And W didn’t lie us to war in Iraq
And Robmoney will win by five
And there was no economic crash coming in 2008
You suck at everything that requires honoring truth
It is weird, RW females are t much different when it comes to Hillary. The lies seem to stick, her accomplishments are always ignored.
I often dream of it…If she had won in 2016 I expect that 1) the world would be a different, and better place, and 2) the dignity of the Office of the President of the United States would still be intact and not dragged through piles of corruption and shit like it was.
If she had won in 2016 I expect that 1) the world would be a different, and better, place, and 2) the dignity of the Office of the President of the United States would still be intact and not dragged through piles of corruption and shit like it was.
Weapons of mass destruction were found and Saddam never lived up to the cease fire agreement!
Don't like Romney, so don't care!
According to barney franks and, dodd there wasn't, but they did cause it!
None of that has anything to do with my post, but I answered each point!
When the difference is between going to prison or running for President that's a pass, not due punishment.
And yeah, if I brought home SCI information to my house I would go to prison. I don't know how it applies to Presidents though since they literally can declassify at will, have SCIFs at their location wherever they are, and the papers did go where they belonged eventually.![]()
Seriously, I would be in prison, but I was not the President and never had my own SCIF follow me around... And Mar-A-Lago had SCIF facilities for him to work in while he was there as the President.
Losing a job, however grueling the job interview, is not the same thing as being duly punished for failing to secure compartmentalized information that never should leave a SCIF.
Now if he brought them home and threw them on the hall table... Maybe. I don't know how they were treated. If they simply happened to be there because he worked at Mar-A-Lago often and were within the SCI facilities they set up for him while he worked there... not so much.
And lots of right wing republicans would be alive instead of dead from covid
These idiots are dying for this evil party
Exactly where were those WMD found?
If she had won in 2016 I expect that 1) the world would be a different, and better, place, and 2) the dignity of the Office of the President of the United States would still be intact and not dragged through piles of corruption and shit like it was.
This country would be immeasurably better off if Gore had been inaugurated in 2000, and if Hillary had won in 2016.
By any objective measure, George Dumbya Bush and Donald Trumpf are among the worst, most incompetent presidents in the history of our great nation
According to the 10,000-word, eight-part interactive report ("The Secret Casualties of Iraq's Abandoned Chemical Weapons") by C.J. Chivers published on the paper's website
Was this ever confirmed by the pentagon?
Why didn’t the bush People use this as their defense for the Iraq war ?
Why did they so many admit the Iraq war was Failure?
So exactly what has Hillary done? Dutch and you believe every lie ever published about her. You’re almost as bad as the Covidiots when it comes to Hillary. The most investigated person in this century and you guys are still yelling “lock her up”
You believe inaccuracies, and repeat inaccuracies.Lies??????? FACT! Hillary used an unauthorized email server that had up to TOP SECRET SAR on it. Confirmed by the FBI and State Dept. That alone is sufficient evidence to put most people in jail. You are just like the Trump lovers in that you don't believe she would do anything illegal.
I honestly believe you could witness her push an old person in front of a bus with your own eyes but claim it wasn't her!
This country would be immeasurably better off if Gore had been inaugurated in 2000, and if Hillary had won in 2016.
By any objective measure, George Dumbya Bush and Donald Trumpf are among the worst, most incompetent presidents in the history of our great nation
Do I believe you or my lying eyes? I saw the testimony citing the server findings before congress under oath.You believe inaccuracies, and repeat inaccuracies.
The last statement is an insult and you can fuck off.![]()
is an insult also so your fuck you is back at you.You’re almost as bad as the Covidiots when it comes to Hillary. T
Ohhhh, does it hurt your feelings? You tend to exaggerate, I don’t groan like Earl. I also know that Comey said there was no crime, but you continue to believe, falsely that there was. So you only quote Comey when it’s convenient.
“The FBI has determined that a new batch of emails linked to Hillary Clinton’s private email server “have not changed our conclusion” that she committed no criminal wrongdoing, FBI director James Comey told congressional leaders in a letter on Sunday.”
I'll second that idea.