Republicans are Feeling Invincible Right Now?

I am quite familiar with Mr. Vance. Your post does nothing to address the point made by the WSJ (of what does he bring to the table vis a vis votes; like Harris did with minorities for Biden, Pence did with evangelicals for Trump, Biden was the old white veteran for Obama etc.)
He helps bring in the ignored (by Demonkkkrat coastal elites) working-class "Rust Belt" to the table (think MN, WI, MI, PA, IA, OH).

I'm sure that's a big part of why he was selected as VP, and that particular part of it was a smart move imo, even though I'm overall wary about the VP choice (can he be trusted to not become a turncoat at a future pivotal moment?)
I guess after his let down by Pence...he went with the most conservative option.
Unfortunately, I fear that Trump will be "let down" once again. I would love nothing more than to be wrong about this feeling. I wonder if Ben Carson didn't want the position?
I don't think JD Vance will help him with women or minorities.
Trump doesn't need help with women or minorities. He's already doing well with them.
In a presidential election campaign the time to hit your peak is not mid-July but from here Republicans will be on a downward track while Democrats inevitably rise from the bottom they are scraping today. Watch it happen Trumpers, and weep.
In a presidential election campaign the time to hit your peak is not mid-July but from here Republicans will be on a downward track while Democrats inevitably rise from the bottom they are scraping today. Watch it happen Trumpers, and weep.
Yeah well, at this point in time, Democrats are lower than whale shit, so we'll see how that goes.

They literally have nothing but lies. People don't like that.
I don't like the picking a Senator as VP thing either, but maybe there's something I don't know?

I do know that The Senate IS the most corrupt of government branches. I would have picked outside of The Senate if it was me.
Agreed. I would've picked outside of CONgress as a whole, but especially the Senate portion of it.
I'm not feeling invincible at all. In fact, I'm predicting tater head is going to win. You can pretty much vote 2 months early, without an ID, while you're taking a dump, there's over 11 million illegal aliens who will probably be registered to vote, and you can drop your ballot in the mail when you live 2 blocks from your precinct.

We're screwed.
Tater Head probably won't even be in the running come August...

It'll probably be Kamala and whoever they select for her VP.
the rest of the deep bench didn't seem unhappy last night.......
look at the positives.....
big influence in OH, PA, IN, MI, WI as a midwesterner....(smell the swing states)......
37 years old (count 37,37,37,37) not 81 or 78......
Marine Corp.....
came out of poverty.....
strong positions on every Republican platform issue.......
will turn Harris into mincemeat in the VP debate......

the last freshman Senator on a presidential ticket also won an election......
Those are all definitely positives, if wishing to focus on positives.
You have to be an American citizen to vote.
Legally, yes, but Dims don't give a damn about election laws.
Why are Repubs too stupid to understand that?
Why are Dims too stupid to understand how modern day "voting" actually works? Illegals can and "do" "vote". All that is required for illegals to "vote" is that their physical existence be registered in the correct area, then Obama's ballot harvesting teams and Clyburn's ballot counting teams handle the rest.
You dingbats think people in other nations are dying to vote. Bring them here and they will leap to the polls.
They come here, like our parents did, for work and opportunity. Why would they risk that to vote? That may be why the illegals have a lower rime rate than American citizens do.
If you were taken to Mexico, who would you vote for? You do not even know who is running the country or what they stand for. How about Canada? They are neighbors and you are clueless about their government. Now try people from Central America. What do they care about our leadership?
Can Trumpys think, even a little bit?
You are asking all of the WRONG questions. See above.
JD's wife is one🤣
"..some extremist agitators and members of the “Make America Great Again” movement rushed to denigrate the couple, their mixed-race family and Usha Vance’s immigrant background.

"... far-right activist Jaden McNeil on X shared an undated picture of the Vances and their newborn child on a post captioned: “I’m sure this guy is going to be great on immigration.”

"In a podcast in which he attacked the Vances, Nick Fuentes, an avowed white supremacist... said he doesn’t expect “the guy who has an Indian wife” to “support White identity.”

“There is an obvious Indian coup taking place in the U.S. right before our eyes," Stew Peters, a far-right internet personality, posted a photo of the couple and wrote."

Perhaph you might do a bit more research on Mr. Vance. He is no dummy and many mainstream politicians dislike him which makes him that lore likeable in my eyes.
There is nothing in his resume that says he's more than just your usual dummy.

True- he wrote a good book, that made him a lot of money, but also probably a ghost writer actually wrote it.

Every job he has ever gotten, was given to him by a very rich REPUBLICLOWN Peter Thiel. Mr. Vance spent less than five years in Silicon Valley’s tech industry, but all those jobs were arranged through Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel and other Rich Campaign Donors became crucial to his political ascent as well.

And if you ask anyone for a job performance from any of these jobs he had, all they say is that J.D. didn't do much of anything the whole time he worked there!

The TRUMP TEAM wanted a YES MAN, so they found some clean cut young guy who is willing to do whatever he is asked to do.
The TRUMP TEAM wanted a YES MAN, so they found some clean cut young guy who is willing to do whatever he is asked to do.
on the other hand, he's just saying the same thing that he's said for the last three he's lucky they asked him to do what he was already doing........