Republicans would rather Syria and Russia be stronger.


Obama used his AQ posse in Libya .. now Libya is destroyed and headquarters for Al Qaeda.

Face the truth .. the war on terror has been a fraud from day one.

YOU now support the very elements that was supposedly behind the events of 9/11 with your TAX DOLLARS.

With your TAX DOLLARS you now support AL QAEDA.

9/11 was a fraud.

stick with the knowable facts.

bad info in means bad decisions out
You're hopelessly lost and will never even qualify to talk in the company of Anti-party. You're a great example of how stupid American teenagers can get.
Your ignorance is amazing and you are obviously a great example of how the God of Ignorance over blesses certain people. Obama has presented not a shred of evidence that Assad was the one that used the chemical weapons. He desperately tries to convince Congress but gives no real evidence other than that chemical weapons were used. None that proves which party did the deed. Yet you and other fools go along with his outright lie that Assad did when Assad using those weapons made no sense at all. However rebels doing so to get a very powerful outside force to help them does. Why does Obama not present proof Assad did it? Answer is because he has none..
stick with the knowable facts.

bad info in means bad decisions out

Demonstrate where my facts are wrong.

I just posted some truth about Libya, but just for you ..

Al-Qaeda virtually in control of Libya: Lawrence Freeman
September 13, 2013

Libya Struggles to Curb Militias as Chaos Grows

Post your knowable facts
That's just not whats happening. You are calling vastly different groups the same name... Al Queada.

Its like lumping Venezuelans with Texans and saying they are the same politically because they are both Americans.

You can run, but you can't hide from the truth brother.

AL QAEDA ia who we are training and funding in Syria just as we did in Libya .. and that country is now in ruins .. and youi democrats aren't saying shit about it.

Oh sure, lets talk about Iraq and Bush ,,
Demonstrate where my facts are wrong.

I just posted some truth about Libya, but just for you ..

Al-Qaeda virtually in control of Libya: Lawrence Freeman
September 13, 2013

Libya Struggles to Curb Militias as Chaos Grows

Post your knowable facts
LexisNexis, Congressional Research Service, Google, among others

Al Qaeda Headquarters in Libya
May 6, 2013

Obama’s Liberated Libya is Now Al Qaeda’s HQ

I agree with you that much of the Libyan opposition is formed of AQIM, which is not the same AQ that attacked us on 9/11 but may be just as bad. My question is what sources do you have that say the opposition in Syria is the Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11. Its my understanding that that AQ does not even exist anymore.
You can run, but you can't hide from the truth brother.

AL QAEDA ia who we are training and funding in Syria just as we did in Libya .. and that country is now in ruins .. and youi democrats aren't saying shit about it.

Oh sure, lets talk about Iraq and Bush ,,

Just because they some of them may take the name Al Qeada (The "military" Base) does not mean they are the same people whose fears and emotions you are stroking when you use the name.
Just because they some of them may take the name Al Qeada (The "military" Base) does not mean they are the same people whose fears and emotions you are stroking when you use the name.

While 'conservatives' have for many years tried to turn those that 'hate' us through sponsoring coups or civil wars, that hasn't been very successful, (understatement). On the other hand, the 'liberal' attempts to find the Kumbaya moments through beating our breasts and sending in money, has failed also.

Currently it seems that many conservatives have recognized this, while to many liberals just think their approach has just not been 'big enough.'

Truth is both approaches haven't worked. As a country, through those that are the 'diplomats' and decision makers, we have demonstrated an abysmal understanding of the people of other countries. Granted, they don't understand us either, but for the most part can't really do to us what we've done to them.

Some of 'them' have joined together.
While 'conservatives' have for many years tried to turn those that 'hate' us through sponsoring coups or civil wars, that hasn't been very successful, (understatement). On the other hand, the 'liberal' attempts to find the Kumbaya moments through beating our breasts and sending in money, has failed also.

Currently it seems that many conservatives have recognized this, while to many liberals just think their approach has just not been 'big enough.'

Truth is both approaches haven't worked. As a country, through those that are the 'diplomats' and decision makers, we have demonstrated an abysmal understanding of the people of other countries. Granted, they don't understand us either, but for the most part can't really do to us what we've done to them.

Some of 'them' have joined together.

This is Truth and its an age old problem, now played out on a more global scale. The answer in my opinion is mostly education about the world. The more you understand about far away places the less you hate.

Do you have a suggestion?
This is Truth and its an age old problem, now played out on a more global scale. The answer in my opinion is mostly education about the world. The more you understand about far away places the less you hate.

Do you have a suggestion?

Concentrate on the issues that are of immediate concern to our own interests. Domestic issues, trade, markets. Let the UN handle international politics and the US should take a backseat and less funding for it. It's not a panacea, but Russia and France should be able to deal with it.

Education in 'world affairs' isn't the answer, if that's where you are going.
There are all these ME countries pushing the USA to act on Syria, I believe that they should form a coalition and take care of Syria themselves. I am tired of the USA doing the dirty work for them.
I agree with you that much of the Libyan opposition is formed of AQIM, which is not the same AQ that attacked us on 9/11 but may be just as bad. My question is what sources do you have that say the opposition in Syria is the Al Qaeda that attacked us on 9/11. Its my understanding that that AQ does not even exist anymore.

Truth is good brother, you don't need deep sources. You don't need to know how to use NexisLexis, have access to CRS, or knowledge of much else other than to know how to research and cross check sources.

That's it .. other than you also have to have an open mind. Facts should lead you, not politics, not emotion.

AQ doesn't exist?

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda
June 14, 2013

That truth is EASY to find and validate .. even using the CIA and the State Department as the source.

The CIA’s Libya Rebels: The Same Terrorists who Killed US, NATO Troops in Iraq
2007 West Point Study Shows Benghazi-Darnah-Tobruk Area was a World Leader in Al Qaeda Suicide Bomber Recruitment


Foreign Terrorist Organizations
Americans should stop the faux complaining when ME countries push the US for war. It's just relibious and political reasons and everyone knows it.

When the rest of the world starts asking the US to go to war instead of asking it 'to not' go to war then that's when you all will have a reason to cry. Or at least pretend to cry.

For fuck sake, as if the US doesn't go to war for it's own reasons. YOu fucking lemmings are right over the top and off the wall now!
Americans should stop the faux complaining when ME countries push the US for war. It's just relibious and political reasons and everyone knows it.

When the rest of the world starts asking the US to go to war instead of asking it 'to not' go to war then that's when you all will have a reason to cry. Or at least pretend to cry.

For fuck sake, as if the US doesn't go to war for it's own reasons. YOu fucking lemmings are right over the top and off the wall now!

its odd....I keep hearing people saying we shouldn't go to war, yet monty seems to be hearing us clamoring for it......