Response to the Proposal

I would like to link you to this post I made, on why enforcing these type of things is not as easy as one might think:

It's a post that you actually thanked, btw.

Niggering is also a valid word.

Noun. the process of laying light pieces of round timber across the trunks of the trees and setting fire to them at the point of contact, by which means the trees are slowly burned through ¹
You know what is fucking awesome? You niggers are all about ignoring me and banning me from threads. I don't much give a fuck. If you think I come here to "make friends" then you have me all wrong. Whether, you ignore me or not, I will get what I want. I will always follow the rules 100% of the time. If they don't want me using certain words, all they have to do is make it a rule.

But, here is what is so fucking awesome. All y'all niggers just spent a whole shit load of time talking about someone you claim to be ignoring. Do y'all niggers get the fucking irony of that?

I do.



You can say what you want about Desh, but the bitch has a bigger set of balls then some of the pussified men on this board.

What a tedious arsehole!
Maybe you should stop race baiting in every post.

I wouldn't trash him because I feel the same way. I'm so fed up with the non-stop race baiting that I want to use the word nigger as much as I can out of pure spite.

You call everyone who disagrees with you and your Savior racists -- why do you piss and moan when they fulfill your prophecy?

You asked for it, you got it..........

Finally, someone who actually gets it. This is why I do it.

Niggering is also a valid word.

Noun. the process of laying light pieces of round timber across the trunks of the trees and setting fire to them at the point of contact, by which means the trees are slowly burned through ¹

gee I wonder where the term came into play.

coon was also a nick name for a raccoon before it was a racist slur.

does that make that racist slur less offensive?