Republicans have no answer to this simple chart

Look at the chart, and the radical change from a near 100% correlation between productivity and wages to the flat line on wages at the same time as the Reagan tax cuts. You're speaking nonsense if not being dishonest to cite the other topics.

You don’t even understand your own graph.
Why could workers do well with the wealthy paying 70% rather than 40%? The tax money did not go to the workers.
JFK & LBJ lowered the top rate from 91% to 70% (21%) and the bottom rate from 20% to 14% (6%). That means the wealthy got 3 times the cut as lower income (and more in actual dollars).

During the period of that chart the higher tax rates resulted in lower tax revenues as a percent of GDP while spending as a percent o the GDP was lower. Maybe less government spending and taking less revenue out of the economy accounted for the wage increases.

Of course much of the money DID go to the American people, directly and indirectly. Not all - moon project had only indirect benefits, the Vietnam War - but much did, and moreso today. And the wealthy not being so absurdly wealthy inhibited their political organizing to take over the American political system, as they did as of the Nixon administration, feeding into the Reagan administration. Where do you think all that increased productivity that didn't go to wages went? Into the pockets of the rich.
Of course much of the money DID go to the American people, directly and indirectly. Not all - moon project had only indirect benefits, the Vietnam War - but much did, and moreso today. And the wealthy not being so absurdly wealthy inhibited their political organizing to take over the American political system, as they did as of the Nixon administration, feeding into the Reagan administration. Where do you think all that increased productivity that didn't go to wages went? Into the pockets of the rich.

I don't think American soldiers accounted for wage increases. If NASA and war help workers we should be doing great since we still have a space program and TWO wars.
I don't think American soldiers accounted for wage increases. If NASA and war help workers we should be doing great since we still have a space program and TWO wars.

That's the opposite of what I said. The space program didn't help workers much - but you're also wrong in that our spending on space now is a sliver of what it was, then it was as much as 5% of the federal budget.
Redistribution schemes are another stupid idea from the ignoramuses on the left. What this requires is the moronic belief that faceless politicians trying to stay elected know better how to spend our wealth than we, the sheeple. That's not just moronic, but terribly dangerous from a liberty perspective.

Another stupid claim; how do they do this? Let's see how brain dead you really are.

Another moronic liberal leftist notion; that they should be the arbiters of need. Priceless

More proof you haven't the slightest clue of what you are emotionally erupting about. The thing that really disrupts markets is Government interventionism.

Wrong again; because when you increase the cost of doing business, you raise the prices of everything thus negating any temporary artificial increase in wages.

The right way to increase wages is for workers to gain higher level skills and education that is in demand. What economic dimwits like you demand would weaken the economy much like Venezuela's.

I am amused that you think arbitrarily raising minimum wages is about demand. Dunce.

This is not true for all corporations or small businesses. But then it begs the question, why is it wrong for them to make profits which get re-invested into the economy creating more jobs and higher wages?

Eight years of Obamunism has done that....but this is already changing with only a year in office for Trump.

During Obamunism the money went to Wall Street and bankers while the fed pumped untold billions into them with their idiotic effort to prop up a failed Obama economy.

This is a flat out lie; but again, I am amused by dullard arguments regarding wage equality and wealth equality; two of the dumbest arguments next to Obama's lie that you could keep your doctors and throwing away trillions on the ACA would lower health care costs.

You really are utterly uninformed. Wages have been flat for about 50 years. obama was creating that mess when he was a kid. Or you are just ignorant. You are ignorant.
Wealth gap a flat out lie. No you are flat out stupid. The CBO stated that. They are numbers, something you are unfamiliar with. Here too. You are depressing because every scribble you post, is wrong and stupid., I would think after the first 5 or 6 thousand times you were refuted, you would learn. But you stay just as aggressive and stupid today as you were in the past.

I was going to explain economic demand to you, but I have learned, you cannot understand that. You cannot allow any information into your bunker.
That's the opposite of what I said. The space program didn't help workers much - but you're also wrong in that our spending on space now is a sliver of what it was, then it was as much as 5% of the federal budget.

OK--I understand what you were saying. But the money going to workers was from their employers, not from government revenue.
OK--I understand what you were saying. But the money going to workers was from their employers, not from government revenue.

That is true. But the issue is how now, the workers are no longer getting that share of the productivity, and how government policy plays a role in that. And whether you even see that as a bad thing and if so how you suggest changing it.

I think the first issue is seeing it as a bad thing, that all new economic growth goes to the very top instead of being shared by everyone as it used to be. And that is simply an issue of power the wealthy have obtained over democracy.

But I can't remember ever hearing the Republicans discuss that as a problem, except in the rare cases they're dishonestly pretending to be on the side of the people, like when trump attacked the wealthy or claimed his tax bill will hurt the rich.

What Republicans need to understand is that the threat of tyranny is not the government, but the concentration of wealth, and that the high concentration has largely removed real democracy in the US, the rule by the people.
That's pretty much all just wrong. EITC has nothing to do with this IMO, and Democrats are doing no such thing. Why are so many people so deluded about the issues of wages and plutocracy? It's like your programmed.

