Revamping the Republican Strategy

I don't know why he wastes time whining here when he could be rescuing the unwanted snowflake babies in the Fertility Clinic freezer that are going to get incinerated. Talk about a complete waste of his energy.... :rofl2:

I wonder why fucking idiots like you are in favor of killing about a total lack of morality......
it isn' that difficult for someone with your limited capacity to understand?.......

What's difficult to understand is why someone as obsessed with the eeevils of abortion as you are chooses to WASTE his time and energy spouting off at libruhls rather than doing something constructive. You reveal much about your warped priorities as a result. But then, righty retards have found a way to 'accept' snowflake child deaths because they were conceived "for the right reasons". Right, retard?
I wonder why fucking idiots like you are in favor of killing about a total lack of morality......

Yes, let's talk about the lack of morality. I don't know why "fucking idiots like you" insist on bringing unwanted children into the world when hundreds are dying every day due to a lack of care. Force women to bear children while other children are being born and die within days or weeks of their birth. I'm trying to grasp what satisfaction you and others obtain from that. Perhaps you can enlighten us.
Yes, let's talk about the lack of morality. I don't know why "fucking idiots like you" insist on bringing unwanted children into the world when hundreds are dying every day due to a lack of care. Force women to bear children while other children are being born and die within days or weeks of their birth. I'm trying to grasp what satisfaction you and others obtain from that. Perhaps you can enlighten us.

Being able to control the vaginas of liberal sluts is VERY satisfying to Republican cave men.
There's interest...and then there's control. And punishment. That's what gives cavemen erections.

My belief regarding the domination/control of women by men is due to the fact men know women have the advantage when dealing with other men. "Erin Brockovich/They're called boobs, Ed." :)
Then there are a lot of degenerate folks around. You see, when a person applies for government aid they are compelled to seek and find work.......

No, they're actually NOT. This is where you are just fundamentally not correct in your viewpoint, and it's relatively simple to understand. When a person applies for government aid, they are compelled to seek and find government aid, not seek and find work. If they were compelled to seek and find work, they would be looking for a job and not applying for aid. Government aid is sought when you can't find work, and you become compelled to seek aid instead.

There are jobs that pay so little the people can't even afford medical care.

One of the reasons jobs pay little, is because companies have to be frugal on labor costs because the expenses associated with labor have to be paid by the employer, things like vacations and holiday pay, family leave and other things the government says they have to pay for... etc. etc. etc. If the company didn't have to pay for so much of this stuff, they could probably afford to pay a good bit more for labor.

Medical care is available for people who can't afford it, we've had Medicaid for a very long time in America.

Like the folks at Wal-Mart. However, a person can not turn down a job or they'll lose government aid like welfare, etc. In other words they become little more than slaves.

Well, this is your plan, so why is it fucked up? Is it fair for us to pay some people welfare who work at Wal-mart, but other people who work there, don't get welfare? Is it okay for certain people to be slaves and certain other people to get a government check to supplement their slave wages? Maybe we should have Wal-mart pay for everyone's welfare too? Oh but wait... you want us to have better paying jobs, right? Well, we can't run up the cost of labor to business and expect that. So what we have to do with welfare is, once you get the Wal-mart job, you don't get to keep drawing welfare.

Now what we are seeing with your plan (Obama's), is a company like Hobby Lobby or Hostess, closing the doors and eliminating thousands of jobs, because they can't afford what the government is laying on them. That's your concept at work. Are these newly-laid-off people who will now have to draw welfare, better off? Did you plan to force business to pay for more shit, actually work to the benefit of the employees, or not? Looks to me like it was an abject failure, and most rational business people could have told you this would happen. But the thing is, we're dealing with people who spent most of their college days stoned, discussing Marxist Socialist philosophy with the Choom Gang. When you are high and wax philosophical, you can sometimes forget that a philosophy class isn't real life, and things operate very differently in reality, than in a philosophy class.

There's an old saying. "A job worth doing is worth doing right." I have another saying. A job worth doing is worth being adequately compensated for.

