Remake The Confederate Flag

Do you know anybody who would fly it over their home after it was demonized as a Nazi flag and a racist symbol? When they tell you you can fly it at home, they're telling you you're a Nazi and a bigot if you do.

Wanna take down the battle flag above state court houses? Fine, then take down the american flag and fly state flags only minus the southern cross. Have you ever heard any of them suggest this? You wont because all of them want a nationalist flag only flying above all state court houses. It's the symbolism of all nationalists that they want replacing what the people in the states want.

They are totalitarians and they want a vision of america only that expresses their totalitarian views.

It's the flag of your beloved country, dumbass. Granted, southerners are only Americans by virtue of conquest, but if you love America, and enjoy flying a flag over your dwelling, then you should have zero problems with Old Gloury. You are a Nazi and a bigot if you fly the southern swastika, but, worst of all, you are someone who promotes treason, and the notion of more than 400k dead American soldiers.

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they are racists

your party courted their vote

now they are yours

you cant win with them to without them
It's the flag of your beloved country, dumbass. Granted, southerners are only Americans by virtue of conquest, but if you love America, and enjoy flying a flag over your dwelling, then you should have zero problems with Old Gloury. You are a Nazi and a bigot if you fly the southern swastika, but, worst of all, you are someone who promotes treason, and the notion of more than 400k dead American soldiers.


It's called a compromise.

No confederate battle flag then no american flag. A state flag only with no southern cross on it and no federal flag over a state house.

You can still fly your slaver american flag at your home.
It's called a compromise.

No confederate battle flag then no american flag. A state flag only with no southern cross on it and no federal flag over a state house.

You can still fly your slaver american flag at your home.
So, you don't honor the Stars and Stripes? That is rare for a crazy, white conservative.
Internationally, the battle flag is the symbol of the american south. Nationally, the battle flag is the symbol of the southern people.

Only Woodstock mudders, far left radicals whom became nationally prominent demonized the flag and turned the south into Nazi Germany and only them.

This is just another historic American symbol being ravaged and smeared by Woodstock mudders who want every single aspect through symbolism of western Christian civilization obliterated.

Here's a rebel flag for all Americans. Lol

Here's a rebel flag for all Americans. Lol


So why should everything that offends you be censored? Who are you to determine what is and isn't legally offensive?

You are an intolerant leftist who wants to set the rules about what is offensive, aren't you? You want to file a law suit every time you're offended, do you not support that? Where does the constitution say that you can file a legal suit in order to have what offends you censored?

Evince offends me with her vile mouth. Should evince be censored?

And don't give me blacks. If blacks want to be offended by something, let them be offended by Yankee slavers who brought them here on slave ships for a change. Or Wall Street businessmen who made a fortune off the slave labor of their ancestors.

You need to be stopped at setting PC rules in society over offensive things then filing law suits against all those who violate them.
So why should everything that offends you be censored? Who are you to determine what is and isn't legally offensive?

You are an intolerant leftist who wants to set the rules about what is offensive, aren't you? You want to file a law suit every time you're offended, do you not support that? Where does the constitution say that you can file a legal suit in order to have what offends you censored?

Evince offends me with her vile mouth. Should evince be censored?

And don't give me blacks. If blacks want to be offended by something, let them be offended by Yankee slavers who brought them here on slave ships for a change. Or Wall Street businessmen who made a fortune off the slave labor of their ancestors.

You need to be stopped at setting PC rules in society over offensive things then filing law suits against all those who violate them.

Go ahead and fly your shit rag flag. It will let your neighbors know a traitorous racist loser lives at your house.
It would be a service to your community, like sex offender registration. Lol
So why should everything that offends you be censored? Who are you to determine what is and isn't legally offensive?

You are an intolerant leftist who wants to set the rules about what is offensive, aren't you? You want to file a law suit every time you're offended, do you not support that? Where does the constitution say that you can file a legal suit in order to have what offends you censored?

Evince offends me with her vile mouth. Should evince be censored?

And don't give me blacks. If blacks want to be offended by something, let them be offended by Yankee slavers who brought them here on slave ships for a change. Or Wall Street businessmen who made a fortune off the slave labor of their ancestors.

You need to be stopped at setting PC rules in society over offensive things then filing law suits against all those who violate them.

The south, in general, is offensive. But, feel free to fly non-treasonous attire. :thup:
Go ahead and fly your shit rag flag. It will let your neighbors know a traitorous racist loser lives at your house.
It would be a service to your community, like sex offender registration. Lol

I already brought this up earlier.

Notice how they want to isolate you for ridicule and scorn when you break their PC rules about what they consider offensive.