Republicans say it outloud

But that would mean that ANYONE who ever gave a cent to BLM needs go be arrested by the feds and looked at by the IRS. BLM burned buildings,..looted business, shot and killed people. But the BLM defenders say you cannot hold BLM responsible for what a FEW do. Same logic would come into play here. Cant have it both ways. Suck it...

There's a difference between arrested and investigated. If a person was slipping money to the Proud Boys or the ASPCA, that's okay. If they were slipping money to them to fund a "civil war" or "#stopthesteal", then things change a bit.

How much money did you give? Did you give to fund the "civil war" or just to buy a cool t-shirt? There's a difference where the law is concerned.
I don't support Antifa nor BLM. Democrats do though.

I'm ambivalent. People have a right to protest but they don't have a right to break the law.

OTOH, shouldn't it be concerning anytime the government takes the life of an American citizen?
There was no armed insurrection on the 6th. To say there was is silly. With the kind of numbers in the amounts of people that were there if it were TRULY an armed insurrection they would have accomplished anything they wanted to at break neck speed. If they would have wanted to kill Democrat lawmakers,....they would have and nothing would have stopped them. If they wanted to have taken hostages,....they would have. I like to live in reality. Armed insurrection? Not hardly. In fact its laughable to even suggest it.

It wasn't an insurrection because it wasn't a success?

:rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2:
Know, he didn't call himself 'you moron' I think he said he was 'SmarterthanYou. Turns out he wasn't. You were both talking about hearing concrete information from higher ups. Don't think that someone hasn't looked into that, I guarantee you that they did. The difference is that he might have ACTUALLY known something, unlike you, who didn't know jack shit.

I am just hyper intuitive. Guess my intuition was correct!....LOL
BLM has a desire to make America a better place. They are fighting to keep minorities from being beaten and killed by police. If they win, we will be closer to our promise.
The Trumpian insurrectionists were trying to destroy the American experiment and install a dictator. I don't know how you can like that, but reds are haters and good followers.

So burning, looting, beating and killing people is o.k? Got it. Just remember that if and when the opposition does the same. Who the fuck ever heard of LOOTING for a good cause?Nobody ever did. All it REALLY is is a bunch of street level thieves stealing shit.
So burning, looting, beating and killing people is o.k? Got it. Just remember that if and when the opposition does the same. Who the fuck ever heard of LOOTING for a good cause?Nobody ever did. All it REALLY is is a bunch of street level thieves stealing shit.

No, it isn't. Is supporting the overthrow of the US government okay? What should be done to people who actively supported an event that resulted in foreseeable deaths and injury? Shouldn't they be hunted down and arrested regardless of skin-tone?

I'm curious about your thoughts. :)
No, it isn't. Is supporting the overthrow of the US government okay? What should be done to people who actively supported an event that resulted in foreseeable deaths and injury? Shouldn't they be hunted down and arrested regardless of skin-tone?

I'm curious about your thoughts. :)

I think you should get off your computer long enuff to get off your dead ass and actually start hunting down some of these bad guys. Seems to me you dont do much else except talk in circles and spout nonsense.
Holy shit. Between yesterday and today I have built a new kitchen island,...layed it all up in veneer stone,...and put in about 3/4's of a new kitchen floor. Meanwhile, havent moved off your ass long enuff to get off the computer let alone JPP. Ive done THAT much and when I come back in here you are STILL here talking the same old shit. Thats unhealthy. What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?????
I think you should get off your computer long enuff to get off your dead ass and actually start hunting down some of these bad guys. Seems to me you dont do much else except talk in circles and spout nonsense.

Why do you think I should take the law into my own hands as you are advocating?
Holy shit. Between yesterday and today I have built a new kitchen island,...layed it all up in veneer stone,...and put in about 3/4's of a new kitchen floor. Meanwhile, havent moved off your ass long enuff to get off the computer let alone JPP. Ive done THAT much and when I come back in here you are STILL here talking the same old shit. Thats unhealthy. What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?????

I'm retired...and not facing prison. :D
Because you post about virtually nothing else. You are becoming mentally ill and unstable.
You're wrong on that count since I can be found talking about all sorts of subjects elsewhere. You, sir, are projecting.

That may well be. After Trump FUBAR'd the COVID response, is it really a surprise the insanity rate is up?

Do you think you could do a year in prison, Stone? That's given you cut a good plea deal and someone didn't give you up first.
Retired isnt supposed to mean dead. If your life has become sitting on your computer all day and night then in a way you are already dead. What a way to live.
You're wrong on that count since I can be found talking about all sorts of subjects elsewhere. You, sir, are projecting.

