Republicans would rather Syria and Russia be stronger.

Let me start by saying, I am okay with a limited strike on Syria for having used chemical weapons.

But here is the deal, Republicans, who have in the past supported a full blown invasion with ground troops are fighting the limited air strike on Syria that the President has proposed because it is clear they would prefer to defeat the President than promote America and the worlds best interests. They would allow Syria and Russia get the best of us in order to try to make the president appear weak.

Pitiful and disgusting!

Taking those stupid pills again, Jarod ?.....Limited air strikes will do nothing, especially in the middle of a civil war but help the, AQ backed rebels....

Is that what you're aiming for ?
Good to know that I speak for 'the Republicans.' I'm pretty sure they're glad I don't; as the DNC would be glad to know while you support them, you don't speak for 'the democrats.'

Thought lawyers thought more tightly. Guess not all.

I was not talking about you weakening the United States... I was talking about the Republicans.
Taking those stupid pills again, Jarod ?.....Limited air strikes will do nothing, especially in the middle of a civil war but help the, AQ backed rebels....

Is that what you're aiming for ?
1. They are not AQ backed.
2. I don't care who it helps if it punishes the use of Chemical Weapons, and if they help the rebels, they do something don't they? This is not about taking any side except for the side opposed to the use of chemical weapons.
I was not talking about you weakening the United States... I was talking about the Republicans.

Seriously, did you get enough sleep last night? I know you 'care' and all, but usually not quite so odd on discussions.
Seriously, did you get enough sleep last night? I know you 'care' and all, but usually not quite so odd on discussions.

He's trolling. He said something to the effect recently of he comes here to make others uncomfortable in their positions or something like that meaning he's going to show Republicans are hypocrites. Thus all his most recent posts have been to that affect and it's why you can't have a real discussion with him because he's not trying to have one. He's 'proving a point' in his mind.
1. They are not AQ backed.
2. I don't care who it helps if it punishes the use of Chemical Weapons, and if they help the rebels, they do something don't they? This is not about taking any side except for the side opposed to the use of chemical weapons.

One of the most effective Syrian rebel groups fighting President Bashar al-Assad is the Nusra Front, effectively a branch of al Qaeda. Opponents of President Barack Obama's plan to attack Syria point out that hitting Syrian government forces in response to a chemical weapons attack last month might end up helping Nusra.

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — Syrian rebels led by al-Qaida-linked fighters seized control of a predominantly Christian village northeast of Damascus, sweeping into the mountainside sanctuary in heavy fighting overnight and forcing hundreds of residents to flee, activists and locals said Sunday.

The fact that al-Nusra has publicly aligned itself with central al Qaeda is worrisome. A long-term safe haven for this group in Syria could be the prelude for the formation of an organization with the wherewithal to attack the West, just as al Qaeda's sojourn in Afghanistan when it was controlled by the Taliban prepared the group for the 9/11 attacks.
Second, al-Nusra is widely regarded as the most effective fighting force in Syria, and its thousands of fighters are the most disciplined of the forces opposing Assad.

And now we have the flip-flop......or outright lie if you prefer...

The Obama administration has started to rebrand Syria’s rebels by de-emphasizing the number of al Qaeda fighters among them — a move critics say is based on questionable intelligence designed to downplay the risks associated with a U.S. military strike on the regime of President Bashar Assad.
After two years of the Obama administration arguing that the Syrian rebellion was rife with fighters linked to al Qaeda, Secretary of State John F. Kerry said last week that Islamic extremists are marginal players in Syria’s civil war and are unlikely to profit much from a U.S. bombing campaign.

Read more:

Amazing how well you toe the party line, flip floping like a fish out of water.....

You're not taking any side ?.....what bullshit....of course you're taking a side, the one you want to attack is the fuck can that act not be
taking a side....fool.
The Obama administration-----After two years of the Obama administration arguing that the Syrian rebellion was rife with fighters linked to al Qaeda,

This reminds me of the decade of Democrats whining about Saddam and wmd and then denying they meant what they said....and the pinheads
that bought into the flip flop and still view Bush as a lone wolf....because he agreed with those Democrats......its laughable....and sad at the same time.
Let me start by saying, I am okay with a limited strike on Syria for having used chemical weapons.