It is morally wrong but factually correct. Your gap was unphased in its trend by top rate increases in the 90's. Democrats are doing such things. They are the ones who harp about government subsidizing Walmart workers but when pointed out that those subsidies come as a direct result of DNC policies, they "Look, Squirrel!!!"
It provides money to the government coffers, enabling paying for an infrastructure, better schools and healthcare. When Eisenhower was president, corporations paid 30 percent of the revenue the government took in. The top individual rate was 90 percent. Our schools were the envy of the world. We build the interstate highway system. Now we cannot even repair it. Taxing the wealthy helps the health of the nation. It made us the top country in the world.

Imagine if all that development were done as efficiently as privateers.
The claims that corporations pay a much smaller percent of income taxes today than they did in the past is very misleading:

"Today, most business income is taxed through the individual income tax code, rather than the corporate code. This concerns a distinction only a CPA could love. One type of corporation, a "C-corporation," pays corporate income taxes on its profits. Another type, the "S-corporation," pays taxes on its profits through the individual income-tax returns of the owner.

"Changes in tax rates and rules for C- and S-corps contributed to more firms becoming S-corps and thus paying individual rather than corporate income tax," said Kyle Pomerleau, an economist with the Tax Foundation. That has boosted individual income-tax collections and reduced corporate income-tax collections.

Between 1980 to 2010, the category of businesses that includes S-corporations, sole proprietorships, partnerships and LLCs has increased by 10.9 million to over 30 million, while the number of corporations has declined, Pomerlau said.

This means there are fewer corporations to pay the corporate income tax. In addition, the amount of business income generated by these types of businesses has risen as well, Pomerlau said. Between 1980 and 2010, this type of income has increased fivefold, from $320 billion to more than $1.6 trillion, he said.

"In fact, most recent data shows that (these) businesses are earning more total net income than traditional C-corporations," Pomerlau said. "In 1980, it was the complete opposite."
That is true. But the issue is how now, the workers are no longer getting that share of the productivity, and how government policy plays a role in that. And whether you even see that as a bad thing and if so how you suggest changing it.

I think the first issue is seeing it as a bad thing, that all new economic growth goes to the very top instead of being shared by everyone as it used to be. And that is simply an issue of power the wealthy have obtained over democracy.

But I can't remember ever hearing the Republicans discuss that as a problem, except in the rare cases they're dishonestly pretending to be on the side of the people, like when trump attacked the wealthy or claimed his tax bill will hurt the rich.

What Republicans need to understand is that the threat of tyranny is not the government, but the concentration of wealth, and that the high concentration has largely removed real democracy in the US, the rule by the people.

What government policy today that didn't exist in the past keeps workers from getting a larger share of that productivity? Higher taxes on the wealthy does not achieve that.
Explains wealth inequality, as the workers work harder, those who inherited money get richer.
Explains wealth inequality, as the workers work harder, those who inherited money get richer.

Workers do not have to work harder to increase production--technology accounts for most of those gains. A majority of millionaires and billionaires did not inherit their fortune. That is a myth by those who resent the wealthy and want to find ways to denigrate their success by suggesting they inherited their money or did not earn it honestly and by claiming they do not pay their fair share of taxes.
It is morally wrong but factually correct. Your gap was unphased in its trend by top rate increases in the 90's. Democrats are doing such things. They are the ones who harp about government subsidizing Walmart workers but when pointed out that those subsidies come as a direct result of DNC policies, they "Look, Squirrel!!!"

So you think the problem is Democrats helping low-paid workers, not Republicans causing workers to be low-paid.

Look, squirrel!
Workers do not have to work harder to increase production--technology accounts for most of those gains.

Correct, and irrelevant. The gains should be shared, not all taken by the 1%.

A majority of millionaires and billionaires did not inherit their fortune. That is a myth by those who resent the wealthy and want to find ways to denigrate their success by suggesting they inherited their money or did not earn it honestly and by claiming they do not pay their fair share of taxes.

No, actually, inheritance and generational advantage are huge problems causing low mobility, lack of opportunity, and reduced productivity as the best are not given a chance to protect the fortunes of the heirs.
What government policy today that didn't exist in the past keeps workers from getting a larger share of that productivity? Higher taxes on the wealthy does not achieve that.

Higher taxes on the wealth and corporations DOES go a long way to achieve that. Many policies influence the distribution of income and wealth, the balance of power between workers and owners, and the scale is hugely tiled to the wealthy.

This is how we've gotten to the point that government mostly serves the few richest and most powerful now rather than the people, and those few keep it that way.

As Jimmy Carter said, the US no longer has a functional democracy.

You're asking what specific policies are affecting distribution of wealth, but what you need to understand is simply who government is serving.
You really are utterly uninformed. Wages have been flat for about 50 years. obama was creating that mess when he was a kid. Or you are just ignorant. You are ignorant.

Moron; I do wish you had a brain:
US Wages Have Been Rising Faster Than Productivity For Decades

Wealth gap a flat out lie. No you are flat out stupid. The CBO stated that. They are numbers, something you are unfamiliar with. Here too.

I didn't say wealth gap you incoherent moron; I said WEALTH EQUALITY arguments. Maybe if I make it bigger you'll comprehend it.

You are depressing because every scribble you post, is wrong and stupid., I would think after the first 5 or 6 thousand times you were refuted, you would learn. But you stay just as aggressive and stupid today as you were in the past.

You are depressing because trying to argue with someone so lacking in intelligence and reading comprehension skills can be frustrating. But I get it; if you weren't a total low information moron, you wouldn't be a liberal or Democrat.

I was going to explain economic demand to you, but I have learned, you cannot understand that. You cannot allow any information into your bunker.[/QUOTE]