Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

Had to go in this morning to run the clock for a 7th and 8th grade county tournament basketball game. We’re hosting the County Tournament next week and this was a play in game for the bottom two seeds in the boys bracket.

We are on the line with the internet company now who is trying to walk us through some tests to boost our internet speed. My wife is trying to take care of that. We’ve been having trouble streaming our shows lately so we’re doing what we can do to boost the speed. It’s so funny that the first thing they tell you to try is to unplug and then plug it back in. Us - Uhh…we’ve tried that. Them - humor us and try it again. Lol.

I walked about a three mile circle in the woods with my beagle this afternoon. Good exercise. She ran a few rabbits but I wasn’t trying to kill any. My freezers are full of meat for the year.

Cabbage soup and air fried deer tenderloin … that’s what’s for dinner. Waiting on it the left over soup to cool down some so I can put it away. I’m down about 5 lbs. so far. Got a long ways to go.

The wife and I are still adjusting to being alone together. She doesn’t come into the living room wearing nothing but a couple of Christmas bows like she used to at times, but we’re making it. We went grocery shopping last night then went out to eat. I asked her if that qualified as a date? Maybe…;)
Enjoy your lady, Rev.

The Gestapo in a bad mood can be a pretty scary broad, truth be told, but I'd be pretty fucked on my own without her.

Fate didn't send us out there alone; it must have known something.

I had beagles before our current canine family member, but none of them were working dogs.
One used to sleep in my son's room, one in my daughter's, and one slept between the Gestapo and me lest the family get any bigger.
The terrier does the same now, not that there would be too much need for family planning at this point.
Just in case, I guess.
Love beagles. Great pets, good rabbit dogs.

What a day of football! I’ve watched some great games not the least of which is this Chargers/Raiders game right now in overtime. Great comeback by the Chargers no matter how it winds up. If they tie and the Steelers are kept out of the playoffs I’m going to laugh my head off.

Really wanting a Taco Bell Mexican pizza right now. I’ll just finish watching the football game though.

We host the Junior High County Basketball Tournament this week. I’ve got the clock Tuesday night plus I have to make a pot of soup and a cake for the hospitality room.

Our High School basketball teams had a great weekend. After losing the first game to the eventual tournament,ent champions our boys won out on the consolation side. Our girls just hooked up and won the whole thing. Then our Academic team won the Brain Bowl against about 11 much larger schools…and a couple of private schools. I always love when we whip the private schools in academics.

This game is tied again. Great stuff…
Love beagles. Great pets, good rabbit dogs.

What a day of football! I’ve watched some great games not the least of which is this Chargers/Raiders game right now in overtime. Great comeback by the Chargers no matter how it winds up. If they tie and the Steelers are kept out of the playoffs I’m going to laugh my head off.

Really wanting a Taco Bell Mexican pizza right now. I’ll just finish watching the football game though.

We host the Junior High County Basketball Tournament this week. I’ve got the clock Tuesday night plus I have to make a pot of soup and a cake for the hospitality room.

Our High School basketball teams had a great weekend. After losing the first game to the eventual tournament,ent champions our boys won out on the consolation side. Our girls just hooked up and won the whole thing. Then our Academic team won the Brain Bowl against about 11 much larger schools…and a couple of private schools. I always love when we whip the private schools in academics.

This game is tied again. Great stuff…

I guess you aren't laughing your head off, the Steelers are in!

Beagles are awesome dogs. Great around kids and are, as you said, great rabbit dogs. My father had one when I was a kid. It was an outside dog and a great hunter. It got loose and a car hit it.
Then, we got a Basset hound. Also an outside dog and was a great pheasant dog. Funny as heck, it would scent a bird and off it would go through the corn rows. Corn rows are concave and the poor thing would step on it's ears and it's head would hit the dirt. It would get right up, bark, and take off again. It caught distemper one cold winter and we had to put it down. It was only 4 yrs. old :(

After I got married, the ex-wife said she wanted a kid or a dog. We got a Basset hound. This time we made it a house dog, After hours training it on her father's farm, it became a great hunter too...until stupid me took it groundhog hunting (as I always did) and a groundhog stood up on the road between the fields. I pulled up my Swift and fired and the dog was right under the muzzle and it scared it. It went gun shy. It would never go with anyone with a gun again. It would go and hunt with me if I just went for a walk, but if I had a gun, the poor thing would not follow me. It was such a good, well trained dog for it's whole life that after the ex-wife had to put it down, I figured I'd never train a dog as well as that Basset, so I never got another dog.
Well, COVID is once again running rampant around here. Three of our county schools have gone virtual and I suspect that we'll be close behind. I'll have to become a Youtube star on my Youtube channel again explaining how to graph lines and solve radical equations. Fun stuff.

