Republican State Legislatures Assume Leadership of Insurrection.

I thought he started last August or September and attended TWO semesters. I must have remembered incorrectly.

No sir. You are correct and I’m an idiot and mis-spoke (or mis-typed) … I should have said, “His first year…”

We’ll see how his first, short excursion abroad goes. I know he plans to go to Japan at some point to study as well. Hopefully we have enough money laid by to help him out. As long as he is progressing towards a productive degree I don’t mind.
Been a great first week of summer. Enjoying watching baseball with my boy, even though we don’t get to see our favorite teams. We’re just fans of the game. Got my garden worked out, yard mowed, brush hogging done. I’ve been working on my old tractor … installing a power cut off switch on it. It has a short in it somewhere that causes the battery to run down between uses. I’ve tried to trace it for a couple of years now. Can’t find it so I’m employing the simple solution.

Been cleaning up here getting ready for hosting a preacher and his family who will be here so he can preach a gospel meeting. They’ll be here Saturday. I’ve also caught enough catfish to provide for a fish fry for our congregation (about 40-50 people) on Saturday. Looking forward to it.
Been a great first week of summer. Enjoying watching baseball with my boy, even though we don’t get to see our favorite teams. We’re just fans of the game. Got my garden worked out, yard mowed, brush hogging done. I’ve been working on my old tractor … installing a power cut off switch on it. It has a short in it somewhere that causes the battery to run down between uses. I’ve tried to trace it for a couple of years now. Can’t find it so I’m employing the simple solution.

Been cleaning up here getting ready for hosting a preacher and his family who will be here so he can preach a gospel meeting. They’ll be here Saturday. I’ve also caught enough catfish to provide for a fish fry for our congregation (about 40-50 people) on Saturday. Looking forward to it.

In Boston, summer runs from June 20 to September 20, or roughly thereabouts.

It's already summer in Oklahoma, Rev?

Cool. enjoy it.

The lawn people have already spray-seeded the bare patches left from winter, so we're getting real close.
It wasn't that long ago that they were plowing the driveway, it seems.

I've been playing golf for nearly a month and my game is totally gone. I may be at the end.
Spinal stenosis. I didn't know what it meant not that long ago.
I can and do still walk the dog. (You can't let them run around loose in Boston--too much traffic.)

When I can't do that, it's time for the needle. The BIG one.
But we're still cool for now. Enjoy your summer, Rev.
Summer for me for 34 years has been from when school is out to when school starts even though when school is out it’s still kind of Spring-ish sometimes. Of course this year it helps me call it Summer since it has been in the 90’s for the past 2 weeks, the humidity HS been like a sauna and the mosquitos are thick. Ugh.

I enjoy working/playing in the out of doors but the heat and mosquitos make it rough. Fortunately, if things go like normal, the number of mosquitos will decrease as Summer progresses. We are expecting cooler weather next week. I plan to go pay my yearly dues at the golf course next week as well.

Hopefully your condition will get better with warmer weather this summer. I’ve heard of it because most of my friends are in their late 60’s to mid 80’s. A couple of them experience it and from them I understand it is not good.

Your Sox have been playing a bit better the last week and a half…but the Yankees are killing it. Could be their year.
Your Sox have been playing a bit better the last week and a half…but the Yankees are killing it. Could be their year.

All I ask is that the Sox give us a summer. Until recently, it didn't look as if they were going to.
They're hitting better going back to Red Sox style hitting, making the pitcher pitch.

The analytics people wanted them to be more aggressive and swing at first pitches but that worked out horribly.
They could have just asked me; I'd have told them that.

The Red Sox have won four World Series this century. A Yankee fan tried to tell me that the Yankees have won two but he's wrong.
2000 was the previous century. 2009 is the only one they've got this century.

I wasn't one of the idiots who celebrated the new millennium a year early.
As a math guy, you knew that the Y2K concerns were a potential software crisis that had nothing to do with a new millennium.

I knew a guy who built a shelter and I never saw him again after 1999. Sounds like a rib but it's true.
Ahhh…Y2K. Like most New Years my bunch brought it in singing. Said a prayer, kissed my wife then went home. No worries about a crisis bothered me. But people did do some crazy stuff being worried about it.

It’s been a busy but great week. The visiting preacher and his wife and three kids are staying at my house. It’s been great having little ones waking me up early. I’ve enjoyed helping to prepare meals for more than me and the missus. Even better, I know it isn’t permanent and life will be back to normal soon. ;)

The guy is an inspiring preacher and I’ve enjoyed listening to him the past 2 days…4 sermons. Got 2 to go, tonight then Wednesday. Thursday he and his family will head back to Texas and me and mine will head to Kentucky. So in the meantime I’ve been preparing the home place for us to be gone for a week. I have a girl lined up to feed my animals while we’re gone, got my garden worked and plan to mow the yard tomorrow. That should do it.

