Republican National Federation Chair accused of sexually assaulting sleeping man

Yeah, but topper can spell 'but'.

It could be a ruse the troll is using to try and throw us off. After all, do you know of any poster here who does not know how to spell "but"?

I suspect the whole "butt" thing might not be entirely on the up and up. But of course, I'm no expert. Whereas, you, must already know who the troll is, and are just playing your cards close to the vest.
It could be a ruse the troll is using to try and throw us off. After all, do you know of any poster here who does not know how to spell "but"?

I suspect the whole "butt" thing might not be entirely on the up and up. But of course, I'm no expert. Whereas, you, must already know who the troll is, and are just playing your cards close to the vest.
Of course I know who the troll is, butt I hain't telling?
Have you noticed something? First of all, if you put a question mark after all of Topper's declarative statements, he reads exactly like RJS. And second of all, Topper has not been around ever since this RJS showed up. terms of grammar, puncuation, and spelling they do seem similar.
And topper and runyon have both been avoiding oil related threads lately....

I threw a couple out there lately and both of them avoided the bait to the best of my recollection.
I would be willing to bet that it's not topper. RJS's grammer is purposely screwed up. Topper's seems to be just bad. I think RJS is way too funny and good to be topper.
I make too much money to pose as somebody else!!!

And no one could match my grammar missuseage

Did I miss an oil thread, we had two people quit and I've actually started to work a little bit more
I make too much money to pose as somebody else!!!

And no one could match my grammar missuseage

Did I miss an oil thread, we had two people quit and I've actually started to work a little bit more

It's funny that all this money you make doesn't stop you from posing as a jackass.

However, on reflection, I think Digitial Dave might be right, and it's not you for the reasons he stated.
Although...I can't help noticing that today Topper is here, and coincidently, RJS isn't. And the reverse has been true the past several days.

actually, it has been me the whole time. Two windows open... both logged in at the same time... not really that hard to be two people at once.