That may well be. After Trump FUBAR'd the COVID response, is it really a surprise the insanity rate is up?

Do you think you could do a year in prison, Stone? That's given you cut a good plea deal and someone didn't give you up first.

They got me! Im guilty of putting in a kitchen island! Oh nooooooooooo......
Most here are missing the nature of it. It was a riot, inspired by Trump. Trump instigated it, and the location
just happened to be the US Capitol on Jan 6 2021. That adds the element of treason on his part.

It wasn't a battle or a tactical mission of qualified mercenaries. It was a bunch of douchenozzles in fatigues
pretending. Fucking bozo macho obvious retards like Stone. And it got out of hand. All riots have an ignition.
Trump wanted it to get just enough out of hand to terrorize the members and make them not certify.
He was dumb enough to either not care or not know the foreseeable consequence was likely mayhem and deaths.

The zoot suits, LA, the Ruskie Navalny ones recently. All riots. There is always a precipitating cause, and holding TRump accountable
doesn't require finding Trump's fingerprints of a battle map. You don't need muskets or machine guns to participate in a riot.
Put it on the Capitol Rontunda like Trump did, and you have criminal legal exposure IMO.
Retired isnt supposed to mean dead. If your life has become sitting on your computer all day and night then in a way you are already dead. What a way to live.

Dude, I'm in north Texas. Everything is shut down due to the weather and the rolling blackouts. Are you this stupid at work or is this just your "after 5 o'clock" personality?
They got me! Im guilty of putting in a kitchen island! Oh nooooooooooo......

Enjoy the interview if that's all that happened. Heck, maybe you could get one of Trump's lawyers to sue them! :)

OTOH, if you gave money toward an insurrection, you're fucked. Best cut as a deal as quick as you can...or maybe your "friends" have a better solution for you and yours. Cheaper is better, right? LOL

If you truly served, then you know the importance of trust and honesty. What kind of man leaves his troops to be captured and imprisoned to save himself?
A couple of great examples of the utter lack of integrity and ethics from some of our favorite Republicans are making headlines today.

Let's start with the censuring of Pat Toomey by state and local GOP officials in Pennsylvania. His crime was to vote his conscience and listen to the evidence presented in the trial. A state GOP official, David Ball, had this to say about Toomey:

"We did not send him there to vote his conscience. We did not send him there to do the right thing or whatever he said he was doing. We sent him there to represent us."

'Us' apparently meaning the Trump Cult. Yep, you heard that right, this guy doesn't want a Senator to do the right thing, he wants a Senator who follows the orders of Donald J. Trump.

Which leads us to Ron Johnson, the Trumpkin Senator from Wisconsin, who really thinks you can't have an insurrection without guns and shooting:

"This didn't seem like an armed insurrection to me," the Oshkosh Republican said in an interview on WISN-AM with conservative talk radio show host Jay Weber, after condemning the events at the U.S. Capitol that day. "I mean 'armed,' when you hear 'armed,' don't you think of firearms?"

Yep, bear spray, spears, hockey sticks and other blunt objects aren't really weapons, so no big deal. Johnson did get one thing right, as he went on to say this:

"If that was a planned armed insurrection, man, you had really a bunch of idiots."

Yep Ron, it sure was a bunch of idiots. In other words, it was Trumpkins just like you.

Typical Republicans- censuring their own for telling the truth, doing their job, and upholding their oath of office.

WOW! That is very telling!
Most here are missing the nature of it. It was a riot, inspired by Trump. Trump instigated it, and the location
just happened to be the US Capitol on Jan 6 2021. That adds the element of treason on his part.

It wasn't a battle or a tactical mission of qualified mercenaries. It was a bunch of douchenozzles in fatigues
pretending. Fucking bozo macho obvious retards like Stone. And it got out of hand. All riots have an ignition.
Trump wanted it to get just enough out of hand to terrorize the members and make them not certify.
He was dumb enough to either not care or not know the foreseeable consequence was likely mayhem and deaths.

The zoot suits, LA, the Ruskie Navalny ones recently. All riots. There is always a precipitating cause, and holding TRump accountable
doesn't require finding Trump's fingerprints of a battle map. You don't need muskets or machine guns to participate in a riot.
Put it on the Capitol Rontunda like Trump did, and you have criminal legal exposure IMO.

I bet this obvious retard would kick your worthless ass every which way but Sunday. Talk your nonsense shit to someone else loser boy.