I’ve really been enjoying having my boy here and watching baseball with him. The Cards walked it off last night with a Goldschmidt grand slam last night. Thanks to The Big Inning we got to see it happen. Life is good.
We have a rare born-again Christian in our neighborhood.

Most of the neighborhood is lapsed Catholics with a few who hang in with a residual albeit largely socially motivated baptism /wedding / funeral attachment.

This lady is a very nice widow who always says hi when the dog and I walk by.

I went to her church for the services when her husband died.

Born agains in Boston are a tough breed. They definitely don't have a home field advantage, but they're true to their beliefs.

People can believe what they believe in terms of God and spirituality, Rev. I've no problem with that.

But Rev, there is a very strong political element to fundamentalist / evangelical Christianity; and it's not the politics that prevail in Boston.
Listening to the minister, I had the strong feeling that I was behind enemy lines. There is no conciliation to be had on social beliefs.

I simply listened and even sang along with some of the hymns that I recognized from old Elvis Presley records.
How Great Thou Art is a hell of song, right? It's cool how you guys do English lyrics instead of Latin.
I think that my old church may even be doing that now.

But the Gospel, whatever messages it may have, can't overcome the politics, Rev. There's no common ground on which to meet.
What do you think? I respect your thoughts.
We have a rare born-again Christian in our neighborhood.

Most of the neighborhood is lapsed Catholics with a few who hang in with a residual albeit largely socially motivated baptism /wedding / funeral attachment.

This lady is a very nice widow who always says hi when the dog and I walk by.

I went to her church for the services when her husband died.

Born agains in Boston are a tough breed. They definitely don't have a home field advantage, but they're true to their beliefs.

People can believe what they believe in terms of God and spirituality, Rev. I've no problem with that.

I do imagine that those evangelical types are indeed a “tough breed” in certain areas of the US. As outnumbered there as the atheist is in my neck of the woods, no doubt. And like you, I’ve no problem with the atheist’s beliefs. I have taught a few, one of whom I currently work with at the school. She’s a good, moral girl and we have always had a great relationship.

I will always state my beliefs when asked or if certain things come up in a discussion but I’m not going to door knock, badger or otherwise go to annoying efforts to convert them.

But Rev, there is a very strong political element to fundamentalist / evangelical Christianity; and it's not the politics that prevail in Boston.
Listening to the minister, I had the strong feeling that I was behind enemy lines. There is no conciliation to be had on social beliefs.

I don’t know what a fellow could/would say at a funeral to make someone feel like an enemy. Funerals are the hardest things I have to do. And here is where I will delve into my beliefs: Most funerals that I do are for people with whom I have had a close personal relationship, some of them most of my life. If the person was a Christian who had lived a long life it is somewhat easier than some others because of my belief that we’ll meet again some day. The hardest are young people and suicides. Anyway, I’d like to think that no one attending a funeral I conducted has ever felt they were “behind enemy lines.” Sorry you had to go through that.

I simply listened and even sang along with some of the hymns that I recognized from old Elvis Presley records.
How Great Thou Art is a hell of song, right? It's cool how you guys do English lyrics instead of Latin.
I think that my old church may even be doing that now.

I love the singing part of worship. I led the singing last night at the gospel meeting and thought about leading How Great Thou Art as it would have flanged right up with the other songs I had picked out. I finally decided against it and will likely lead it next week. Speaking of Elvis, we sing strictly a capella in our worship, but at a funeral or wedding we’ll play songs that people request. I was doing a funeral for a friend and his daughter picked out three Elvis recorded gospel songs. It was great. Love listening to Elvis.

But the Gospel, whatever messages it may have, can't overcome the politics, Rev. There's no common ground on which to meet.
What do you think? I respect your thoughts.

The Gospel … what I peddle regularly, is separate from politics. In a nutshell, Jesus died, was buried and rose again the third day. With that sacrifice He made forgiveness of sins possible. It took His blood to to do that. That was His part. My part is to believe that He is the son of God, repent (start to try to live to please Him and not me), be willing to publicly proclaim Who He is (the Son of God) and be baptized for the remission of sins. Then live a life faithfully striving to conform to His will. That’s the basic message I preach. No politics there.

The only thing I might mention covering living to conform to His will that could be remotely seen as being political is that homosexuality is sin and that abortion is murder. While I might mention those two things once in a while, I spend far more time teaching that shacking up is sin, that cheating on one’s spouse is sin, that failing to help my fellow man when I have opportunity is sin, etc. The reason is that I know far more people who fall into that second class of sinner than the first, myself included. Homosexuality and abortion aren’t too common among the people whom I’m trying to herd in the right direction.

