Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

Yep, looks like we’ll have baseball. Happy to have it, not sure the players got what they wanted. Cardinals pitcher Jack Flaherty tweeted out that he was glad the season was going to get started but “this deal?” I’m just hoping they get him some decent help for the rotation.

We got a whopping 2 inch snow here today. I don’t think it will keep me from going fishing…maybe tomorrow. Supposed to be in the 70’s next week. Yay! We have 2 games Monday, one Tuesday and a tournament starts on Thursday.

I’ve been replacing my quart canning jars with pint jars today. Getting ready for gardening season. Just the two of us now so we can downscale when I put up produce from the garden. I’m putting the quarts in my shop.

I also went and picked up our new adopted dog today as well. She’s about 8 years old but needed a good home. I Bought her a heated floor piece for her dog house and an elaborate, oversized, cushy pillow…and she prefers the other, smaller doghouse instead. The four month old puppy has taken up residence in the house with the new stuff. That’s the way it goes…:). The best laid plans of mice and men …
Yep, looks like we’ll have baseball. Happy to have it, not sure the players got what they wanted. Cardinals pitcher Jack Flaherty tweeted out that he was glad the season was going to get started but “this deal?” I’m just hoping they get him some decent help for the rotation.

We got a whopping 2 inch snow here today. I don’t think it will keep me from going fishing…maybe tomorrow. Supposed to be in the 70’s next week. Yay! We have 2 games Monday, one Tuesday and a tournament starts on Thursday.

I’ve been replacing my quart canning jars with pint jars today. Getting ready for gardening season. Just the two of us now so we can downscale when I put up produce from the garden. I’m putting the quarts in my shop.

I also went and picked up our new adopted dog today as well. She’s about 8 years old but needed a good home. I Bought her a heated floor piece for her dog house and an elaborate, oversized, cushy pillow…and she prefers the other, smaller doghouse instead. The four month old puppy has taken up residence in the house with the new stuff. That’s the way it goes…:). The best laid plans of mice and men …

I heard that the new rookie minimum is up to .7M. The President of the US only makes .4M, but he can't get around on a good fastball, I'm told.

I don't think .7M is out of line for somebody who can make it to MLB.

It's the 40M that some of them get that I question a little bit.

Also, all players become free agents after 5 send downs. They were bouncing players up and down from the minors constantly.

Dogs will do what they do, right? I was awakened from my nap today with an out of the blue face licking. No particular reason. She just felt like it.
Lunch time. Tuna salad wraps today. Being better, down about 15 lbs. At least my doctor will be happy next week.

Been working on my dog pen this morning. I have the new old (8 years) dog on a cable run. She has been on a chain all her life because she climbs out of a pen. But it absolutely goes against my grain to keep a dog tied so I am putting a shock wire on the top of my pen hoping she can become satisfied staying inside there. It’s a large pen and she’ll get plenty of human interaction every day. Hoping it works.

Chance of rain today but it’s 63°. Nice but windy. Typical March day for Oklahoma.

Edit: We played the #13 ranked Class B team in the state today. Beat them 12-2 in 5 innings. I think high school rankings in this state are bogus. Most only look at the record. For example we we’re pre-season #12. Had one rain out, then we run ruled a Class A team in 4 innings, lost to Class A #2 team in the state at their field, had another rainout. Our record before this week’s rankings came out was 1-1. We dropped to #17. The team we played today had a record of 5-0 but had played cupcakes.
Rev, I've been thinking about something you said a few days ago.
Thirty years ago, you couldn't understand why people preferred William J. Clinton over George H. W. Bush.

You're an educated man and an educator yourself. How were the personalities of the two candidates even relevant?
I personally wouldn't want to waste a morning playing golf with either one of those clowns instead of my friends.

Educated people like you and I vote for policy positions, not people.
America voted back then for a slight shift left from Reaganism, period.

I wanted a much bigger shift than that, so I voted for a more liberal candidate than Clinton in the Democratic Primary.
At no point did the personality or the character of the individual candidates matter, because I very rarely like any of them anyway,
and beyond that, I vote for policies, not people.