What a good NC football game last night. I don't care about Alabama or Georgia (but was kind of rooting for Georgia because, well, Alabama's recent dominance) and could watch the game for what it was worth and see it for what it was. It's funny how I disagree with the refs less when I don't have a dog in the hunt. ;) Defense dominated until Alabama's defense got a little bit more tired than Georgia's. Georgia sticking with the run, even when it wasn't very productive, paid dividends, IMO. I enjoyed the game and turned the TV to Perry Mason as soon as it was over. Not having a dog in the hunt I could not have cared less about the post game interviews or trophy presentation.

I have to keep the clock at the JH County Tournament games this afternoon and tonight ... 4 games total. I made a slow cooker of lasagna soup and my wife baked a red velvet cake for the hospitality room. The coaches, administrators and refs get to go in there and gnosh on what is available throughout the evening. Hopefully these games will be entertaining, though early games of this tournament usually are not. We have 17 Junior High's in the county so it is a 17 team tournament. Lots of disparity early on. Incidentally our High School County Tournament is one of the longest running, true county tournaments in the country. We have 13 high schools with enrollments ranging from 40 something (9-12) to 1000 or more (9-12). We have the county tournament for baseball in the spring as well. Hosting these tournaments is a huge job, especially for smaller schools who have fewer workers, but it is a huge boon to the host school's Athletic Fund.

The Fish and Game Department was discing the dozer trail between my property (actually all bordering private property) and the public hunting area. That tells me they're getting ready to do a controlled burn so my place will be smoky for a few days. They do this every couple of years and it is extremely helpful to the flora and fauna, IMO.
I didn't watch a minute of the Alabama-Georgia game knowing that both teams couldn't lose.
I don't know who won, but I'm sure that they're very happy.

Once the Patriots are eliminated, that will be it for football watching until September, assuming that I'm still around.

I was watching an Italian movie on Netflix instead.
I used to be able to understand most of the dialogue in Italian films, but not any more.
The Italian speaking members of my family are all in caskets or urns these days, I'm too far out of practice,
and now I'm reduced to reading the subtitles like any other dumbass.
Spent the day doing various things. School has gone virtual so I have a bit more time on my hands. Went to the shooting range … really just a slate pit where we go to sight in our rifles. I was looking for 410 hulls to reload. Found a few. Blew through about 80 rounds of 9 mm using my cheap S&W pistol while I was there and shot my 44 mag project rifle too. The pistol shoots well enough and anything 100 yds and in is going to be toast if I’m carrying that rifle.

Cleaned the guns and ate some deer backstrap when I got home. Then I went to school and uploaded a couple of instructional videos and made a few Google Classroom assignments.

Got a fishing/hunting trip planned for in the morning. Going to set out some noodles the squirrel hunt until time to run them. Got to get that in while we got a warm spell. Chance of a bit of snow here Saturday.
Tell me, Rev, about deer backstrap.
I've never heard that term before, much less have eaten it.

I do have nice short range deer rifle--A Ruger 44 mag autoloading carbine, long out of production although its companion .22 rimfire carbine is still made, I believe.
I've had it since the mid sixties but never aimed it at a deer. I put it away clean so I assume that it would still shoot ok.
Typical urban gun owner. More stuff for the kids to sell when I die.
The backstrap of a deer is the loin that runs up each side of the backbone. It is IMO the 2nd best cut of meet from the deer. They’re about 3 to 4.5 inches in diameter and about 2 ft long. Most of us who take care of our own deer fillet them off the bone and either make a 1 ft piece for cooking or cut them into medallions and grill. It’s quite delicious.

Most rural folks, at least around here, cook a lot of their deer like chicken fried steak. In the last 10 years or so I have tried to elevate my game when it comes to cooking deer. It is a significant part of our diet. Lots of grilling, roasting in an air fryer (which is really just a small confection oven), making pot roasts out of parts of the hams, making jerky (a hit with the kids) and even pressure canning some for use in soups and making barbecue sandwiches.

I know we’ve talked about your Ruger 44 mag before. Those are awesome guns. If I ever find one I’m going to trade for it or buy it…just because I like guns. My brother has one that his late wife used to use for deer hunting. Several of the guys my age either got one of those little Rugers as their first deer rifle or they got a Winchester or Marlin 30/30.

That companion 22 you speak of is my varmint gun. It stands in the living room corner by the front door, loaded, so I can grab it quickly and dispatch the occasional skunk or armadillo … or in the extremely rare case, a bobcat as I recently posted about.

