Rick Scott - Florida Governor - Wants to Rig the Vote in November


FACIST! you should be able to walk into a polling center wearing a potato sack with zero identification! lets disregard how ANY citizen that does ANYTHING in society should readily have a form of id available.

you say! OH MY! You mean .00008595% of the population? If only that 1/10000th of a percent of the population had a half a year to do something as simple as prove they were born in america. I hope we don't end up with a dictatorship!

So you think it's fine to deny hundreds of eligible voters from voting? Is that your assertion
BREAKING: Justice Department Demands Florida Stop Voter Purge

TPM has the story: “The Justice Department sent a letter to Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner Thursday evening demanding the state cease purging its voting rolls because the process it is using has not been cleared under the Voting Rights Act, TPM has learned. DOJ also said that Florida’s voter roll purge violated the National Voter Registration Act, which stipulates that voter roll maintenance should have ceased 90 days before an election, which given Florida’s August 14 primary, meant May 16.” More as this story develops.

Update: Ryan Reilly posts the full letter from the Department of Justice.

Update: Florida Department of State spokesman Chris Cate responds in a statement to ThinkProgress:

We just received the letter from DOJ this evening, and haven’t had a chance to thoroughly review it. Bottom line is we are firmly committed to doing the right thing and preventing ineligible voters from being able to cast a ballot.

Florida clearly broke the law and whomever is responsible should be prosecuted.
So you think it's fine to deny hundreds of eligible voters from voting? Is that your assertion

strawman. never said it was fine, but yes, I do believe you are blowing it out of proportion. We are talking about a minuscule number here. It should be trivially easy for anyone to prove their citizenship. And on top of all that they have well of enough time to do so.
strawman. never said it was fine, but yes, I do believe you are blowing it out of proportion. We are talking about a minuscule number here. It should be trivially easy for anyone to prove their citizenship. And on top of all that they have well of enough time to do so.

they ARE breaking the law.
The righty talking point of dead people voting has never been validated. At the most over the years there has been the 'huge' number of something like 40 prosecuted voter fraud cases...I think that as fine tooth a comb as the wingers are using to scare up the possibility of a fair election result (cough) if there were in fact voter fraud they'd be all over it. It hasn't happened. So in my view if you want to claim these kinds of things, lets see the evidence.

By the way...across the country where the states have implemented this kind of suppression of the vote and voter registration we're talking about millions of people being excluded not hundreds. In Floriduh alone it's into the thousands of votes and that state was won (???) with 500 some odd votes during the last presidential election.

It's obvious that these laws are aimed at the intended voters, black, latino, democratic voters. This isn't random and unintentional...
/shrugs....so make the purge effective 90 days prior to November......doesn't take a rocket scientist to find a solution to that problem....

Apparently there are no rocket scients in the administration in Florida.
Because they ARE breaking the law.

I guess that post was not made by a rocket scientist since 90 days after Aug 14 is Nov 14...
So all purges should have been complete 90 days before Aug 14?
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The righty talking point of dead people voting has never been validated.

I wonder if anyone has been keeping track of how often your posts are simply wrong....

South Carolina

“We just recently learned that there are over 900 individuals died before the election and at least 600 of those individuals died outside window when absentee ballot could be sent. So we know for a fact that there are deceased people whoose identities are being use in South Carolina.”

The review found more than 1,300 deceased people were recorded as having voted during the audit period.

and, video evidence in New Hampshire....
Apparently there are no rocket scients in the administration in Florida.
Because they ARE breaking the law.

I guess that post was not made by a rocket scientist since 90 days after Aug 14 is Nov 14...
So all purges should have been complete 90 days before Aug 14?

then why are the rocket scientists complaining about what is being done in May if the only election they would be "purged" from is in November.....
lol....I just went back and checked.....they were purged on May 8.....that was more than 90 days before the August primary.....the rocket scientists have apparently failed to achieve lift off.....

be that as it may, I suggested they solve that problem by letting them vote in the August primary but prohibit them from voting in November......you are ignoring the solution I proposed to achieve rocket scientist status....
Anmd they say they are gong to continue to break the law.
That is treason for a govt official?

trea·son (trzn) KEY


Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
A betrayal of trust or confidence.



Yes the term treason might be a bit extreme, but intentionally violating the law of ones country by an elected/govt official is a violation of allegiance. And a betrayal of trust or confidence.
strawman. never said it was fine, but yes, I do believe you are blowing it out of proportion. We are talking about a minuscule number here. It should be trivially easy for anyone to prove their citizenship. And on top of all that they have well of enough time to do so.

No strawman. You were making light of the fact that hundreds of people were being denied their vote, as you are here, by calling it a "minuscule number". Ask the eligible voter who's denied his vote - any one of the HUNDREDS - if he thinks the number is "minuscule".
good luck with those treasons charges uscitizen.

people that are citizens should be allowed to vote.

people that aren't citizens, should not be allowed to vote.

If you are a citizen that has been purged, it should be trivially easy to prove your citizenship.

Everyone should pay attention, and be aware of their status. A minuscule amount of effort to participate in our democracy.