Do you think that the actual people are important?
The President, in particular, can only sign or veto bills that actually arrive on his/her desk.
Other than that, he/she is there merely to "preside" over the cabinet.

Trump is a devolved mutant, despicable in every conceivable way, and I resent having to share the earth's oxygen with him.
If he were the best bet for bringing in socialized medicine, making the unions powerful again, and preserving women's reproductive rights, I would have held my nose, puked all over my shoes, and voted for him.
The man/woman simply doesn't matter except for aesthetics.
I was referring mostly to policy position when I made that statement. I was doing well, as was Oklahoma, under Reaganomics and thought old man Bush was a decent president. We had a Democratic Governor back then and even had sent a couple of Democrats to Washington. All politics is local as they say so I could see switching policy. Then you throw in Clinton’s personal shortcomings and … well, again, I was young and dumb-er I guess. I’ve learned a lot since then but haven’t changed my conservative stance on most issues.

Thinking back on it I really think Bush’s “Read my lips …” statement cost him dearly even though it might not have been what totally cost him the election. I felt he had done the responsible thing, even if he was forced a bit, in raising taxes.

It’s been a terribly busy week. We left at 5:40 yesterday morning, got here about 9 am. We immediately lost the first two games, playing at 10 am and 12 pm. It was 77° And very nice. Then I t started raining and rained all night and has been misting most of today. We played at 1 today in the mist on a wet field with the high at 42°. Played really well and beat a class 2A school 15-0. Go figure. Baseball is a funny game that way. We play Miami (OK) tomorrow at Noon. They’re a much, much larger school than we are. We’ll see how it goes.

This has been my “hotel” last night and will be tonight again.

Other than the bouncing basketballs and whiffle ball games until midnight and having to watch the NCAA basketball tournament on my phone, it hasn’t been too bad. I have my Keurig, granola and some apples. Life is good.
The website isn't working properly on my laptop anymore.
Nothing I do seems to fix it.
Other sites work fine. It's only JPP.
I guess somebody's giving me a hint!
Interesting that the site isn’t working properly for you. Of course I’m a pretty fundamental worshipper of God who doesn’t believe in supernatural “hints” or unctions. So I recommend that you keep trying. ;)

We were 2-2 on our road trip north this weekend. I had a great Spring Break getting to be with my boy for the bigger part of the week. Back to school today. I was mean to my 8th grade boys (I made them shut up and pay attention) but am determined to teach them some more math whether they want to learn it or not.

We were rained out today. Too bad because it was as sure a win for us as baseball allows. Oh well. Kay, Sarah, Sarah.

My good friend and TI calculator expert is coming to see us at school tomorrow. He flew in from Ohio today. He will teach my classes while I observe so it’s like having a day off. Lucky me.

Edit: I was also going to say something about getting banned from going live on Facebook. I have been putting my sermons on my Facebook page ever since COVID came onto the scene. I must have finally said something that offended somebody because I have been “restricted” from going live to prevent any “misuse.” Hey, it took two years so that ain’t too bad.
I don’t know who these people are but I saw this at the game (on TV) the other day. Always think of Mr. Niblick when I see anything Boston related nowadays. One never knows what draws some folks to the middle of nowhere.

it is considered a rite of passage for rural kids to get a driver's license and be able to drive to school. We have student parking at our school like most schools do. It is also at this point in a parent's life that he/she starts aging rapidly. I speak from experience. I still worry about my kid as he drives around Norman and to and from our home at vacation times.

Yesterday, 6 high school girls were riding together in a small SUV and were run over by a tractor trailer rig. None of the girls survived. They were from a small-ish town 130 miles to our west and a bit to our south. Our kids would not have known any of these girls or anything about the school were it not for a basketball tournament that both schools were in earlier this year. Our kids struck up a comradarie with the kids from Tishomingo during the tournament, resulting in their kids rooting for our teams and our kids rooting for theirs. So today it did not surprise me that several of our Juniors made a banner that everyone could sign and write a short message to send to Tishomingo school as a show of caring and support for their school and community. I noticed that many of our kids included their "thoughts and prayers" that the right oftentimes gets ridiculed about. But speaking from experience, knowing that the grieving process must be gone through, I can say that the vast majority of those people who will view the banner will be pleased with and benefit from these students' efforts. As a parent and as a teacher, I am especially grieved when tragedy involves students.

