Tax programs are a way to redistribute money.
Redistribution schemes are another stupid idea from the ignoramuses on the left. What this requires is the moronic belief that faceless politicians trying to stay elected know better how to spend our wealth than we, the sheeple. That's not just moronic, but terribly dangerous from a liberty perspective.
the Repubs always move money to the wealthy and corporations.
Another stupid claim; how do they do this? Let's see how brain dead you really are.
The very people, who do not need it.
Another moronic liberal leftist notion; that they should be the arbiters of need. Priceless
The result is a suppression of demand., It will eventually harm the economy and threaten the American system.
More proof you haven't the slightest clue of what you are emotionally erupting about. The thing that really disrupts markets is Government interventionism.
If we increased the min. wage and made the lower half thrive, eventually we would have a far more powerful economy.
Wrong again; because when you increase the cost of doing business, you raise the prices of everything thus negating any temporary artificial increase in wages.
The right way to increase wages is for workers to gain higher level skills and education that is in demand. What economic dimwits like you demand would weaken the economy much like Venezuela's.
Demand is what creates hiring.
I am amused that you think arbitrarily raising minimum wages is about demand. Dunce.
Corporations are enjoying the highest profits of all time.
This is not true for all corporations or small businesses. But then it begs the question, why is it wrong for them to make profits which get re-invested into the economy creating more jobs and higher wages?
Eight years of Obamunism has done that....but this is already changing with only a year in office for Trump.
Any idea where that money went?
During Obamunism the money went to Wall Street and bankers while the fed pumped untold billions into them with their idiotic effort to prop up a failed Obama economy.
The wealth gap is worse than it was during the Gilded Age.
This is a flat out lie; but again, I am amused by dullard arguments regarding wage equality and wealth equality; two of the dumbest arguments next to Obama's lie that you could keep your doctors and throwing away trillions on the ACA would lower health care costs.