It's OK to Be White
If Democrats, the country, wanted Medicare for All we would have elected Bernie Sanders so that's hardly an argument that we don't have more good paying jobs not in manufacturing fields.
Biden got elected because most people who tend to vote Democrat fell for the lie that he's not electable and we all understood that beating Trump was the most important thing this year.
Most Americans do support Medicare for All. And there is a WAY better chance of getting it passed with Democrats in power. Within the DNC, there are Moderate and Liberals. Within the RNC, there are Conservatives. There's no hope of improving the economy with the Republicans.
How is regulating big business going to create more jobs in real estate, health care, finance etc? Build new schools? Republicans are against that? When was the last new school built in New York, S.F., L.A. or Chicago? New schools get built in fast growing (generally suburban) areas. How are Republicans holding that up?
Regulating big business keeps them from getting too powerful, thus preventing them from crushing smaller businesses, which allows the smaller businesses to get bigger and create more jobs.
Republicans generally are against, not just building new schools, but improving schools. That's why they claim to be for "school choice." It's a sneaky way to appear like they care about children without having to actually improve schools.