Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

I am the lucky outlier on reactions to the shot. My wife, son and I had Pfizer, my dad, sister and BIL had Moderna as well as my cousin and his wife. None of them had a reaction but I spent about 18 hours with a fever and chills and a splitting headache. I still say it beats having COVID and would recommend everyone to get vaccinated.

The weather has gotten more seasonal the last two days…lows in the 30’s to 40’s, highs in the 50’s to 60’s. Beats being nearly 80. I ran around in shorts and t-shirts Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I am an outdoor person and there are activities I like to participate in during all seasons. For me, the two weeks I get off for Christmas are when I do the most small game hunting. It’s unpleasant to wear the clothes you have to wear to protect you from the briars and brush and slog through the woods when it’s 80 degrees. So the more normal weather for December we have the better I like it.

Hope you find that Cajun food truck. I recommend a crawfish pie and some boudin balls. ;)

I felt terrible all day yesterday but mustered up the gumption to go with the fam to see the new Spider-Man movie. It was good and I do recommend it and by the time the movie was over I felt considerably better. Planning to go see The Matrix tomorrow night. Will give my unbiased opinion on it at the appropriate time.

Edit: We’ve also eaten like savages those holiday season … but then I’ve looked like a nose tackle since birth.
Edit: We’ve also eaten like savages ths holiday season … but then I’ve looked like a nose tackle since birth.

You can't say that when you include a photo, Rev. :nono:
I can see you.
You're not fat.

I, on the other hand, use a photo of the family's most fit member as my avatar.
Went for a short squirrel hunt this morning. They weren’t stirring. Picked up my dad and my cousin and drove the 60 miles to Harbor Freight after lunch. Dad and I went halves on a chipper/mulcher. I got it all assembled and will put oil and gas in it in the morning. He needs his pecan trees trimmed and I have a yard full of leaves (all blown agains the north fence right now) … we’ll see how the machine fares tomorrow. Really hoping it chips the limbs well so I can use the chips in my smoker.

That’s my day today. Looking forward to the Titans putting the smack down on the 49ers later this evening. Well, hoping anyway.

If you got the big one, it will handle 'em just fine. Wear some good work gloves, that thing likes to grab and shake the limb you're feeding it. It will try to eat it too fast too. Get a good hold of it to keep it feeding too fast and jamming the machine.

Makes a nice bit of sawdust out of 'em. They'll be great for your smoker.

If you got the small one, it won't do much more than light stuff and leaves.
If you got the big one, it will handle 'em just fine. Wear some good work gloves, that thing likes to grab and shake the limb you're feeding it. It will try to eat it too fast too. Get a good hold of it to keep it feeding too fast and jamming the machine.

Makes a nice bit of sawdust out of 'em. They'll be great for your smoker.

If you got the small one, it won't do much more than light stuff and leaves.

It’s a small one (6.5 HP). I don’t plan on running anything through it that’s more than a couple of inches in diameter. Anything else will be heater wood for the shop heater. I used it some, just breaking it in. I really wanted to use if for leaves as well (making mulch to put on my garden) but the large leaves off of my sycamore trees have to be forced through the chute opening to get to the chopper blades, making it a slow process. I did some limbs that were seasoned and it zipped them through with no problem.
It’s a small one (6.5 HP). I don’t plan on running anything through it that’s more than a couple of inches in diameter. Anything else will be heater wood for the shop heater. I used it some, just breaking it in. I really wanted to use if for leaves as well (making mulch to put on my garden) but the large leaves off of my sycamore trees have to be forced through the chute opening to get to the chopper blades, making it a slow process. I did some limbs that were seasoned and it zipped them through with no problem.

Get a can of spray cooking oil and spray the chutes occasionally. It will make the leaves feed easier. Same with the snow thrower.
I have a small one too. Takes up to a 2" limb. I throw smaller branches down the chute, but stand clear of the ones that occasionally come flying back. Use a good straight branch for pushing leaves into the blades.
It’s a small one (6.5 HP). I don’t plan on running anything through it that’s more than a couple of inches in diameter. Anything else will be heater wood for the shop heater. I used it some, just breaking it in. I really wanted to use if for leaves as well (making mulch to put on my garden) but the large leaves off of my sycamore trees have to be forced through the chute opening to get to the chopper blades, making it a slow process. I did some limbs that were seasoned and it zipped them through with no problem.

