Republicans would rather Syria and Russia be stronger.


I just don't like being told what I don't know by someone who has no idea what I do or do not know.

Well by all means, please correct me. I am certainly man enough to admit error, on the rare occasion that I commit one.
Nothing here is a valid American interest. I can't wait to hear President Peace Prize sound like Desh and try to get us to bomb anyway... He'll be like Bush, "I'll only use it if all else fails." then right after it passes send more warships and videographers to create "Shock and Awe 33 1/3 - I Said Red Line Beeyotch!"

The first and foremost reason that I would not support even limited strikes in Syria, and certainly not helping the "rebels" is I don't think our troops should ever be used to assist the people who killed so many in NYC on 09/11/2001.

The Syrian Rebels are the ones who are responsible for 9/11? Wow, someone apologize to OBL's family and Saddam now the Republicans are blaming the Syrian rebels?
The Syrian Rebels are the ones who are responsible for 9/11? Wow, someone apologize to OBL's family and Saddam now the Republicans are blaming the Syrian rebels?

Are you truly too stupid to know that al queda is fighting intermingled with the syrian rebels? Or is your head just so far up obamas ass that you can only see the shit he feeds you?
The Right was pushing for war with Syria since '07. They get paid big money from Defense Contractors which makes their decision to go to war a little easier. In 2012 for the first time ever Obama, a Left winger, was paid more than a Republican by Defense Contractors (when combining the Defense Contractors together). I worried what would happen and then I saw him sing the war happy tune the Right has been for so long.

Follow the money.
So Obama is now a rightwing guy? Obama wants to bomb Syria so the Al Qadea rebel forces can beat Assad. Your ignorance is amazing.
So Obama is now a rightwing guy? Obama wants to bomb Syria so the Al Qadea rebel forces can beat Assad. Your ignorance is amazing.

You're hopelessly lost and will never even qualify to talk in the company of Anti-party. You're a great example of how stupid American teenagers can get.
Let me start by saying, I am okay with a limited strike on Syria for having used chemical weapons.

But here is the deal, Republicans, who have in the past supported a full blown invasion with ground troops are fighting the limited air strike on Syria that the President has proposed because it is clear they would prefer to defeat the President than promote America and the worlds best interests. They would allow Syria and Russia get the best of us in order to try to make the president appear weak.

Pitiful and disgusting!

There is a reason to launch a strike on Syria, there was no reason to outright conquer Iraq, it made no sense and came out of nowhere.
I love how so many people are all for 'precision airstrikes' without even the slightest reading of strategic or tactical air theory, our history in the use of air power, etc. Hell, I doubt a single person here knows who Curtis Lemay is. But they know how 'accurate' and 'effective' our bombs are.

Haha, precision airstrikes. We said that in WWII, then we celebrated while the women and children in Dresden and Tokyo burned to death on our firebombs, human sacrifices to the cruelty and evil inherent in man.
I love how so many people are all for 'precision airstrikes' without even the slightest reading of strategic or tactical air theory, our history in the use of air power, etc. Hell, I doubt a single person here knows who Curtis Lemay is. But they know how 'accurate' and 'effective' our bombs are.

You won't find too many liberals who don't know who Curtis Lemay is. Maybe not dems, but for those on even the nominal left, we all know. Certainly anyone who holds any anti-war position knows.
Let me start by saying, I am okay with a limited strike on Syria for having used chemical weapons.

But here is the deal, Republicans, who have in the past supported a full blown invasion with ground troops are fighting the limited air strike on Syria that the President has proposed because it is clear they would prefer to defeat the President than promote America and the worlds best interests. They would allow Syria and Russia get the best of us in order to try to make the president appear weak.

Pitiful and disgusting!

they are the Grove Norquest people.

they don't want this country to survive they want to kill this country and run it wth their own new made up rules.
one segment of the rebels IS Al Quida.....there is no way you can deny that......

One small segment might be partially backed by AQ, they are not AQ. The AQ that attacked us 12 years ago today does not even exist, its evolved and morphed and been forced into a very different organization.
Are you truly too stupid to know that al queda is fighting intermingled with the syrian rebels? Or is your head just so far up obamas ass that you can only see the shit he feeds you?

Some AQ being intermingled with the rebels is different than what DamoCon claimed. Ill bet that Assad has some contact with AQ also.
There is a reason to launch a strike on Syria, there was no reason to outright conquer Iraq, it made no sense and came out of nowhere.

While I disagree with the part about a limited air strike on Syria, at least you are consistent and I can respect your position.
For me it's not about taking out Assad, but there is no absolute proof he did it, however there is absolute proof that Al Queda is gaining support among the rebel groups. There is no way I would support any Group that is affiliated with Al Qaeda, see I remember 911. Assad is a brutal dictator, but he isn't butchering Christians in Syria, and the rebel forces are, and he isn't Al Quada
For me it's not about taking out Assad, but there is no absolute proof he did it, however there is absolute proof that Al Queda is gaining support among the rebel groups. There is no way I would support any Group that is affiliated with Al Qaeda, see I remember 911. Assad is a brutal dictator, but he isn't butchering Christians in Syria, and the rebel forces are, and he isn't Al Quada

Whose talking about taking out Assad?

So, would you support any group affiliated with the Germans? They killed a lot of Jews!