Again, being adequately compensated comes from the employer having the resources to do this. Excessive government mandates eat that money up, so they can't really offer more, it's not there. You think it is there, because the Choom Gang says it can come from profits, but business doesn't work like that, and it closes it's doors, leaving your employees with no job. There's an old saying, ANY job is better than NO job.

Free trade means the average worker in manufacturing will be paid less than previous as they are competing with lower paid people around the world. That's fine. The problem is while the workers get paid less management gets paid more. We see that every day. Management gets a raise while they lay off people. Where is the discussion concerning that?

I don't know, back when Bush I signed NAFTA, you Democraps were 100% behind that, because it was something Reagan opposed. And when Clinton signed GATT, you were all for that too. Back then, there wasn't message boarding, but I said that I was opposed to both because they would ultimately cost American jobs... but nooooo.... that wasn't going to happen! Guess who was right?

Regarding eliminating the minimum wage you wrote, I think it would be, it doesn't really serve much purpose, other than to give Democrats a talking point and "issue" to parade around with, while they pretend to be caring for the poor. It certainly hasn't lifted anyone out of poverty over the past 40 years.

It may not have lifted people out of poverty but it brought them closer to getting out. Again, go back to what I wrote about government aid and employment. If a single person gets, say, $600/mth on welfare (Just a guess. The rates vary by State) then they would be obliged to take a job paying $700/mth. That would be equivalent to earning less than $4.50/hr for a 40 hour week. Do you think anyone should have to work for $4.50 an hour?

No it didn't bring them closer. And if Republicans had implemented programs for over 40 years, to 'bring people closer' to getting out of poverty, would you accept that was doing enough or demand something different happen? I don't need to hear your idiotic examples using actual numbers and stuff, because they don't have relevance to the principles we're discussing here. My personal view is, there shouldn't be any such thing as "welfare" from the federal government. Anything the government gives, should be earned. No person should be singled out and given something just because of who they are, with the possible exception of disabled veterans or indigent handicapped people, and orphans. Everyone else, should have to earn what they receive from federal tax dollars. Business should be allowed to pay whatever wage the market will bear, and potential employees should be able to accept whatever wage they are willing to work for, and the government should keep it's nose completely out of it.

The slave argument is getting old. How that relates to abortion doesn't make any sense. The rights of the woman are protected. The idea is to protect the rights of people.

Well, sorry it's getting old. It relates to abortion because an unborn fetus is not considered a human being, like the slave. The right of the woman is protected like the right of the property owner of the slave was protected. Yes, the idea is to protect the rights of the people. Doesn't the unborn human being's right to life, trump the female's right to privacy?
chooses to WASTE his time and energy spouting off at libruhls rather than doing something constructive.

??....pointing out your immorality IS for the issue of fertility clinics I am not aware of any anti-abortionist who believes that killing the embryos in storage is not wrong.....that is why I have always puzzled over your claim of hypocrisy on that issue......we believe they should be available for adoption.....the only people I've ever heard comment that it isn't wrong to destroy them are the same people who feel it isn't wrong to kill the embryos currently residing in the "safety" of their mother's womb.....
Yes, let's talk about the lack of morality. I don't know why "fucking idiots like you" insist on bringing unwanted children into the world when hundreds are dying every day due to a lack of care. Force women to bear children while other children are being born and die within days or weeks of their birth. I'm trying to grasp what satisfaction you and others obtain from that. Perhaps you can enlighten us.

no one believes your ridiculous kill a million a year based upon a pretended hundred dying from lack of love, yet you do nothing to protect the living from parents who abuse them.....all you do is legalize the ultimate abuse......and we all know you take great satisfaction from that, you don't have to explain it.....
Being able to control the vaginas of liberal sluts is VERY satisfying to Republican cave men.

sorry much as we know you want us to be concerned with your vagina, it actually holds little interest to us.....we're more concerned with the million children you kill every year.,...
Capital punishment? The mother isn't dying and the mother is the only human being present.

there may be some question of whether a woman willing to kill her unborn child meets all the criteria......don't you have to go all the way down the chain to fish before you find other creatures that devour their offspring?.......
Well, this is your plan, so why is it fucked up? Is it fair for us to pay some people welfare who work at Wal-mart, but other people who work there, don't get welfare? Is it okay for certain people to be slaves and certain other people to get a government check to supplement their slave wages? Maybe we should have Wal-mart pay for everyone's welfare too? Oh but wait... you want us to have better paying jobs, right? Well, we can't run up the cost of labor to business and expect that. So what we have to do with welfare is, once you get the Wal-mart job, you don't get to keep drawing welfare.