That's the 'big' one! Good machine. Yeah. Leaves tend to be like that. They often hang up in the rubber fingers 'protecting' you from the machine. They also often go through too quickly, and don't chop into fine bits. Glad to hear it's performing well for the limbs you are chipping. It can deal with any straight limb you can stuff into the funnel. I've stuffed whole scrub trees in there (small ones)! Just let that funnel help you fold up the branches into one bundle. It's great for chewing up blackberry vines as well (a real big problem here in the Pacific Northwest). We have a LOT of underbrush around here.

Usually I don't use the collection sock. I take that off and have it empty straight into my tractor bucket. Then I just haul off with it where I'm going to put it or spread it. I found the stupid little sock they give you to be too small.
Get a can of spray cooking oil and spray the chutes occasionally. It will make the leaves feed easier. Same with the snow thrower.
I have a small one too. Takes up to a 2" limb. I throw smaller branches down the chute, but stand clear of the ones that occasionally come flying back. Use a good straight branch for pushing leaves into the blades.

Good advice. Also a good reason to use some kind of eye protection around the thing!
That's the 'big' one! Good machine. Yeah. Leaves tend to be like that. They often hang up in the rubber fingers 'protecting' you from the machine. They also often go through too quickly, and don't chop into fine bits. Glad to hear it's performing well for the limbs you are chipping. It can deal with any straight limb you can stuff into the funnel. I've stuffed whole scrub trees in there (small ones)! Just let that funnel help you fold up the branches into one bundle. It's great for chewing up blackberry vines as well (a real big problem here in the Pacific Northwest). We have a LOT of underbrush around here.

Usually I don't use the collection sock. I take that off and have it empty straight into my tractor bucket. Then I just haul off with it where I'm going to put it or spread it. I found the stupid little sock they give you to be too small.

I took the plastic finger thing off of the leaf chute. Got a can of cheap cooking spray ready for when I get back to the leaves ricked up along my back fence. I usually rake them off the fence and burn them but will start tilling them into my garden. I used the sock thing and have a plan for not using it when operating on a larger scale. I think it is going to turn out to be a worthwhile investment.
My unbiased opinion on the new Matrix movie…I you were a fan of the original 3 you’ll really like this one. That’s all I will say as I don’t want to spoil anything. I was a fan of the first one, saw the second one and didn’t like it so didn’t watch the third one until 15 years later. It tied things together for me and I tolerated the second one a bit better. I thought the new one was very good.

Loved watching my Sooners (was a big fan long before my boy was born, now he’s a freshman there … Deans HR 1st semester) do some duck hunting last night. Looking forward to the Venables years…but Bob Stoops is such a stand up guy for holding things together after Riley left under the cover of darkness. Looking forward to the bowl games this weekend and the NFL AFC is just crazy…13/16 still with a mathematical shot at the playoffs. Ought to make for fun football.

New Years Eve party is up in the air. Will evaluate people’s health and see where we will gather. Bought my black eyed peas and hog jowl this evening for New Years Day. 2021 is disappearing fast.
I took the plastic finger thing off of the leaf chute. Got a can of cheap cooking spray ready for when I get back to the leaves ricked up along my back fence. I usually rake them off the fence and burn them but will start tilling them into my garden. I used the sock thing and have a plan for not using it when operating on a larger scale. I think it is going to turn out to be a worthwhile investment.

I made a hitch bar and attached it to the chipper to pull it around the yard with my tractor. My new tractor's hitch point is about 3" lower than the other tractor I had. I will have to heat and bend the bar to lower the hitch point so the shredder doesn't drag on the ground. Just have to measure and figure how far apart to make the bends, where on the bar and on what angles to make the hitch parallel with the tractor hitch point. Pretty simple to figure, but will be somewhat difficult to keep the bends parallel. The bar is 1/2" X 3" CRS and about 3' or so long. I have to make sure it doesn't shorten the bar, it is pretty close to the back end of the tractor and the chute comes close to the seat on sharp turns.