But here is the deal, Republicans, who have in the past supported a full blown invasion with ground troops are fighting the limited air strike on Syria that the President has proposed because it is clear they would prefer to defeat the President than promote America and the worlds best interests. They would allow Syria and Russia get the best of us in order to try to make the president appear weak.

Pitiful and disgusting!

What would a limited strike accomplish .. and how do you know its scope will remain limited?

Do you believe the Syrians won't retaliate .. and if they do, is the mission still 'limited?'
1. They are not AQ backed.

YES, they are .. just as the Libyan 'rebels' were.

Think about that for a second. US taxpayer money going to the organization that was supposedly behind 9/11.

I have a question for you? If the organization that was supposedly behind 9/11 is found anywhere in the world, shouldn't the US be behind that nations efforts to root them out and destroy them? How did we end up on Al Qaeda's side?

How is it that we now fund and train them .. or more correctly stated .. have always funded and trained them?

Why is that?
No, you were pulling shit out of your ass again and throwing it around hoping it would stick to something. You are a fucking idiot. Period.

Mr. no facts, simply allegations and insults... get some substance and come back.
He's trolling. He said something to the effect recently of he comes here to make others uncomfortable in their positions or something like that meaning he's going to show Republicans are hypocrites. Thus all his most recent posts have been to that affect and it's why you can't have a real discussion with him because he's not trying to have one. He's 'proving a point' in his mind.
False I never said that is why I come her, I simply said that its true when I make people face reality they are uncomfortable.
What would a limited strike accomplish .. and how do you know its scope will remain limited?

Do you believe the Syrians won't retaliate .. and if they do, is the mission still 'limited?'
Ive said it on here many times, a limited strike would simply show that you cannot use chemical weapons without a response. It would likely erase any gains made by using chemical weapons, it should make the use of CW's a net negative instead of a net gain. I cannot assure it would remain limited, but how would Syria retaliate? What capacity do they have to retaliate? Should we fail to do the right thing out of fear?
Ive said it on here many times, a limited strike would simply show that you cannot use chemical weapons without a response. It would likely erase any gains made by using chemical weapons, it should make the use of CW's a net negative instead of a net gain. I cannot assure it would remain limited, but how would Syria retaliate? What capacity do they have to retaliate? Should we fail to do the right thing out of fear?

Why do you think the military is against this.

Syria has a myriad of ways to respond through this by-proxy war .. which is exactly what it is.

I'll help Syria if the U.S. attacks, says Putin in chilling threat to Obama as G20 summit breaks up in acrimony

You think an ILLEGAL limited strike on Syria is worth the price of the potential for a wider and more devastating war that no one could control?

That makes no sense .. and the US has no authority to bomb any nation it pleases without Security Council sanction.
Let me start by saying, I am okay with a limited strike on Syria for having used chemical weapons.

But here is the deal, Republicans, who have in the past supported a full blown invasion with ground troops are fighting the limited air strike on Syria that the President has proposed because it is clear they would prefer to defeat the President than promote America and the worlds best interests. They would allow Syria and Russia get the best of us in order to try to make the president appear weak.

Pitiful and disgusting!

And what if that "limited" strike doesn't have the desired effect? Then what?
The only one allowing Syria and Russia to make us appear weak/pathetic/inept is Obama. Obama is the one that will allow Syria and Russia to continue to get the best of him.
Why do you think the military is against this.

Syria has a myriad of ways to respond through this by-proxy war .. which is exactly what it is.

I'll help Syria if the U.S. attacks, says Putin in chilling threat to Obama as G20 summit breaks up in acrimony

You think an ILLEGAL limited strike on Syria is worth the price of the potential for a wider and more devastating war that no one could control?

That makes no sense .. and the US has no authority to bomb any nation it pleases without Security Council sanction.

Surprised! That's about as intelligent as I've heard you get so far. Too bad you're not honest enough to state your preference in my poll.

Just another phony with a over active cakehole I guess.