Republican National Federation Chair accused of sexually assaulting sleeping man

I was getting tired of "skewering" everyone... but I don't think we have seen the last of him.... we may need some comic relief down the road.

I was getting tired of "skewering" everyone... but I don't think we have seen the last of him.... we may need some comic relief down the road.


Cool...yep, we do need some comedy around here, Top's posts, while funny, just aren't quite that funny.
I just spent half the afternoon slamming lunatics who want to claim Bush planted explosives in the WTC, you moron. In other words, I was berating the anti-bush conspiracy theorists.

Of course, you wouldn't notice that. You think you can peg me into some neat little ideological hole.

Piss off


yes, what a loyal little status quo maintenance bot you are.
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I was getting tired of "skewering" everyone... but I don't think we have seen the last of him.... we may need some comic relief down the road.


That character had me in tears a couple of times, I was laughing so hard. You're right; he was a welcome comic relief! I'm going to miss him (until you bring him back, that is!) :p
That character had me in tears a couple of times, I was laughing so hard. You're right; he was a welcome comic relief! I'm going to miss him (until you bring him back, that is!) :p

I wouldn't have guessed SF had it in him. He surprised me here! But it was a good surprise. SF , you are funny.
I just assumed he was telling the truth. I don't think anyone would lie about being a troll, I can see someone lying and saying they weren't a troll.

But then again... I am conservative... and ya know how we do so enjoy lying to gullible libs.