My shredder is an old Craftsman 5.5 HP. It's amazing, it starts on the first or second pull just about every time I start it, even after sitting for a few years. I put Lucas Oil fuel treatment in the gas, run it for a few minutes then shut the fuel off and let it run until it runs out of gas. I do that with all my small engines, they start right up after sitting.
It doesn't have the plastic or rubber fingers, so like I said, you have to stand clear of the chute. I must unhook it from the tractor when stuffing branches in it or when a stick comes shooting back out, it doesn't stick in the back of the tractor seat (don't ask how I came to that conclusion!).

There's no doubt, if you have a lot of leaves, branches and brush, a shredder is a good investment. I got this from my father, he bought it to shred the chestnut burrs from the 3 chestnut trees he had in the back yard until he cut them down. I was the one who loaded them in the hopper, it didn't take long at all to learn to stay clear of the hopper when loading it with chestnut burrs!!
I took the plastic finger thing off of the leaf chute. Got a can of cheap cooking spray ready for when I get back to the leaves ricked up along my back fence. I usually rake them off the fence and burn them but will start tilling them into my garden. I used the sock thing and have a plan for not using it when operating on a larger scale. I think it is going to turn out to be a worthwhile investment.

I've sure been happy with mine.
Well, I trimmed dads pecan trees and used the new chipper to take care of the limbs. The thing worked great. Did exactly what I needed it to do with ease. Glad I bought it.

Went rabbit hunting until it started raining. My poor beagle is too fat … and the weather is too hot.

New Years Eve party is on. I’m sure it doesn’t qualify as a “party” for most folks but it’s the way I’ve done NYE all my life. We’ll sing a little, play some dominoes, eat wat too much, try to sing a little more then at midnight we’ll step out on the porch and shoot a shotgun (sometimes I buy fireworks but this year a gun as our noisemaker will have to do). Then I’ll drive home and unwind a few minutes before going to bed. I’ll be making some bacon wrapped deer kabobs for tonight.

Happy New Year, Mr. Niblick. Remember you’re now closer to Spring … and some golf. :thumbsup:
Being seventy-five is very different from being thirty-five.

We used to dress up--sometimes I even wore a tux--and eat, drink, and dance all through the night at some fancy hotel ballroom.

Last night I was in my bathrobe watching the Three Stooges Marathon on cable TV. It was pretty good.

Like most broads, the Gestapo thinks that the Three Stooges are strictly a stupid guy thing.
Don't know what the hell she was doing before she went to bed.

I had to wish the Gestapo "Happy Near Year" when we got up this morning because she was snoring by 11:15 PM last night while I watched the Stooges until about 2.
We gave each other a little peck.
I seem to remember our once doing something else in these situations, but it was so long ago, it's hard to remember exactly.
You have that problem with the Stooges too? Go figure.

I slept in until 8:30 then dozed in my chair “listening” to the talking heads tell me about todays games. I put the black eyed peas and hog jowl in the slow cooker and like the guys says, “I set it and forget it.” Then I spent New Years Day taking down the Christmas lights and helping the wife take down sundry decorations.

The rest of the time I’ve been watching football and preparing sermons for tomorrow. Time to go back to work. But I have enjoyed my vacation even though I was sick through part of it.
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,
are dismantling the democratic republic of the United States of America by taking over complete control of who votes
and whose ballots get counted,

storming the capitol should no longer be necessary.

They have discovered how unnecessary it was to start the previous civil war by firing on Fort Sumter.
They could have just stayed home and done it in a perfectly constitutionally compliant way.

Rural Christian conservatives are able to destroy the republic as a minority
because the genius founders provided them the right to do it.

What's worse, the confederates are not merely seeking separation anymore.
Now, they want to take over the whole thing.
That, however, they can only do with our help.
Blue States have legislatures as well. Also, a fuck of a lot more money.

Civilized progressive liberals have got to wake up.
We no longer have the luxury of believing in the idyllic America that we were told about by clueless grade school teachers.
It was a nice thought, but it was total bullshit. We should be easily able to see that now.

There are people in the middle of this country who hate us,
who hate our modern and humane ideas,
who worship a magic man in the sky,
and who believe that the magic man wants them in charge.
They have lots of guns.
They have no brains whatsoever.

