Retard of the Month

You made a point?
What was it?
I will address it right after you illustrate how my post is a non sequitur.
See, there is an issue here.
You keep mentioning the free market.
I keep telling you there is no free market.
I see that this fucks up your talking points
but that doesn't make a non sequitur.
It just makes you stupid.

So.....if you clarify your point (because it sure as fuck isn't obvious to me)
and explain how my post is indeed a non sequitur (good luck) I will be glad to reply to your point.

Yes, of course, the idea I can take care of myself is a "talking point.." Being intellectually advanced and extremely enlightened, as the reason based person that you are you know you can't take care of yourself and need politicians and bureaucrats to do it for you. Nailed me. Damn
the right are a money cult

they don't care about fucking anything but money

the sociopathic party

Right, when you want our money, and we don't want to give it to you, obviously the issue is that we only care about money. We have a problem with that, we need to do something about it. Please don't call me an asshole again, I don't think I could take that...
Right, when you want our money, and we don't want to give it to you, obviously the issue is that we only care about money. We have a problem with that, we need to do something about it. Please don't call me an asshole again, I don't think I could take that...

No, the issue is you obviously care MORE for money than you care about a human life.
The free market and basic medical care are incompatible. We know that people like you couldn't give a shit about others as long as your snout has untrammelled access to the trough.
I tend to agree. There are significant issues when trying to equate free market economics with health care around the ethical issue of the commoditization of human beings.
insurance companies are not a charity. They are a business who make their money assessing risk. Making insurance companies take on sickly dying people accomplishes nothing for them. Why should a business be forced to not make money? What other businesses would this be tolerated for? Would a grocery store tolerate the government mandating they spend more money on purchasing wholesale items? No. No one in america would think that would make any logical sense or be in any way right. But for some reason it's ok to force an insurance company to take on net negatives?

It just goes to show that most people in this country don't give a fuck about the rights of others. Liberals often call conservatives and libertarians selfish, but there truly is nothing more selfish than reaching into someone elses wallet and telling them that their hard earned money is now yours.
How comes then in the rest of the industrialized world which does not have state managed health care are all health insurance companies required to operate as non-profits? Why is the U.S. the only modern industrialized nation to permit this? Do you think that may play a significant role in run away costs.....besides free riders on the systems like you?
Good thing we have politicians to decide things like what the "limit" is on what someone should make.

You fundamentally don't understand the competition part of free markets. It's sad that econ101 isn't a high school basic course. The government has failed you in your education. We need a better system, you know, competition. You can look up what that means
And you don't understand the ethics of health care (or the economics for that matter) and the immorality of applying market values to human life. Not everyone fanatically worships at the alter of the market. Most of us rational people understand that it's a tool to be used for specific purposes but that as with any tool it has it's limits. We don't worship the market like a religious zealot. So spare me your anti-free market strawman.
You will die whether you have insurance or not. Libbies sure seem afraid of dying.
Not really. We just don't see the point of dying unnecessarily cause some dumb ass refuses to see the reason behind the systems other nations use to keep health care cost in control and to improve health outcomes. Why should we die due to your knee jerk obstinancy?
Yes, of course, the idea I can take care of myself is a "talking point.." Being intellectually advanced and extremely enlightened, as the reason based person that you are you know you can't take care of yourself and need politicians and bureaucrats to do it for you. Nailed me. Damn
Ahhh so you're saying you are completely independent of government and the services that it provides and can live well enough with out them, huh? LOL

Look, it's this sort of non-sense talk that gets Libertarians rightfully stereotyped as anarchist in drag. No rational person wants an all encompassing totalitarian government making our every decision for us or excessively interfering in our daily lives. Conversely Government does provide extremely important services that we all depend on, whether you care to believe that or not, and it is critical to us that Government perform these functions effectively and efficiently. Is it important that we hold governments feet to the fire, hold them accountable for their actions and limit the scope of their power. Hell yes it is but lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Thinking about the rights of others is the entire point Mr. One Track Mind.
Why should 30% of my healthcare dollars be siphoned off by some for profit health insurrance company?
Companies which can fold up and cease to exist as far as I am concerned.
Why should I subsidize your health?
How comes then in the rest of the industrialized world which does not have state managed health care are all health insurance companies required to operate as non-profits? Why is the U.S. the only modern industrialized nation to permit this? Do you think that may play a significant role in run away costs.....besides free riders on the systems like you?
Because we pay for their defense. When Europe can stand on its own two fucking legs again without daddy America there to hold it up, we'll see just what they pay for.
what you advocate is allowing children to die who could be treated and live.


for money

you are a fucking sociopath