My son will one day have to sell my guns also. I do not foresee him being anything like me as far as loving the rural life. He’ll likely settle in some city here or abroad when he finishes his schooling and decides on a career. That’s the trend I’m seeing.
Went fishing and squirrel hunting with an old friend yesterday…ended up doing a bit of bird watching.

We baited some noodles and then tied the boat to the bank and squirrel hunted until it was time to check the noodles … just a few hours. Unfortunately for us the eagles were keeping the squirrels in their holes.

I have to moderate an academic competition tomorrow. I got a text from the coach in a town about 30 miles from here wanting me to moderate for her next Saturday. I’m not real keen on giving up my Saturdays but will probably go ahead and help her out. Moderators and judges are hard to find … even harder than finding officials for baseball and basketball games, and that’s getting more difficult every year.

My son is driving down from Norman right now. He is going to moderate at the event tomorrow as well. Still got a chance of snow tomorrow. It’s 61° right now. Gotta love weather.
I was rather unpopular in my brief stint umpiring youth baseball.
I was pretty good on the bases, I think, but my balls and strikes may have been less than perfect.

My philosphy was that I had to absolutely see where the ball missed the rectangular strike zone.
Calling a strike a ball was unforgivable because it didn't miss at all.
Calling a ball a strike would happen once in a while because I might not have been quite able to see the miss.

I don't think that I was too bad with the edges.
Maybe too generous with the inside because a lot of youth umpires won't call that and the kids aren't used to it.
I didn't give the pitchers too much outside, I don't think.

Up and down was clearly a problem, however.
Batters thought my zone was too big, and to this day my son says they were right.
Now that virtually all the Republican controlled state legislatures, with the complete blessing of our pig shit constitution,
are dismantling the democratic republic of the United States of America by taking over complete control of who votes
and whose ballots get counted,

storming the capitol should no longer be necessary.

They have discovered how unnecessary it was to start the previous civil war by firing on Fort Sumter.
They could have just stayed home and done it in a perfectly constitutionally compliant way.

Rural Christian conservatives are able to destroy the republic as a minority
because the genius founders provided them the right to do it.

What's worse, the confederates are not merely seeking separation anymore.
Now, they want to take over the whole thing.
That, however, they can only do with our help.
Blue States have legislatures as well. Also, a fuck of a lot more money.

Civilized progressive liberals have got to wake up.
We no longer have the luxury of believing in the idyllic America that we were told about by clueless grade school teachers.
It was a nice thought, but it was total bullshit. We should be easily able to see that now.

There are people in the middle of this country who hate us,
who hate our modern and humane ideas,
who worship a magic man in the sky,
and who believe that the magic man wants them in charge.
They have lots of guns.
They have no brains whatsoever.

The centrists and fence-sitters among us are not neutral;
they're clearly on the side of the shitkicker crackers.
They're all Joe Manchin without the expensive haircuts that they wouldn't be able to get back in their home states such as West Virginia.

So now, non-devolved, still with functioning brains humans, what do you plan to do about it?
You're not all pushing seventy-five.
Most of you will have to be here for a long, long time.
Do you wish to live like a human being,
or like a devolved mutant trumpanzee?

I have been the only contributor on this forum to remind you of what should have been obvious.

We have radical problems,
and there are NO moderate solutions to radical problems.

You can continue to be panty-waists fellating your precious constitution,
or you can decide that you'll do WHATEVER IT TAKES
to not live like some drooling cracker like the ones you've met here at JPP.

Waaaah! Waaaaah! People have to prove who they are to vote, Waaah!

Grow the fuck up you infant.
Our kids won the Academic Area. They’re headed to state for the 5th year in a row. Success can become a tradition. It takes work on the coaches part and the kids part … and they have to have enough volunteers to read questions and judge competitions. I’ll keep helping out as long as I can.

Being a former pitcher, I was a pitcher’s umpire. If I felt it was borderline the call usually went for the pitcher. Especially in softball, if an ump doesn’t give liberal corners he is making a long day for himself. Lots of Junior High and High School pitchers struggle to throw strikes in softball.

Watching the Raiders and Bengals now. Wife is planning to make chili for supper. It’s 28° and snowing. We need the precipitation so it’s all good.

Edit: Wow…those Bills were serious. Quit that game at halftime so my son could watch The Eternals.
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Our kids won the Academic Area. They’re headed to state for the 5th year in a row. Success can become a tradition. It takes work on the coaches part and the kids part … and they have to have enough volunteers to read questions and judge competitions. I’ll keep helping out as long as I can.

Being a former pitcher, I was a pitcher’s umpire. If I felt it was borderline the call usually went for the pitcher. Especially in softball, if an ump doesn’t give liberal corners he is making a long day for himself. Lots of Junior High and High School pitchers struggle to throw strikes in softball.

