Republicans are Feeling Invincible Right Now?

You have to be an American citizen to vote. Why are Repubs too stupid to understand that?
perhaps its because so many blue cities keep passing laws allowing illegals to vote......better to ask, why aren't Republicans stupid enough to trust Demmycrats........
I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Donald Trump is a threat to this nation -Joe Biden
It's time to put Trump in a bullseye -Joe Biden
Trump is a threat to Democracy. -Joe Biden
Donald Trump has to be eliminated. -Joe Biden
Trump is a friend of Putin, a wannabe dictator, and Hitler - the Democrat Party and liberal Press - 2015 to 2024

Then Trump was shot.

Excuse me, who's the threat to Democracy?
I mean this from the bottom of my heart: Donald Trump is a threat to this nation -Joe Biden
It's time to put Trump in a bullseye -Joe Biden
Trump is a threat to Democracy. -Joe Biden
Donald Trump has to be eliminated. -Joe Biden
Trump is a friend of Putin, a wannabe dictator, and Hitler - the Democrat Party and liberal Press - 2015 to 2024

Then Trump was shot.

Excuse me, who's the threat to Democracy?
By a magat...great job!
You have to be an American citizen to vote. Why are Repubs too stupid to understand that? You dingbats think people in other nations are dying to vote. Bring them here and they will leap to the polls.

"You have to be an American citizen to vote." Really? *in a bidenesque whisper* And there really IS a Santa Claus! 🤫

They come here, like our parents did, for work and opportunity. Why would they risk that to vote?

No, they came here because there was probably a gold-plated cartel AK-47 pointed at them. And what kind of "work" and "opportunity" is waiting for them here? Oh, I know! To quote almost every communazi ever, "they do the work Americans don't want to do". They used to have a word for that. Oh yeah, the word was "slavery". As I recall, for some reason, you guys decided one day that you were against that, and more recently you doubled down on it saying that corporations didn't pay them enough and they weren't getting health insurance.

That may be why the illegals have a lower crime rate than American citizens do.

How do you know that? We don't even know who these people are, and we still haven't got a good reason for them being here.

If you were taken to Mexico, who would you vote for? You do not even know who is running the country or what they stand for. How about Canada? They are neighbors and you are clueless about their government. Now try people from Central America. What do they care about our leadership?

I'd probably vote for the guy who gave me the niftiest T-shirt, like this guy: a4apb35c.png
And do not assume for one second that I don't know what's going on down there. I travelled extensively throughout almost every country in south and central America for 12 years learning everything I could because it was my job. I've kept up to date too. Canada? Nice people, very dumb unless trudeau is cheating as bad as you guys down here.

Can Trumpys think, even a little bit?

Yeah, we think a lot. But we do it logically.
"You have to be an American citizen to vote." Really? *in a bidenesque whisper* And there really IS a Santa Claus! 🤫

No, they came here because there was probably a gold-plated cartel AK-47 pointed at them. And what kind of "work" and "opportunity" is waiting for them here? Oh, I know! To quote almost every communazi ever, "they do the work Americans don't want to do". They used to have a word for that. Oh yeah, the word was "slavery". As I recall, for some reason, you guys decided one day that you were against that, and more recently you doubled down on it saying that corporations didn't pay them enough and they weren't getting health insurance.

How do you know that? We don't even know who these people are, and we still haven't got a good reason for them being here.

I'd probably vote for the guy who gave me the niftiest T-shirt, like this guy: View attachment 28103
And do not assume for one second that I don't know what's going on down there. I travelled extensively throughout almost every country in south and central America for 12 years learning everything I could because it was my job. I've kept up to date too. Canada? Nice people, very dumb unless trudeau is cheating as bad as you guys down here.

Yeah, we think a lot. But we do it logically.
If you think that mess was an example of logic, you are nuts.
Immigrants come here for the same reason our ancestors did, work and opportunity. They work, pay taxes, and cannot use the services we have. They pay into SS and are not qualified for it. They also start businesses at a faster rate than citizens do.
Gold plated AK? You really are crazed.