Republicans would rather Syria and Russia be stronger.

Germans aren't killing jews now but

you will be on the wrong side if you support Syrian rebels

Al Queda is not killing Americans now but.
I don't particularly support Syrian rebels. The Syrian rebels are not a unified group, that is one of the reasons the Assad regime is not going to be taken out, there are like 7 sides in this civil war, but our media is drumming it down to two sides.
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Let me start by saying, I am okay with a limited strike on Syria for having used chemical weapons.

But here is the deal, Republicans, who have in the past supported a full blown invasion with ground troops are fighting the limited air strike on Syria that the President has proposed because it is clear they would prefer to defeat the President than promote America and the worlds best interests. They would allow Syria and Russia get the best of us in order to try to make the president appear weak.

Pitiful and disgusting!

I agree, those Republicans (not all) are just looking to defeat Obama. It's just like when SOME Democrats pretended to be antiwar under Bush.

But how would any of this make Syria or Russia stronger?
Al Queda is not killing Americans now but.
I don't particularly support Syrian rebels. The Syrian rebels are not a unified group, that is one of the reasons the Assad regime is not going to be taken out, there are like 7 sides in this civil war, but our media is drumming it down to two sides.

Do you doubt given the Ability to strike Americans they would, with malice and use any weapon available to them?
Al Queda is not killing Americans now but.
I don't particularly support Syrian rebels. The Syrian rebels are not a unified group, that is one of the reasons the Assad regime is not going to be taken out, there are like 7 sides in this civil war, but our media is drumming it down to two sides.

Personally, I'd like someone to define exactly what the term "Al Qaeda" refers to these days. Near as I can tell, it refers to any Sunni terrorist group in the world.
Personally, I'd like someone to define exactly what the term "Al Qaeda" refers to these days. Near as I can tell, it refers to any Sunni terrorist group in the world.

Any Sunni political group that the right wants to demonize.
Some AQ being intermingled with the rebels is different than what DamoCon claimed. Ill bet that Assad has some contact with AQ also.


Obama used his AQ posse in Libya .. now Libya is destroyed and headquarters for Al Qaeda.

Face the truth .. the war on terror has been a fraud from day one.

YOU now support the very elements that was supposedly behind the events of 9/11 with your TAX DOLLARS.

With your TAX DOLLARS you now support AL QAEDA.

9/11 was a fraud.
Al Queda is not killing Americans now but.
I don't particularly support Syrian rebels. The Syrian rebels are not a unified group, that is one of the reasons the Assad regime is not going to be taken out, there are like 7 sides in this civil war, but our media is drumming it down to two sides.

Then why is Obama spending millions upon millions launching drones at them .. while at the same time giving them your tax dollars?
Intercepts caught Assad rejecting requests to use chemical weapons, German paper says

BERLIN — Syrian President Bashar Assad has repeatedly rejected requests from his field commanders for approval to use chemical weapons, according to a report this weekend in a German newspaper.

The report in Bild am Sonntag, which is a widely read and influential national Sunday newspaper, reported that the head of the German Foreign Intelligence agency, Gerhard Schindler, last week told a select group of German lawmakers that intercepted communications had convinced German intelligence officials that Assad did not order or approve what is believed to be a sarin gas attack on Aug. 21 that killed hundreds of people in Damascus’ eastern suburbs.


Obama used his AQ posse in Libya .. now Libya is destroyed and headquarters for Al Qaeda.

Face the truth .. the war on terror has been a fraud from day one.

YOU now support the very elements that was supposedly behind the events of 9/11 with your TAX DOLLARS.

With your TAX DOLLARS you now support AL QAEDA.

9/11 was a fraud.
Cite, where do you get your information?
Intercepts caught Assad rejecting requests to use chemical weapons, German paper says

BERLIN — Syrian President Bashar Assad has repeatedly rejected requests from his field commanders for approval to use chemical weapons, according to a report this weekend in a German newspaper.

The report in Bild am Sonntag, which is a widely read and influential national Sunday newspaper, reported that the head of the German Foreign Intelligence agency, Gerhard Schindler, last week told a select group of German lawmakers that intercepted communications had convinced German intelligence officials that Assad did not order or approve what is believed to be a sarin gas attack on Aug. 21 that killed hundreds of people in Damascus’ eastern suburbs.


very smart of him to put that into the record.

BTW if his men used them its his fault as the commander in cheif
Then why is Obama spending millions upon millions launching drones at them .. while at the same time giving them your tax dollars?
That's just not whats happening. You are calling vastly different groups the same name... Al Queada.

Its like lumping Venezuelans with Texans and saying they are the same politically because they are both Americans.