The centrists and fence-sitters among us are not neutral;
they're clearly on the side of the shitkicker crackers.
They're all Joe Manchin without the expensive haircuts that they wouldn't be able to get back in their home states such as West Virginia.

So now, non-devolved, still with functioning brains humans, what do you plan to do about it?
You're not all pushing seventy-five.
Most of you will have to be here for a long, long time.
Do you wish to live like a human being,
or like a devolved mutant trumpanzee?

I have been the only contributor on this forum to remind you of what should have been obvious.

We have radical problems,
and there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.

You can continue to be panty-waists fellating your precious constitution,
or you can decide that you'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES
to not live like some drooling cracker like the ones you've met here at JPP.

In that case Justice should assume leadership at hauling their stinking hides in to be held criminal accountable at waging their own Taliban type war on Democracy, society and humanity.
You have that problem with the Stooges too? Go figure.

I slept in until 8:30 then dozed in my chair “listening” to the talking heads tell me about todays games. I put the black eyed peas and hog jowl in the slow cooker and like the guys says, “I set it and forget it.” Then I spent New Years Day taking down the Christmas lights and helping the wife take down sundry decorations.

The rest of the time I’ve been watching football and preparing sermons for tomorrow. Time to go back to work. But I have enjoyed my vacation even though I was sick through part of it.

I remember decades of sleeping in my recliner through bowl games if I wasn't too hung over to even sleep.

Today, I neither drink heavily nor watch bowl games. Our lives evolve, except that I still overeat.
Back to work this week. Busy, busy. Getting back into the routine. Go to work at 10, come home at 2:30. Linear equations, ratios and proportions, and operations with radicals/radical equations. These kids are behind and I gotta start somewhere.

Looking forward to pro football in the coming weeks. Then I’ll take a break from sports until March madness. I’ll get my boats and fishing gear ready to go as the weather warms up. I went fishing a total of three times last Spring/Summer. I’m thinking about getting back into fishing bass tournaments this spring. I’ll have to recruit a partner since my boy is in college but maybe I can find one.

I need to start my tomato plants and jalapeño plants soon so they’ll be ready to put in the garden come spring. Cabbage planting time sneaks up on a fellow. After January times get busy as my attention turns to things besides hunting. Time marches on. Have Gun Will Travel is over so I’d better start my day.
God bless you, Rev.

You sound so content and happy living a life that would make me suicidal!
I'm happy for you, but also happy for me.

In Boston, catching one's first bass or shooting one's first deer isn't the memory of boyhood passage that we fondly remember.
We remember things like the first time we successfully unhooked a bra in junior high.

And yet, believe it or not, living right in the city, we still had a little patch of yard behind the house where my dad planted tomatos and peppers, albeit not jalapeños.
There were fresh produce vendors right up the street, but he just enjoyed doing it,
When he got older, I turned the soil for him in the spring.
So I suppose in the end that we're not completely different after all.
Same to you Mr. Niblick.

It’s been a good week. Good classes at school. Trying a new strategy to keep the interest of my most troubled class…8th graders. I’ve also taken care of the leaves in my yard finally. Then I counted my squirrel tails before going to church last night. Looks like I’ve killed 74 this year. At the end of the month I’ll mail the tails to Wisconsin. I need to send 26 more to avoid shipping charges but that likely won’t happen.

Arctic weather has moved in here. It’s 34 this morning but that is the high. It’ll be 17 by bed time with a pert North wind. Brrr… But I like it.

Working to get about 20 to 30 pounds off by summer. I didn’t do badly during the holidays but was needing to drop said pounds before the holidays ever got here. The problem is that every hobby I have leads to eating…hunting and fishing — you eat what you kill or catch. Gardening — you eat what you grow. Entertaining — gotta offer food when you have folks over. Makes it rough on a guy. That’s why I’m going to make a dedicated effort to golf more when the weather warms up … and to walk at least 9 holes when I go by myself (my golfing friend could not walk any so it’s gotta be when I’m by myself).

When we had to live in a city (dad was in the Army and stationed at a base in a city the first 8 years of my life) I remember dad turning the soil with a shovel and raising a small garden in our tiny back yard. There’s nothing like a fresh tomato right out of the garden. I understand why he did that now. Plus there’s a certain amount of satisfaction in raising some food. So no, we’re not completely different.