Yes, it’s an old school antenna on a pole with a set of vise grips on it. I turn it toward Tulsa to get Oklahoma stations and turn it toward Ft. Smith, AR to get Arkansas stations. I use it and streaming service. The combo has been working well for us for a couple of years. Any football I can’t get through the antenna I have been able to find on the Roku stick.
I’ve had the streaming capabilities on the other two TVs in the house but now I have all of my antenna capabilities there as well. I pick up more than 30 channels with the antenna. I remember when I was a kid we consistently got 2 channels (ABC and CBS) here and only sometimes could get NBC. I remember watching the World Series using aluminum foil on rabbit ears with other elaborate efforts to boost the signal. Most of the time baseball was enjoyed over the radio.
I may have told this before but up until I was about 10 years old my favorite team was the Cincinnati Reds. You know, the Big Red Machine. Of course Johnny Bench being from Oklahoma helped sway me that direction but then there was Joe Morgan (a personal favorite), George Foster, Ken Griffy, Pete Rose. What a team! I still admire that group of players. But I got started listening to the Cardinals on the radio with the old man who lived across the road from us. I’d hear it playing from over there and walk over and join him on his porch for the evening. The good ol’ days I suppose. I know I sure miss them.
I’ve had the streaming capabilities on the other two TVs in the house but now I have all of my antenna capabilities there as well. I pick up more than 30 channels with the antenna. I remember when I was a kid we consistently got 2 channels (ABC and CBS) here and only sometimes could get NBC. I remember watching the World Series using aluminum foil on rabbit ears with other elaborate efforts to boost the signal. Most of the time baseball was enjoyed over the radio.
I may have told this before but up until I was about 10 years old my favorite team was the Cincinnati Reds. You know, the Big Red Machine. Of course Johnny Bench being from Oklahoma helped sway me that direction but then there was Joe Morgan (a personal favorite), George Foster, Ken Griffy, Pete Rose. What a team! I still admire that group of players. But I got started listening to the Cardinals on the radio with the old man who lived across the road from us. I’d hear it playing from over there and walk over and join him on his porch for the evening. The good ol’ days I suppose. I know I sure miss them.