Republican Platform Panel Backs Blanket Ban on Abortion
By James Rowley - Aug 22, 2012 12:00 AM ET
Republican drafters of their party’s 2012 platform reaffirmed support for a constitutional amendment banning abortion that would allow no exception for terminating pregnancies caused by rape.
Democrats didn't campaign on making gay marriage legal. Republicans didn't campaign on making abortion illegal. Liberals always run to these two issues in order to divide conservatives. I don't blame you for that, it keeps working! Conservatives are unable to counter the liberals on these wedge issues, and end up getting bogged down (usually among each other) in the morality vs. liberty aspects. Neither should even be an issue, from the conservative standpoint, because small limited government simply doesn't decide these issues at a federal level. IMO, this is where the libertarian-types and social conservatives should be able to find common ground. We don't have to parade around with the Bible on our hand, beating people over the head with morality judgement, we should be advocating small government that doesn't interfere with what the people in a state want to do, with the exception of flagrantly violating constitutional rights, like Jim Crow laws, etc.
When it comes to telling people how they must live, aren't liberals doing just that when they say we can't have school prayer? Telling us all we have to purchase health insurance, isn't that telling us how we can live? How about brainwashing my kids into believing it's morally acceptable to kill unborn babies or advocate homosexual lifestyle? Seems to me, this is a matter of perspective. Again, small government conservatism doesn't need to argue about these things, we should return power to the states and people to decide the issues suitable to them and their communities, and it shouldn't be mandated by federal government. That's not taking a moral position for or against anything, that is taking a position rooted in personal liberty and the constitution. And again, this is the lesson which needs to be learned by both the social conservative and libertarian conservative alike, there is a mutual principle which encompasses what both believe, the proper delivery/person has just not been found. Not that you guys care, but Liberalism can never be defeated if we conservatives continue to engage you in meaningless social morality debates. YOU want to dictate social policy, that is CLEAR! Conservatives should be opposed to the Federal government doing this at all, 'for' or 'against' any particular social policy.
Look it... had Akin or Mourdock said the following, would there have been any problem at all for them:
"I have my own personal views, like every American, but my job as representative of the people, is to ensure that every American has the right to make their own determinations regarding the laws they live by. [Fill in the Blank] can't be resolved or legislated at the Federal level in a smaller limited government, it needs to be, as the Constitution points out, a matter of the state and people."
What's wrong with that? Can social conservatives complain it's not standing up for their values? No. Can Libertarian conservatives claim it's not standing up for personal liberty? No. ....Can Liberals complain? ALWAYS! But they will continue to use these social issues against conservatives to divide and conquer conservatism, as long as conservatives allow them to do so.
Social Security and Medicare overwhelmingly passed both House and Senate with a majority of Republican support. The original concept, plan and idea, were the culmination of Republicans and Democrats coming together to solve a problem. Yes, in a very analytic way, you could argue that it is "socialism" but sometimes socialism is best used to solve social problems. In fact, that is pretty much the only useful purpose socialism has.
We do not have any human right to free health care, basic or otherwise. Free health care is something that is given by the action or work of others, and we simply do not have a right to that. You are actually making an argument for slavery here. Think about that.
As for Jesus, I am not going to argue with you on what he taught or what Christians believe or what the Bible says. We don't live in a Theocracy, we never have or will, unless you abandon the Constitution entirely.
YOU don't "put people first" as you claim. You put "certain people" first, and all others second. You continually illustrate my current sig line, in almost everything you stand for. We are not all created equal, some of us need cradle to grave 'entitlement' because they didn't start out with as much as someone else has. Just disregard the countless success stories that have risen from abject and hopeless poverty. Even though they number in the millions, they are insignificant to the liberal. It just can't be done without government hand-outs!
Conservatives believe that all Americans should have equal access to health care, and have helped to establish many programs to provide these services to people who can't afford them. We were even willing to continue making reforms and changes to the health care profession, as well as the insurance profession, to help those in dire need. But conservatives were completely closed out of the debate, shoved into a closet with a gag in their mouths, while liberals formed a special interest smorgasbord and implemented it into law, all on their own. Then the SCOTUS gave it a stamp of approval, and the elections sealed the deal. Obamacare is here to stay, for a while.
Slavery stood for 86 years in America too.
Oh, Dix. Health care was first brought up in 1912! One hundred years ago! The private sector had 100 years to find a solution. Nobody was working on a solution. Nobody gave a damn. That's why the Repubs were shut out. Government involvement is the only solution.
As for, "Just disregard the countless success stories that have risen from abject and hopeless poverty. Even though they number in the millions, they are insignificant to the liberal", that's not true. Success stories are great but understand that for every one million success stories there are many, many more poverty stories and those are the ones who deserve help.
Yes, people had been working on solutions, many of them, and both republican and democrat people worked together. From the first public hospitals to indigent care laws, to the Pill Bill passed by President Bush and a Republican congress. All kinds of health care reforms through the years. If you believe something else, you're dreaming.
Again, government involvement is fine for government, but "health care" requires someone to administer the care, it can't happen by government, it takes a person doing the actual work. You aren't entitled to my labor, it's not your constitutional right to take my labor. So how is "health care" going to be given by the government, when it's not theirs to give?
Why do they deserve help? What did they do to deserve what I earned? Do I deserve part of what you own? How about letting me come into your home and help myself to what I need? I'm just as deserving as anyone else. No one deserves anything they didn't earn. No one deserves things that belong to other people.