Mr. Niblick, I don't type this today for our usual conversation. Like you had suggested a few months back, this is kind of like a MySpace page to which I will refer in the future and see what I was doing at this point in time. It is truly hard for me to focus today.
Six kids, coincidentally, three boys and three girls, all from my graduating class, got killed in a car crash the night of our high school graduation in spring of 1964.
All six were jammed into one car in that bench seat era. Nobody crashed into them. They just hit a power pole at an estimated 90 mph. That was nearly sixty years ago.

The photo of the gruesome wreckage took up the entire front page of the tabloids. That was an insensitive time. We all mostly shrugged it off except, perhaps, for close friends and family.

That sort of thing never stops happening.
It's all random from what I can see, but if it's indeed a plan, I'm not on board with it.
I'm sorry, Rev, but I get more comfort from going with "random."
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There was a vote on a school voucher bill that our [republican] governor was hell bent on passing. As a Public School teacher I was obviously against it. I emailed my [Republican] Senator yesterday during the day to ask him to vote against it. He did and it failed by 2 votes. Woke up to read that the bill failed. Happy start to the day.

Have two Doctor’s appointments today starting at 11:30. I’ll teach my first class the go to the clinic. The first is my routine diabetic checkup and the second is an eye appointment. Then I should be able to get to school in time to teach my last class.

I’ll help coach 3 ballgames this evening. The Junior High team is traveling with us. Starting temp this morning … 34°. Hoping it warms up a bit before game time.
School vouchers are an outright assault on public schools.

Hard right voters are opposed to everything in the public sector with the possible exception of military and police, it seems.
We’ve had a mediocre start to the season, sitting at 6-5 and ranked 20 in the state in class B. We’ve beaten the only school in our class that we’ve played. We have also lost two games we shouldn’t have. Those were two games where we just didn’t show up ready to play. We play a tough schedule and usually make a really strong push in the playoffs when we’re matched up against teams from schools our size.

On the teacher side, state testing starts in three weeks. I’ll start reviewing my 7th and 8th grade classes, showing them the state objectives and point out that we’ve covered each one. Then I’ll show them how the test will as k questions over those objectives.

The challenging part is making them care about a test that doesn’t affect them in the least. Our state gives grades of A, B, C, D or F to the public schools based on several factors including testing. I try to appeal to the student’s competitive side and compare our school’s grade with other schools in the county. That’s worked pretty good in the past. As the concept of participation trophies or the Desh (evince) attitude that sport is just for building character and that trophies are bull@#$& though, even that approach is becoming iffy.

The competitive side of me used to like this time of year though I admit that it was easier when the kids were required to pass a certain number kid tests to be able to graduate. It’s a bit easier to motivate them when they have skin in the game.

Trying to catch enough fish for a church fish fry, gardening, exercising (walking), coaching and teaching … Things are heating up around here. But it is Spring. My fruit trees are starting to bud, the Bradford Pears are in full bloom and the Red Bud trees are turning magenta. My second favorite time of the year.
Back in our class yesterday afternoon, we run ruled the team we played in 5 innings 8-0.

Plenty of Spring storms passed through this morning. There were a couple of tornadoes in Oklahoma and in Arkansas with some damage to warehouses mainly. So far there are no reported injuries.
I'm really grumpy right now.

I'm long overdue to go on a holiday, but commercial flying has gotten so miserable that I can't stand it anymore.
I love Boston, but people have to get around a bit.

What a drag. This world was made exclusively for people who can afford their own private jets.
The rest of us are just extras from central casting. Nothing could be more obvious to me as I approach the end of my days.
My posts seem to get fewer and fewer on JPP.
I'm elderly.
The things that I wish to see in this nation, while probably inevitable over the long term, will not occur in my lifetime.

The entire web page is mostly redaction messages due to all the posters that I have on ignore.

Plus, the site doesn't run properly on my computer anymore.

Occasional pop ins here will probably comprise the bulk of my remaining posts.

I don't have the energy to vent as much as I did when I first came aboard.

My time is winding down.

It's really other peoples' fight more than mine at this point,