Republicans are Feeling Invincible Right Now?

The question mark is mine, as is the question.... Are they really feeling invincible? I mean your candidate was shot in the ear just a few days ago, bumping Biden's Broken Brain from the headlines. I don't necessarily think that is bad for republicans (the broken brain being booted from the headlines, not the shot in the ear thing), as I think that there is zero possibility that Biden can go 3 months without a major public brain meltdown... But JD Vance? From that deep bench you somehow got a first term Senator as VP?
the rest of the deep bench didn't seem unhappy last night.......
look at the positives.....
big influence in OH, PA, IN, MI, WI as a midwesterner....(smell the swing states)......
37 years old (count 37,37,37,37) not 81 or 78......
Marine Corp.....
came out of poverty.....
strong positions on every Republican platform issue.......
will turn Harris into mincemeat in the VP debate......

the last freshman Senator on a presidential ticket also won an election......
the rest of the deep bench didn't seem unhappy last night.......
look at the positives.....
big influence in OH, PA, IN, MI, WI as a midwesterner....(smell the swing states)......
37 years old (count 37,37,37,37) not 81 or 78......
Marine Corp.....
came out of poverty.....
strong positions on every Republican platform issue.......
will turn Harris into mincemeat in the VP debate......

the last freshman Senator on a presidential ticket also won an election......
Well maybe he wasn't in The Senate long enough to get too corrupted.
I will say this about Vance Damo. I really really liked the 2016 JD Vance. I do not like him today (and as he's made clear he doesn't care for old school Reagan Republicans like myself).
weird.......the reason I voted for Reagan in 1980 was because he WASN'T an old school you forget that the old school crowd saddled him with George Bush as VP before they conceded Reagan their support?......
weird.......the reason I voted for Reagan in 1980 was because he WASN'T an old school you forget that the old school crowd saddled him with George Bush as VP before they conceded Reagan their support?......
I was too young to follow it closely. Times change of course as do policies but Reagan was the outsider then and now he’d be considered a RINO.
what idiot thinks he's a RINO.......Jeb Bush?......
He was a free trader. He signed an amnesty bill. Many of his speeches were love letters to immigrants. He supported much more laissez faire economics.

Times change of course but those policies are not supported by the America First crowd.
He was a free trader. He signed an amnesty bill. Many of his speeches were love letters to immigrants. He supported much more laissez faire economics.

Times change of course but those policies are not supported by the America First crowd.
almost funny to think we believed we had an immigration problem then.........Reagan's eight years was like April in a Biden administration.......
almost funny to think we believed we had an immigration problem then.........Reagan's eight years was like April in a Biden administration.......
We dont know how many people the Regime has imported.....they give us some numbers but they are certain to be massively low ball.....they have a pretty good idea but they are not going to tell us.

The question mark is mine, as is the question.... Are they really feeling invincible? I mean your candidate was shot in the ear just a few days ago, bumping Biden's Broken Brain from the headlines. I don't necessarily think that is bad for republicans (the broken brain being booted from the headlines, not the shot in the ear thing), as I think that there is zero possibility that Biden can go 3 months without a major public brain meltdown... But JD Vance? From that deep bench you somehow got a first term Senator as VP?
The white supremist, Nick Fuentes faction of the Republican Party is angry, they just found out Vance’s wife is a brown person. Nick was having a cardiac on his pod cast yesterday.
Do you think they will vote for Trump now?
I'm not feeling invincible at all. In fact, I'm predicting tater head is going to win. You can pretty much vote 2 months early, without an ID, while you're taking a dump, there's over 11 million illegal aliens who will probably be registered to vote, and you can drop your ballot in the mail when you live 2 blocks from your precinct.

We're screwed.
That's not winning. That's election fraud.
You have to be an American citizen to vote. Why are Repubs too stupid to understand that? You dingbats think people in other nations are dying to vote. Bring them here and they will leap to the polls.
They come here, like our parents did, for work and opportunity. Why would they risk that to vote? That may be why the illegals have a lower rime rate than American citizens do.
If you were taken to Mexico, who would you vote for? You do not even know who is running the country or what they stand for. How about Canada? They are neighbors and you are clueless about their government. Now try people from Central America. What do they care about our leadership?
Can Trumpys think, even a little bit?
From that deep bench you somehow got a first term Senator as VP?
I have to agree with this sentiment (although I'd probably disagree with your specific VP preferences), even if this sentiment isn't the "popular position" to take atm.

I'm not a big fan of the JD Vance pick for VP like most other conservatives on this forum seem to be... I can see why this pick was made, at least in part, and Vance does "say the right things" (right now), but I fear that this choice will ultimately end up being "Pence 2.0" when a pivotal moment arises.