Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

One New England tradition that I really enjoy are all the community sponsored summer outdoor concert series.
After a two-year covid-imposed hiatus, the towns are all bringing their summer concerts back.

Weekend warrior musicians must love playing these events. I would.
People schlep their dogs, grandchildren, and folding beach chairs to their local park bandstand.
They dance and they sing on the grass.
Nobody is snorting lines in the bathroom. Everybody is having fun.

My favorite local band is now deep in the shed, preparing new setlists for the upcoming summer season.
It’s a great band—five horns, two keyboards, guitar, bass, and drums.
Among those ten are one male and now two female singers.
The remaining original members started the band in the 1970s.

My neighbor’s niece just recently joined that band.
It’s the first time that they’ve ever had two female members.
Three old friends of mine who once played in that band now, unfortunately, reside on the wrong side of the grass.
She replaces one of them.

Her undergraduate degree is in music.
Her graduate degree is in law—she’s a member of the bar.
She opined that playing bass and singing is more fun than muddling through divorces.
I can see that.
I’m just busy. I mostly drop in and read a few posts. Looking forward to May when I can fish and golf full time for a while.

I love the local band activity as well. Here is a flyer of the line up yesterday in our county seat.


Oops, forgot something.

Two of them are relatives of mine. They got the talent. I mean, I play some “front porch” country songs on the guitar but must confine myself to the front porch in the interest of humanity. ;)
My posts seem to get fewer and fewer on JPP.
I'm elderly.
The things that I wish to see in this nation, while probably inevitable over the long term, will not occur in my lifetime.

The entire web page is mostly redaction messages due to all the posters that I have on ignore.

Plus, the site doesn't run properly on my computer anymore.

Occasional pop ins here will probably comprise the bulk of my remaining posts.

I don't have the energy to vent as much as I did when I first came aboard.

My time is winding down.

It's really other peoples' fight more than mine at this point,

Do you really think anyone cares?
We have 13 high schools in our county ranging in size from class B to Class 4A. All of the high schools participate in a county basketball tournament in January and a county baseball tournament in April. These are the only tournaments of this kind in our state that pits all sizes of high school teams against each other and they’ve been held continuously for more than 60 years. It was supposed to start today but we have rain. Not just any rain but “Let’s tear ‘em up, Noah, one more time” rain. I doubt we get to play tomorrow, which means playing sometime Wednesday. Ugh.

I watched the National Championship game tonight between North Carolina and Kansas. I didn’t care who won but enjoyed the fierce competition between the two teams. North Carolina was arguably the hottest team since the end of the regular season. Well coached and fun to watch. Also the had a former Oklahoma University player on their team that I rooted for in the tournament. Kansas … well, they’re Kansas. I usually root for Big 12 schools. Now I’m ready for MLB. I told my wife to pay for the MLB package sometime before Thursday.

It’s still pouring and I’m still looking forward to warmer, drier weather so I can fish, hunt (I have a puppy to train this spring) and golf with impunity.
I enjoyed watching basketball once in a while back in the Bob Cousy / Bill Russell era.
There weren't too many games on TV, but I could walk to the old Boston Garden, literally in ten minutes, and tickets were really cheap back then.
Also, the radio announcer back then--Johnny Most--made the games very exciting to listen to.

I watched the Celtics play teams like the Rochester Royals, Minneapolis Lakers, and Syracuse Nationals--that's how old I am.

Basketball and hockey just don't do it for me anymore, though.
Even boxing, since moving from premium cable to streaming, has fallen off the radar.

I guess the Red Sox and Patriots are all that I have left, and I don't even get as excited over them as I once did.
I'm just getting old, I guess.
Baseball season starts today! Looking forward to it though it is being modified to move away from a strategy advantage towards sheer talent/strength advantage. Happy there is still high school and college baseball. Like pro basketball and football, MLB is seeking to modify the game trying to make it appeal to non baseball people. Not sure that will work. I’m skeptical.

On my team’s schedule, in two days we’ve played two double-headers in our county tournament. We won the first, lost the second then took a two game sweep yesterday, putting us in the top 6 teams in the county. We are, of course, the smallest school left. Our graduating class will have about 16 kids in it when they graduate in May. The other schools will average about 100+ kids per graduating class, with the largest having about 200. We play at 1:30 today.

I’m taking my wife to a tulip farm tomorrow. She is a flower lover so Spring suits her well. We’ll go tour the tulip farm about 1 pm then go to see our son for a little while tomorrow evening. The school year is winding down. He texted me his current Calculus 2 grade last week…it was a 100.67. I told him they figure grades differently now. I don’t remember any class in college where I could have gotten a 100+ average. Times have changed.
16 kids in a graduating class?

It sounds like a different world from that in which I grew up.
I suppose that in most ways, it is.
Lost the first game yesterday and we’re eliminated from the county tournament. Finished right where we were ranked…5th out of 12 teams. Not too terribly disappointed because we don’t have to play today. That makes the trip to the tulip farm and to see my boy more relaxing and less rushed.