Now what we are seeing with your plan (Obama's), is a company like Hobby Lobby or Hostess, closing the doors and eliminating thousands of jobs, because they can't afford what the government is laying on them. That's your concept at work. Are these newly-laid-off people who will now have to draw welfare, better off? Did you plan to force business to pay for more shit, actually work to the benefit of the employees, or not? Looks to me like it was an abject failure, and most rational business people could have told you this would happen. But the thing is, we're dealing with people who spent most of their college days stoned, discussing Marxist Socialist philosophy with the Choom Gang. When you are high and wax philosophical, you can sometimes forget that a philosophy class isn't real life, and things operate very differently in reality, than in a philosophy class.

Let’s remember we’re talking about minimum wage. When one collects welfare they are obliged to take any job available. If there was no minimum wage people would be working for next to nothing. That is why a minimum wage is necessary.

As for reality we can make our own reality. That’s the purpose of laws. If a business can not afford to pay a decent wage then the business is not viable. Do you think people should work for the same amount of money they collect on welfare?

No it didn't bring them closer. And if Republicans had implemented programs for over 40 years, to 'bring people closer' to getting out of poverty, would you accept that was doing enough or demand something different happen? I don't need to hear your idiotic examples using actual numbers and stuff, because they don't have relevance to the principles we're discussing here. My personal view is, there shouldn't be any such thing as "welfare" from the federal government. Anything the government gives, should be earned. No person should be singled out and given something just because of who they are, with the possible exception of disabled veterans or indigent handicapped people, and orphans. Everyone else, should have to earn what they receive from federal tax dollars. Business should be allowed to pay whatever wage the market will bear, and potential employees should be able to accept whatever wage they are willing to work for, and the government should keep it's nose completely out of it.

That’s exactly what we see in third world countries and the resultant crime. I’ve explained this to you before. When one vacations in a poor country that has no social programs they’re advised to stay near the resort because people will rob them. Can’t you see what is happening right here? Look at all the gated communities. Do you want a country where people live in barricaded areas? That is due to the huge discrepancy in incomes/standard of living.

Well, sorry it's getting old. It relates to abortion because an unborn fetus is not considered a human being, like the slave. The right of the woman is protected like the right of the property owner of the slave was protected. Yes, the idea is to protect the rights of the people. Doesn't the unborn human being's right to life, trump the female's right to privacy?

No, the fetus should not trump anyone’s rights. There is no such a thing as an unborn human being just as there is no such thing as an undead corpse. As to comparing a fetus to a slave you forget that slaves were born. Human beings are individuals. They are not physically attached to another person’s body using the other person’s organs to sustain life. It’s a perverted concept to say something that is living inside a person’s body, using that person to sustain life, is a human being and has rights. It’s absurd.

You don’t believe in helping people with welfare, giving them a few dollars to survive, yet, you want to give fetuses rights and demand others provide the use of their organs and body. You want to enforce others to provide for the fetus (restrict abortion) while you contribute nothing. How noble of you.

By the way I became a grandfather on the weekend. A new male to add to the family. :)
no one believes your ridiculous kill a million a year based upon a pretended hundred dying from lack of love, yet you do nothing to protect the living from parents who abuse them.....all you do is legalize the ultimate abuse......and we all know you take great satisfaction from that, you don't have to explain it.....

Ridiculous posturing? Yes, seeing hundreds of children dying every day from malnutrition and disease is posturing in your eyes. It shows how little worth you attach to human beings and children, in particular. Bring more into the world and to hell with those who are suffering and dying. How noble. How righteous.