Dixie - In Memoriam
New member
Taking Apple's "roads, sidewalks & streetlights" analogy to the appropriate level... How crazy would it be, if we decided that individual citizens have the right to call up the Department of Transportation and order a new road or sidewalk wherever they pleased? I can't see too well, so I think the government should provide me a streetlight on EVERY pole, not just one every 5 or 6, as it has been... I have that right to be able to see, correct? I live in rural Alabama, and we have a lot of dirt roads, shouldn't my rights to a nice paved road be met? Why do all the nice paved roads go to the rich sub-developments? Aren't I entitled to the same rights to nice paved roads? And I own some property out in the boonies, and need a nice paved road out to it, so I can then have streetlights and sidewalks, because I have the right to this, and the government needs to provide it for me. Why should millions of people have to risk personal safety, indeed, their own LIFE, to walk along the shoulder of a road, where there is no sidewalk? Think of the thousands of lives we could save each year, if only there were sidewalks beside every road? And while we're on the subject, can we get some public transportation out here in the boonies too? Government could help SO many people in rural America, if they would just give us free buses or trains into the cities! That should be our RIGHT!
Am I making my point yet?
Am I making my point yet?