But politics and religion. Can concessions be made? Can conciliations be made on social beliefs? Probably. Likely, in fact. For instance, while I believe that homosexuality is a sinful lifestyle, religiously/biblically speaking, I don’t believe they should be mistreated or left out as citizens. I was for civil unions back when the whole gay marriage thing was being debated. There was no conceivable reason to deny them the right of inheritance, visitation in their last days, etc., IMO. Just one example.

I am less flexible when it comes to abortion. I would lessen the restrictions on adoption laws. My family is a family of adopters. My brother and his wife have raised 7 kids who were not their flesh and blood. My mom and dad, besides raising my 4 siblings and me, raised 4 others who were not “theirs” … but they really were in the end. My niece (she just turned 37) and her husband are raising 3 adopted children. In the case where true adoption took place, paperwork was filed, names were taken and the children could become legal heirs (in the case of my brother and niece), the hassle and expense was great. If I were king I’d make some improvements on that process so that the lives that are saved have a better opportunity for a good life with loving parents who are willing to provide for them.

Healthcare… while I support fully some form of government healthcare, especially for the elderly and poor, I stop short of government takeover of healthcare. I have some very close friends in Canada and when we sit down and compare notes on the two systems, we both prefer our system here in the US. It needs tweaking and it needs oversight (things like insulin and EpiPens shouldn’t be so expensive) to keep the cost affordable but we still think it is better. But even this conservative person can find common ground with someone left of center on healthcare.

There are other areas I’m sure I could find common ground with those on the left if we ever just sat down and talked with them long enough. That doesn’t seem to happen anymore. The right screams, the left screams then they go home and nothing much gets done. Makes me want to ignore The whole thing and just raise my garden, hunt and fish in my little corner down here.

We just got to Bowling Green. Been thinking and typing since Nashville. Though you and I are far apart politically I respect your thoughts as well. There is no doubting where you stand when you comment. And while we may not agree on a lot of stuff, respect can still reign. Sadly it doesn’t much in this world anymore … from either side. I get embarrassed by comments made by those on the right and especially those who claim to be Christians.
Even shacking up is a sin?
What's it like to marry a virtual stranger with no sexual experience? Nobody I know would know.

People pair up much older now, thirties more common than twenties in urban America, and forties not unusual.

Are people suppose to remain celibate for their entire youth?
I'm sure some people can, but others have normal libidinous instincts, no?
In biblical times, people paired off little after puberty, no?

Oh well, at least it's just a religious belief and not something that you're all trying to enforce by law--like banning abortion.

I have to be completely honest, Rev. I don't see much difference between an abortion and a haircut.
I respect that you see it much differently, but as a man, I must try to protect the rights and dignity of the women in my life by strongly opposing misogyny.
So I have, and I do. We won't tolerate misogyny in Boston, and abortion rights are currently being codified in law.

We've both said it before. We both live where we belong! The only question remaining is whether or not it should be in one unified nation.

While I would call irresponsible procreation a sin, married or not, recreational intimacy is pretty much baked into the social cake by now.
At my age, it's hardly a major personal issue, however.

Mostly, I believe in a far more comprehensive public sector, including more help for you in your weekday work, and a FAR more regulated private sector protecting workers and consumers.
It's what makes living among conservatives impossible for me, even if correspondence is possible among people who choose to remain respectful.
I tried to start a new account because my old one is corrupted, but forum administration wouldn't activate it.
Have they stopped activating all new accounts or just mine?

I can't open new threads on my present account.
Not that I know of. If an admin has to do anything to activate an account on this site I don’t know about it. I am seeing some of your comments on other threads. Are you saying that you cannot start a new thread? I can’t imagine why that would happen. You are under no restriction.
Not that I know of. If an admin has to do anything to activate an account on this site I don’t know about it. I am seeing some of your comments on other threads. Are you saying that you cannot start a new thread? I can’t imagine why that would happen. You are under no restriction.

That's why I believe my account has been electronically corrupted, not restricted.
That's why a new account may be necessary.
When you open a new account, the website is supposed to send you an e-mail to verify and activate.
It hasn't done that.
I guess there's nothing I can do. It's not a major tragedy.
Every once in a while I need to rant … and this is the thread I choose to use to do it. Let me start by saying that I abhor flying. If I can drive there and have the time, I choose to drive. I would guess that 80% of the time we fly somewhere there are delays, cancelled flights, etc. derailing the most carefully laid plans for a vacation or whatever.

