Fighting against a tyrannical central government makes plenty of sense.

Name the tyrannies. I suppose the proposal to amend the constitution to protect slavery in the southern states was tyrannical. Also, passage and enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Laws was tyrannical. But, worst of all, the voters (who are kind of like the central government) elected a Republican president. TYRANNY!!
maintaining a military base on foreign soil, forcing the south to evict them using force of arms.

They gave it to us. Were we supposed to just use it for conferences and stuff? Besides, once they seceded, nothing America did could constitute a tyranny toward them. Hostility, yes, but not tyranny.
The Confederate Battle Flag should fly above the state houses of every single state which made up the confederacy.

I can't say that I agree with that sentiment but I do think that if a city or state has an open vote on the matter and it gets approved to be displayed as a memorial of sorts then i'd be ok with that, and of course if someone wants to fly it on their property, but otherwise it should be the US flag and the state flag in my personal opinion.
yes they do

Internationally, the battle flag is the symbol of the american south. Nationally, the battle flag is the symbol of the southern people.

Only Woodstock mudders, far left radicals whom became nationally prominent demonized the flag and turned the south into Nazi Germany and only them.

This is just another historic American symbol being ravaged and smeared by Woodstock mudders who want every single aspect through symbolism of western Christian civilization obliterated.
I can't say that I agree with that sentiment but I do think that if a city or state has an open vote on the matter and it gets approved to be displayed as a memorial of sorts then i'd be ok with that, and of course if someone wants to fly it on their property, but otherwise it should be the US flag and the state flag in my personal opinion.

Do you know anybody who would fly it over their home after it was demonized as a Nazi flag and a racist symbol? When they tell you you can fly it at home, they're telling you you're a Nazi and a bigot if you do.

Wanna take down the battle flag above state court houses? Fine, then take down the american flag and fly state flags only minus the southern cross. Have you ever heard any of them suggest this? You wont because all of them want a nationalist flag only flying above all state court houses. It's the symbolism of all nationalists that they want replacing what the people in the states want.

They are totalitarians and they want a vision of america only that expresses their totalitarian views.