Watching the Raiders and Bengals now. Wife is planning to make chili for supper. It’s 28° and snowing. We need the precipitation so it’s all good.

Edit: Wow…those Bills were serious. Quit that game at halftime so my son could watch The Eternals.

Having multiple TVs is apparently not a priority in Oklahoma.
Maybe that's why you're not a fat as we are!
Spent my MLK day getting both bass boats ready to go. Both engines started and are purring like contented kittens. Just need to hit all the grease zerks with the grease gun and give the boats a good cleaning. Spring will be here before you know it.

Playoff season really stinks from my perspective this year. I’m running out of teams to root for. If I have to end up rooting for the Rams I may just retire from watching the NFL. But in the NFC out of the teams that are left the Rams are probably gonna be it simply because I’ve always liked Stafford. But I hate to see OBJ get any credit. What a quandary…. In the AFC I like the Titans, the Bills, the Bengals and the Chiefs.

Back to work tomorrow. Glad this virtual stuff is over at least for now. Hope we can avoid the worst of stuff and stay live and alive.

Our Ag teacher has his final cancer surgery Wednesday. He’s leaving for Houston in the morning. It’s been a long road on something he initially had no hope to beat but we’ll know something definitive for him after this last surgery. I really feel for his daughter, a 7th grader in my math class. It’s hard for young kids to deal with this stuff.

I do actually have a couple more TVs in the house but I was too lazy to get out of one recliner and go to the other to continue watching the game. The game wasn’t that good anyway. Funny you should mention the “fat” thing. The wife and I just signed up for 5 weeks of Weight Watchers to try to drop a few pounds. We’ll see how that goes. :thinking:
The wife had to deal with a lady who was high on meth today at school. It’s sad people like that have children. Finally got the lady off of campus after dealing with her for nearly an hour. I’m getting less tolerant of stupidity the older I get so it is probably a good thing I wasn’t there yet.

It was 62° when I left for work this morning at 10. It’s 38° and dropping now. We’re in for a deep chill the rest of this week. When that happens I think of soups and … in particular, gumbo. Peanut butter-ish roux, some diced celery, onion, okra and pepper. A little chicken, smoked sausage and shrimp loosened up with a chicken broth based sauce and kicked up a few notches with some Tony Chachere’s and cayenne. Good for what ails a body.

Heading to church in a bit. There won’t be more than about 10 of us there tonight with the cold weather and early darkness. Got a slight chance of some freezing rain as well.

Had a wild pig walk through my yard night before last. My security camera caught a picture of him. He better not make that a habit or he’ll magically turn into spam.

I had to update my calculator software that I use in my classrooms today. I hate doing technology updates as they always move the icons and I have to re-learn where everything is at. Got tests to make out after church tonight. Busy times.
I saw gumbo on the HBO series, Tremé. Before that, I though it was just a lyric in Brenda Lee's record, Jambalaya on the Bayou.

Although I'm alergic to crustaceans, I could make it without the crawfish or shrimp.
Other stuff could go well in there--chicken, sausage, etc.

Okra isn't an every day vegetable in Boston either, but I could probably find it in a Roxbury produce store.
We have soul food bistros that must have it on the menu.

Making roux is way beyond my skill level, however, as nobody ever showed me how up here in Boston.
You'd think the supermarkets would have it pre-made in cans.
That would be better than nothing, but they don't have it.
I don't have a clue how to make it or even what kitchen equipment I'd need.
12° when I got out of bed this morning. It’s a balmy 26° now. I planted my tomato and jalapeño pepper seeds and put them in an Easterly window to sprout. Planning to go try to find some fertilizer. Haven’t decided whether to go organic or commercial. Need to call around and find out if I can find organic…which is what I prefer.

Also I need to call around and find someone who installs garage doors. I think I’m going to have them installed instead of my FIL and I doing it ourselves in June. That frees up more fishing time. :)

Driving to a nearby town reading for a 5th-6th grade academic competition tomorrow morning. Hopefully it will go quickly and smoothly. Some of our high school kids are volunteering to help as well.

I’m going to measure to see how much coaxial cable I need to expand my TV antenna capabilities to my bedroom. That way I can go to bed when the wife does and watch Perry Mason while she snores. Been needing to do this for a while and with the cold weather I might as well do it today. Can’t do anything else productive today.
You have an actual old school antenna, Rev, or do you mean a satellite dish or cable connection?
I suppose a gentleman with all of your activities isn't too addicted to television, but I know you like sports.

I know NFL football is still on over the air TV except for the Thrursday games, but isn't college football mostly on cable?
I really haven't watched it in years so I don't know offhand.