Response to the Proposal

You forgot situation four -everyone leaves (as many have already) to find a more moderated site.

The only reason I'm still here? the more moderated site has too many posters; I can't keep up.

Now this is truly fucking hilarious. One of the biggest whiny cunts about big mean ILA can't resist responding to my thread. God you are a stupid bitch. Can't keep up?

Bullshit. You don't buy their products because you don't appreciate hip-hop culture. Stop lying.

She is a racist. I can't stop laughing at Tekkychick that dumb twat. She whines and complains about my mean ole posts yet she has ZERO issue with the stuff Desh posts. See any hypocrisy there?

Now don't get me wrong, I am not bothered by Desh's posts in the least. I never complain about em. To tell the truth, I dig that old broad. She gives as good as she gets. She may be a complete fucking loon, but that old fucking broad sticks in there and doesn't play the whiny fucking victim like that cunt Tekkychick.
She is a racist. I can't stop laughing at Tekkychick that dumb twat. She whines and complains about my mean ole posts yet she has ZERO issue with the stuff Desh posts. See any hypocrisy there? Now don't get me wrong, I am not bothered by Desh's posts in the least. I never complain about em. To tell the truth, I dig that old broad. She gives as good as she gets. She may be a complete fucking loon, but that old fucking broad sticks in there and doesn't play the whiny fucking victim like that cunt Tekkychick.

I wonder why Tekkygal has no problem with Desh's language. Selective poutrage?
I wonder why Tekkygal has no problem with Desh's language. Selective poutrage?

not only does she have ZERO problem with Desh's language, I have even seen her thank Desh's most outrageous posts. She even did the same for Howey even on his pedophile posts. So pardon me if her selective outrage seems contrived and misses the mark
not only does she have ZERO problem with Desh's language, I have even seen her thank Desh's most outrageous posts. She even did the same for Howey even on his pedophile posts. So pardon me if her selective outrage seems contrived and misses the mark

I think she has a "thing" for you.
Bullshit. You don't buy their products because you don't appreciate hip-hop culture. Stop lying.

I have defended rap music and hip hop on here, apparently this personality of yours didn't remember. I enjoy many artist from the genre who don't feel the need to use the word.
I say we make the use of the N word and the C word bannable offences. Problem solved and it's not as if it would limit one's ability to express one's self.

Exactly, there are just certain things you don't do out of common fucking decency, if you say nigger or cunt you might as well go around beating paraplegics too, same shit.

I guarantee that ILA does not use that word in everyday life unless he's in private with other degenerates for fear of getting his dental work wrecked. He does it here because of the anonymity, he's a typical internet troll/tough guy.
LOL. How many JPP liberals have confronted a Black rapper or actor for using the same term?


If they were to join here they would get the same scorn, believe it or not there are many Blacks who look down on other Blacks for their use of "nigger".......but don't let that get in your way.
Interesting. I have not noticed before this ANY desire from the moderators to be influenced by the members of the board. So I appreciate you saying you would be open to the general opinion. I probably won't post any polls before I'm back from vacation, but will think about how best to word such a poll.

well you usually haven't heard much because we are pretty confident in what others here want.
If they were to join here they would get the same scorn, believe it or not there are many Blacks who look down on other Blacks for their use of "nigger".......but don't let that get in your way.

Lots of Blacks in the Cretan 'hood?