Well, a person can’t drive to Rome, which is where our son was supposed to be at 11:00 am tomorrow…a little less that 8 hours from now. The Plan…fly out of Fort Smith, AR regional airport at 11:30 today going to Dallas, catch a direct flight from Dallas, departing at 2:30, arriving in Rome at 8 am tomorrow. Sounds good, but …

We stay with him until he gets through security and leave. An hour later he calls and said they had evacuated the airport because a suspicious package had been found…later to be revealed that it was found in someone’s checked luggage. It was a … wait for it … lighted make-up mirror. Security couldn’t tell the difference between a harmless lighted make-up mirror and a bomb. Delayed.

The news of what it was Irritated me greatly. Now I’ve got a 19 year old stranded in Dallas trying to get to Italy because we can’t tell a make up mirror from a bomb.

It has been so frustrating working from here trying to help find an alternative flight to get him there on time … which is impossible we have found out.

It looks like he’s going to hopefully arrive in Rome at 11:00 pm a day late (and this is a bit iffy even), somehow find a place to sleep in a place he’s never been, before he can connect with his classmates sometime the next day…because we can’t tell a make up mirror from an explosive device. smh

If I’d have known I’d have just driven him to Dallas to start with. The four hour drive would have been worth it.

And to top it off yes, I feel guilty for being so irritated and frustrated. :dunno:
Update: Still irritated at the circumstances that caused it but relieved that my boy arrived at Rome safely. Kudos to Oklahoma University for arranging for a driver to pick him up at the airport at midnight and drive him the 2.5 hours to Arezzo where he is staying most of the time. He still doesn’t have his luggage but the airline assured him that he’d have it by Monday.

Anyway, spent today unwinding after a stressful and worrisome Friday … caused by a make-up mirror. Watched OU softball, worked outside in the garden and worked with my pup on fetching this evening.

Back on topic … Dems cheated. ;)
I hate TSA, but I hate driving for more than two hours as well--and in fact, I just won't do it. Two hours driving at a time is my outside limit at age 75.

Flying was great when I was young. Did it all the time. Didn't bother me at all.

They've turned it into a nightmare. The TSA. The airlines themselves. The other passengers. All have become deficient.
I absolute hate idiots who try to stuff everything in the overheads to avoid the pickup carousels. I want to strangle them.
If they did it back when I was young, I probably would have strangled somebody.

I also hate the super sensitive metal detectors. You practically have to do a striptease to get through them.
Every time that I fly, I find myself wanting to hurt somebody, and I don't feel guilty about it at all.
So I've never gone this long without going on a holiday in recent memory. I didn't even bother renewing my passport, so I may be in my recliner for the rest of my life!
Can't be much left to it anyway.
My in-laws (78 and 77) will be driving the 12 hours here next week. We know one of those days they’ll have to give it up. Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing them. My father-in-law and I plan to build and hang a couple of new doors on my shop. Then we plan to drive to Branson, MO for the better part of a week. Ready for a bit of rest and entertainment.

We watched NCAA baseball and softball all weekend. The Oklahoma teams did well but the OSU softball girls gave away the game to Texas. Sad deal for them after such a promising season.

In the meantime, we’re getting some unseasonable cool and rainy weather … and my garden and fruit trees like it.
Got my new pup neutered yesterday. He’s doing fine. I also started shooting around him. He’s showing a tendency to be gun shy but I think I can work that out of him before fall hunting season. We haven’t had such a young dog in quite some time.

Looking forward to catching the end of the first game of the softball World Series tonight after church. Hoping our girls keep playing at a high level because Texas is surging right now. They’ll beat our tail given half a chance.

Got a date planned with the wife for Friday to go see Top Gun: Maverick. I never watched the first one when it came out in the 80’s but did try to with my wife after we were married because it was one of her favorites. I fell asleep. I’m going to do better this time. I borrowed some of Yosemite Sam’s toothpicks. ;)

Rained again today. Supposed to heat up starting tomorrow. Since the rain is over with for a while I’m going to try to spray my fruit trees tomorrow. I really don’t like doing that but I love fresh peaches.
Had the creek to myself today. I’ll just post pictures instead of saying anything.

For supper… squash from my garden and fish from the creek. The salad is Romaine from the grocery store. I couldn’t eat both fillets.
Stayed up until after 1AM to see the Red Sox lose to the Angels last night.

I predate West Coast Major League baseball.

The St. Louis Browns and the St. Louis Cardinals were the western-most big-league teams when I started watching baseball.
The Chicago Cubs and Chicago White Sox were the only other two teams not in the Eastern Time Zone.
And the year before I went to my first game, we had TWO teams in Boston, the Red Sox and the Braves.

Those were the days. Give things enough time and they'll definitely get screwed up.