Tax programs are a way to redistribute money. the Repubs always move money to the wealthy and corporations. The very people, who do not need it. The result is a suppression of demand., It will eventually harm the economy and threaten the American system.
If we increased the min. wage and made the lower half thrive, eventually we would have a far more powerful economy. Demand is what creates hiring. Corporations are enjoying the highest profits of all time. Wages are stagnant. Any idea where that money went? The wealth gap is worse than it was during the Gilded Age.
If we increased the min. wage and made the lower half thrive, eventually we would have a far more powerful economy. Demand is what creates hiring. Corporations are enjoying the highest profits of all time. Wages are stagnant. Any idea where that money went? The wealth gap is worse than it was during the Gilded Age.