Retard of the Month

really? Considering it's still market driven in this nation how is that so?

So you think market = free market? Seriously, you don't know the difference? Healthcare is warped by severe government regulation and is pummelled by an out of control tort system. New doctors can hang a shingle for the first time and already have a six figure liability policy they are forced to obtain.

On another subject, you're not a leftist Democrat how? I have yet to see you say anything else on any subject after you introduced yourself as a non-partisan moderate
unfortunately WM does believe everything he posts.....he's really that stupid......

So you think market = free market? Seriously, you don't know the difference? Healthcare is warped by severe government regulation and is pummelled by an out of control tort system. New doctors can hang a shingle for the first time and already have a six figure liability policy they are forced to obtain.

On another subject, you're not a leftist Democrat how? I have yet to see you say anything else on any subject after you introduced yourself as a non-partisan moderate

There is no fre market dumbfuck.
really? Considering it's still market driven in this nation how is that so?

market driven?.......can I buy from any insurance company I want or from the five that have chosen to sell insurance in Michigan......can I even buy from the two who sell only in Detroit........can I buy any type of policy I want or must I buy a policy that provides maternity coverage for my 63 year old wife, eyecare for my non-existent children under 18 like every single insurance policy under Obamacare?......what if I don't want basic, silver or gold coverage?........
yes wiether your neighbors child survives or not should not hinge on market forces and profit margins
yes wiether your neighbors child survives or not should not hinge on market forces and profit margins

with or without profit margins, people die.

Free markets will provide more prosperity than any command and control system you think your betters can develop.
Doctors do.
So what's the limit? If you permit what the market will bear the market will charge the sick and injured all that they have as they have not much in the way of choice....unless choosing death is a considered a reasonable choice.

I'll challenge you here. Name one other industrialized nation, besides the U.S. that permits health care insurance companies to operate as "for profit" businesses? Name one other industrialized nation that hasn't implemented health care cost controls?

Have you been paying attention lately where hedge fund managers in the U.S. are buying old drug patents for low cost live saving drugs and then marking them up by a thousand percent or more? It's not like they are trying to recoup R&D costs. They are essentially charging the highest possible price to achieve the highest possible returns because the people who need those live saving drugs have no choice but to pay that price as these bastards hold a monopoly on those drugs. How is this "free market"? How is this in the least possible way either ethical or moral?

These cost controls are needed because without them they drive up health care costs to ridiculous levels and people, who would like to live, have no choice but to pay them. That isn't "free market". This is monopoly capitalism.
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^Another candidate for the retard post of the month suggesting that Obamacare has ANYYTHING to do with Capitalsm and free market competition.


The free market and basic medical care are incompatible. We know that people like you couldn't give a shit about others as long as your snout has untrammelled access to the trough.
So what's the limit? If you permit what the market will bear the market will charge the sick and injured all that they have as they have not much in the way of choice....unless choosing death is a considered a reasonable choice.

I'll challenge you here. Name one other industrialized nation, besides the U.S. that permits health care insurance companies to operate as "for profit" businesses? Name one other industrialized nation that hasn't implemented health care cost controls?

Have you been paying attention lately where hedge fund managers in the U.S. are buying old drug patents for low cost live saving drugs and then marking them up by a thousand percent or more? It's not like they are trying to recoup R&D costs. They are essentially charging the highest possible price to achieve the highest possible returns because the people who need those live saving drugs have no choice but to pay that price as these bastards hold a monopoly on those drugs. How is this "free market"? How is this in the least possible way either ethical or moral?

These cost controls are needed because without them they drive up health care costs to ridiculous levels and people, who would like to live, have no choice but to pay them. That isn't "free market". This is monopoly capitalism.

Left wing clap trap. You are a fucking moron regurgitating Buzzfeed talking points
So insurance companies should profit on illness?

insurance companies are not a charity. They are a business who make their money assessing risk. Making insurance companies take on sickly dying people accomplishes nothing for them. Why should a business be forced to not make money? What other businesses would this be tolerated for? Would a grocery store tolerate the government mandating they spend more money on purchasing wholesale items? No. No one in america would think that would make any logical sense or be in any way right. But for some reason it's ok to force an insurance company to take on net negatives?

It just goes to show that most people in this country don't give a fuck about the rights of others. Liberals often call conservatives and libertarians selfish, but there truly is nothing more selfish than reaching into someone elses wallet and telling them that their hard earned money is now yours.