My Cards are off to a good start. I’ll take a 1 run per inning average this year. ;) I see the Sox play the Evil Empire at noon today. Good luck to the Sox.

The wind is blowing fiercely here in the SE part of the state. It will be worse after driving 3.5 hours west. Good thing I’m bald. :)
I got my FOURTH covid shot (2nd booster) today.
I guess that it's a forever thing now...every few months.

Yes, I suspect that your're correct here. I'll probably have to get my second booster the next time I go in for my 6 month check up. That should be sometime in June or July. I always dread vaccinations becsause it seemst that about 3 out of five of them make me sick. Doesnt matter what they are...flu shots, shingles shots, pnemonia shots, COVID shots...all the same reaction it seems.

Baseball season is winding down for our high school players. Districts are this week. Both our boys and girls teams should with their district and advance to regionals. Then it will depend on the draw. I truly believe that our boys can compete and beat the 4th - 8th ranked schools so if we draw one of those in regionals we will have a shot to make it to the state tournament, putting us with at least a top 8 finish in the state this season. The top 8 schools will get to host a regional so we will have to go to one of those places.

I'm glad for MLB. If it weren't for that and reruns of Castle and NCIS there'd be nothing to watch on TV right now.
My participation on the board is minimal now because the forum doesn't run well on my laptop and I never use my phone on the internet.

It seems strange that baseball should be ending so early, Rev, but you have a fall season, too, right?

My Red Sox are an affront to my mental health if I take them too seriously because they're playing like slugs. I have them on as background noise and fall asleep on my recliner.
The extra innings zombie runner is back. I thought we'd be done with that nonsense.
They're doing everything they can to attract new fans, failing at that, and turning off old ones in the process.

My dog seems to have a cold or something. If her snorting doesn't clear up in a few days, that's another vet bill coming up.
She's a high maintenance little thing, but she has to outlive me. I'm sick of losing dogs. This one can lose me; she'll be well cared for.

Clarence Thomas is still with us, I'm afraid. I'd like to get another competent justice on the SCOTUS.
Trump's appointments aren't qualified for night court. Telling the hookers, "Fifty dollars and time served" is above their competence level.
I'm in despair over the regressiveness of our nation, but at least I've no grandchildren to worry about.
My participation on this board is minimal now because I just don't have the energy to argue. Also I find so many of the posters here reprehensible so I don't want to engage them when I oppose them or side with then when I agree with them.

Our baseball ends so soon because school itself will be ending soon. We have 4 weeks left before summer break. Our last day of classes is May 12.

It's funny how differently people look at things. I am happy Clarence Thomas is still here. And Harry Stone would be an OK addition to the SC from my point of view. I have an 18 year old finishing his first semester in Norman, OK who I worry about every day. So much woke-ness on campus. I look at our country and am concerned with the strong social pull to the left, hoping they overreach hopefully resulting in more conservatives being elected next Fall. I'm not one bit worried that Trump will win in '24. I just don't see it happening. I like a divided government. Once again, it is funny the different viewpoints and I'm happy I started frequenting these boards so I could have a better understanding of people who have them.

Man, I hope your dog is OK. My dogs are pretty low maintenance. I keep them warm houses and feed goes in one end and comes out the other. Usually there is nothing going on with them. But when one gets sick it is so difficult. It's not like I can ask, "Where does it hurt?" or "How congested are you?" It's not easy on us pet owners. Good luck with yours.
I have been partially banned, apparently.

I cannot access either the war zone or the complaint department, and I cannot initiate new threads in any forum.

I have no idea why, if the moderators don't want me participating fully, I'm not banned altogether.
I've never received so much as a warning.

Oh, well, that's how it goes. Everybody knows all of my opinions by now anyway, I would imagine.
No banning partial or otherwise that I can find. I don’t know the reasons for the access problems. Let your opinions fly if you have the energy. Everyone knows pretty much where I stand on things but I have to remind them form time to time anyway.

Gave blood today. I’m a regular and am a hard stick but today was the worst ever. Oh well, things can’t always go smoothly.
I’ll continue to contribute. There’s been a shortage since COVID so I’ll do my part to help out. Every time I have a bad experience like today I think of the people who contributed before I started giving…making 2 of my brothers and my dad’s bypass surgeries possible. Thankful for those folks. Maybe I can kind of pay it forward a bit.

Baseball! The only way I get to see MLB is through the occasional ESPN offering or to pay for MLB.TV … $130 a year. I pay. But when I had to re-up the other day it kicked me off and I can’t get logged back in. We’ve been three days on this chat or that phone call and still can’t figure it all out. I’m having withdrawals…having to watch reruns of Benson.

