Let’s remember we’re talking about minimum wage. When one collects welfare they are obliged to take any job available. If there was no minimum wage people would be working for next to nothing. That is why a minimum wage is necessary.
No one is
obligated to do jack shit when they collect welfare, that is the problem. I propose that we not have welfare, and everyone BE obligated to work at any job available. I'm fine with no minimum wage and some people being able to work for next to nothing, if it suits them. The minimum wage is not necessary, we survived just fine for many years without it. The minimum wage, by your own admission, has failed to bail people out of poverty, it hasn't worked.
As for reality we can make our own reality. That’s the purpose of laws. If a business can not afford to pay a decent wage then the business is not viable. Do you think people should work for the same amount of money they collect on welfare?
Sorry Tinkerbell, but you simply can't make your own reality. You can burden business out of business and have no jobs, which is what we see happening today. I think people should make more than they collect on welfare because I believe they shouldn't collect welfare. I think every penny people collect, should be earned, with the exception of a few people who I believe we have an obligation to provide for as a society, like disabled veterans, the elderly, the mentally ill, orphans, etc. Able-bodied people should have to do SOMETHING for whatever benefit they receive from government, whether it's cleaning toilets, mopping floors, filing paperwork, or whatever. There are plenty of jobs we pay unionized government workers to do, that poor people on welfare could do to earn their benefits.
That’s exactly what we see in third world countries and the resultant crime. I’ve explained this to you before. When one vacations in a poor country that has no social programs they’re advised to stay near the resort because people will rob them. Can’t you see what is happening right here? Look at all the gated communities. Do you want a country where people live in barricaded areas? That is due to the huge discrepancy in incomes/standard of living.
You're too funny Apple... you ask me do I want to live in a society with gated communities, after observing we have an abundance of them! It's not due to income discrepancy, because we've been following your plan for 40-60 years and people are better off, remember? We're making progress and things are much better for the poor today than 40-60 years ago, that's what you said... so now you're saying things aren't better, they are getting worse? So the welfare programs and minimum wage were a bust and didn't do the job? That's what you're saying? Which one is it, Apple, I am so confused?
No, the fetus should not trump anyone’s rights.
No, the slave should not trump anyone's rights.
There is no such a thing as an unborn human being just as there is no such thing as an undead corpse.
Just as there is no such thing as a citizen slave.
As to comparing a fetus to a slave you forget that slaves were born.
Over half of them spontaneously aborted.
Human beings are individuals.
So are unborn fetuses.
They are not physically attached to another person’s body using the other person’s organs to sustain life.
Nope, they were physically attached to the asset sheets of the owner who kept them shackled in a barn with his cattle.
It’s a perverted concept to say something that is living inside a person’s body, using that person to sustain life, is a human being and has rights. It’s absurd.
Take it up with biological science, I didn't make the call.
You don’t believe in helping people with welfare, giving them a few dollars to survive, yet, you want to give fetuses rights and demand others provide the use of their organs and body. You want to enforce others to provide for the fetus (restrict abortion) while you contribute nothing. How noble of you.
I want to give people the right to life, yes.
By the way I became a grandfather on the weekend. A new male to add to the family.
Congrats, I hope he turns out to be homosexual so he doesn't reproduce.