Again, because you are bull headed, this thing we call "health care" is two words, the second word is "care" and if you bother to look the word up, you will find that it involves an action performed by some person. We currently have medical professionals who work for the government, who could provide care as part of their job with the government, but there are nowhere near enough of them to perform all the care for all the people. We use them mainly to care for individuals who served their country in the military, and they are adequate for that purpose. However, the vast majority of medical care professionals, do not work for the government, they work for private enterprise. The government doesn't own private enterprise, therefore, the government can't use them to administer the care. Here's where you have a huge problem, the government simply can't provide free care for 350 million people. It doesn't matter what laws congress passes, or how much you rail on and on about this, that is just a fact of the matter.
What you and other liberals continue to do, is make a perfectly sane argument for modern slavery. Just as America once needed government to ensure labor for the cotton growers, they now need government to ensure labor for health care. And you're okay with this argument, because you believe we can't live without this. Cotton was our #1 export item, without it, we would be ruined financially. Therefore, men in robes determined that black slaves were not really people, so as to find the means for getting cotton out of the fields. Today, you have determined health care is something we can't live without, and with congress and the court, you have essentially ruled that health care providers are not people, as a means to provide the services they render. Many people were opposed to slavery, they said it could work another way, the cotton growers could actually pay for the labor, and it wouldn't destroy us financially. This idea was called "abolition" and it was fought vigorously by people who make the exact same argument you are making for free government health care.
Tell me, is your sheet Large or XL?
Again, because you are bull headed, this thing we call "health care" is two words, the second word is "care" and if you bother to look the word up, you will find that it involves an action performed by some person. We currently have medical professionals who work for the government, who could provide care as part of their job with the government, but there are nowhere near enough of them to perform all the care for all the people. We use them mainly to care for individuals who served their country in the military, and they are adequate for that purpose. However, the vast majority of medical care professionals, do not work for the government, they work for private enterprise. The government doesn't own private enterprise, therefore, the government can't use them to administer the care. Here's where you have a huge problem, the government simply can't provide free care for 350 million people. It doesn't matter what laws congress passes, or how much you rail on and on about this, that is just a fact of the matter.
What you and other liberals continue to do, is make a perfectly sane argument for modern slavery. Just as America once needed government to ensure labor for the cotton growers, they now need government to ensure labor for health care. And you're okay with this argument, because you believe we can't live without this. Cotton was our #1 export item, without it, we would be ruined financially. Therefore, men in robes determined that black slaves were not really people, so as to find the means for getting cotton out of the fields. Today, you have determined health care is something we can't live without, and with congress and the court, you have essentially ruled that health care providers are not people, as a means to provide the services they render. Many people were opposed to slavery, they said it could work another way, the cotton growers could actually pay for the labor, and it wouldn't destroy us financially. This idea was called "abolition" and it was fought vigorously by people who make the exact same argument you are making for free government health care.
Tell me, is your sheet Large or XL?
Absurd is not an adequate word to describe this post and your truly stupid line of thinking. Comparing modern doctors and health care providers to slaves? Seriously Dixie??
Better look up the word 'slave'. A slave is wholly owned. There is no pay, wage or monetary compensation that comes with being a slave.
Health care is already a right. No one is turned away from an emergency room. And no doctor or health care provider treats that person for free. They are compensated. If the person can't pay for the care provided, WE PAY for it.
You talk about medical professionals who work for the government, i.e. military doctors. Not only is health care already a right for every American, it is even a right for every enemy of America. Triage doctors on the front lines will work just as hard to save the life of an enemy combatant as an American soldier.
It's a lot easier to take someone's blood pressure and prescribe beta blockers than to look after a heart attack victim.
Ron Paul supporters are literally gloating at the re-election of Barack Obama. A man who is so far removed from anything uttered by Dr. Paul, their respective ideologies exist in completely different universes, but the Paul supporters beam with pride over what they think they accomplished. Nearly 3 million registered republicans sat this election out, and are now expressing pride in what they did. That will teach the GOP to act like they did!
People like you are the reason the Republicans lost.
Paul supporters didn't sit out the election. They voted. They're not like you.
They're not going to vote for a Marxist. Especially when they have a choice. (Gary Johnson)
Mitt Romney isn't a choice for freedom loving costitutional people like Libartarians. Nor is any of the other choices who ran in the primaries, accept Paul.
Get over it and except that you lost, and you're going to keep losing.
Did Gary Johnson win? Did he get ANY electoral votes? Was he even mentioned in the election night reporting of votes? Mitt Romney lost, Barack Obama won, you and Gary Johnson were irrelevant.
It's okay though, you keep on clinging to your libertarian conservative ideology, but know that evangelicals will keep clinging to theirs, establishment elites will keep clinging to theirs, and the DNC will continue to march in lockstep to defeat conservatives. As long as you are going to defiantly insist that your ideas are the only ideas worth considering, expect to remain a political irrelevant, and expect to continue being governed by Marxist Socialists.
Mitt Romney is a Marxist.
He's not a choice for liberty minded people.
Evangelicals are some of the first to trade liberty for security, and are a big reason why so many voters hate the republican party.
CARE still requires the action of some other person. It doesn't matter how easy it is to pick cotton.
For some reason, many such as yourself are incapable of intellectualising past their innate conservative instincts.
Care requires that someone be paid for their service in caring for others. If that's what you're saying I agree. The government pays them the same way government pays other private contractors.
Governments, in the general term (State, town councils, etc), are required to maintain the roads. They don't abduct people to do the work. They hire people and pay them. The same applies to doctors and other health personnel. I don't know from where you get the slavery idea.