Districts tomorrow. I administer the state math test first thing in the morning to my 7th graders then we play at noon. Best 2 out of 3 games. We should win but you never know. That’s why you play the games.
I was a regular blood donor when I was younger, before I became a walking chemistry set on a dozen different meds.
It's a laudable thing to do.
We won districts … 2 games won by a combined 27-0 score. Won game one 12-0 and game two 15-0. Sad, really. That’s part of what playing up and then returning to playing our classification of teams does for a small school team like ours. We should find out our Regional assignment tomorrow.

Got my garden out this weekend. Thirty- three tomato plants of different varieties, a 40 ft. row of squash, a 40 ft. row of cucumbers and a weird row of miscellaneous stuff ranging from watermelons to garlic to dill weed. Planted some spaghetti squash in a container located near my back yard fence so I can train the vines to run on it. Just a waiting game now.

My fruit trees are loaded with fruit. Three peach trees and a nectarine tree have escaped any late frosts and now I have to remind myself to spray them every 2-3 weeks to keep the harmful bugs off of them. I also have some huckleberry bushes to set out. I don’t expect them to bear fruit this year but they should by next summer. Two juvenile apple trees might even have a couple apples apiece on them. This is a time for growth. I’m looking forward to summer.
My Cards need a closer! Have for years not. Haven't had a legitimate closer since 2015 with Rosenthal. I want someone like that again that doesn't make 1 or 2 run leads in the 9th an adventure. It will bite a team in the butt more times than not if you don't have such a Hader from the Brewers.

Ready for summer ... that it all.
The forum no longer allows me to either access the War Zone,
begin a new thread on any forum,
or start a new account, or at least get that new account validated for posting.

Despite denials by mods, I am clearly being blocked by somebody and will probably get totally excluded sooner rather than later.
Therefore, I will use this thread and maybe somebody will click on it or maybe not.

I have a huge ignore list as many of you know. About once a year, I've deleted it to see what people are saying and then, gradually at first and then rapidly,
the list seems to revive itself. My intention was to not do that this year, but since I'm clearly en route to be being kicked off, I've decided to do it one mor time.

One more time, I'm going to take a look at what all the fucking idiots are saying.

I take meds. I have no criminal record, nor do I have any history of bullying anyone. I live in a place where I simply don't meet the kind of people who post
here on JPP--people who could easily provoke me to violence. I take very strong meds to curb my dangerous inclinations, and praise be to the fates, they miraculously work for me.
Otherwise, I would likely have killed myself in prison by now.

Even deep into my senior years, however, I know how to be troublesome were I to go off my meds. People who don't know me would be very surprised.

I am going to resume open mic night now, and I'm going to not blow up at the incredibly stupid things that I'm going to have to see.
I can't harm anybody over the internet, of course, but if I lose my cool, I could harm my own health over frustration from that. I will not.

While I'm still here and not sent packing fully, I will use this thread to say what's on my mind. I have no choice. I'm not allowed to start new ones on any forum.
I don't know how it's done--I'm not "an IT guy." I'm not, in fact, even sure what that means.
I'm just reacting as best I can while I still can, and after that, I'll have to break the toxic JPP habit. It wouldn't even be a habit if I weren't retired with too much time on my hands.

So...the ignore list is down and this is my thought for the day--one with which I'm not averse to being very repetitious.

The SCOTUS, America's current most dangerous crime family to its majority of Republican appointees, is on the precipice of allowing states to implement
The Handmaid's Tale in every backwater state that's inclined to do it.

The fifty current "united' states remaining one single nation at that point becomes a sacrilege.
Civilized America can no longer consider places like Texas, Florida, Missouri, and similar hellholes to remain a part of it.
If they won't leave, that let them have the fucking flag and national name and we'll create a better one for ourselves.

Last week of school started today. Had to give a few make up final exams today and attend the en of year banquets this week. Went to the FFA banquet week before last, the alumni banquet Saturday and have the Academic Bowl banquet tonight and the sports banquet tomorrow night after Kindergarten graduation. We have to have our son moved out of his dorm room by 8 Friday night so we’ll be spending another night in Norman this weekend. That will wrap up the school year for me.

My son will travel to Italy the first of June for a two week Humanities class there at OU’s campus. That will wrap up his first semester of college. Time marches on…
My son will travel to Italy the first of June for a two week Humanities class there at OU’s campus. That will wrap up his first semester of college. Time marches on…

I thought he started last August or September and attended TWO semesters. I must have remembered incorrectly.

My daughter's undergraduate program was a five year exercise because academic semesters were intermingled with working internship semesters.
Northeastern University has had that programs for many years, long before she entered it in September of '95. It's quite popular because the graduates often graduate already having a she did.
She graduated in 2000, the last class of the 20th Century. She, my younger one, recently turned forty-five, so yes, time does fly.

She also went abroad to "study" for a while back then.
That "studying" must have been a lot of fun, because it wasn't easy getting her to come home to the states.