Rick Scott - Florida Governor - Wants to Rig the Vote in November

All 67 Florida Election Supervisors Suspend Governor Rick Scott’s Voter Purge

On Thursday, the Justice Department demanded Florida Governor Rick Scott end his extensive purge of registered voters from the rolls because it was in violation of federal law. Scott still hasn’t formally responded but his county election supervisors have already taken action.

The Palm Beach Post reports:

Florida elections supervisors said Friday they will discontinue a state-directed effort to remove names from county voter rolls because they believe the state data is flawed and because the U.S. Department of Justice has said the process violates federal voting laws...

The Justice Department letter and mistakes that the 67 county elections supervisors have found in the state list make the scrub undoable, said Martin County Elections Supervisor Vicki Davis, president of the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections…

Ron Labasky, the association’s general counsel, sent a memo to the 67 supervisors Friday telling them to stop processing the list.

“I recommend that Supervisors of Elections cease any further action until the issues raised by the Department of Justice are resolved between the parties or by a Court,” Labasky wrote.

Previously, the State of Florida indicated they intended to accelerate the purge. Florida has until June 6 to respond to the Justice Department.

good luck with those treasons charges uscitizen.

people that are citizens should be allowed to vote.

people that aren't citizens, should not be allowed to vote.

If you are a citizen that has been purged, it should be trivially easy to prove your citizenship.

Everyone should pay attention, and be aware of their status. A minuscule amount of effort to participate in our democracy.

What part of 'violating federal law' are you not understanding?
No strawman. You were making light of the fact that hundreds of people were being denied their vote, as you are here, by calling it a "minuscule number". Ask the eligible voter who's denied his vote - any one of the HUNDREDS - if he thinks the number is "minuscule".

sorry, but that's what it is. it's a very small, trivial number compared to floridas 20 million population. And that's if we assume everyone one of those votes SHOULD have been on there (which is doubtful). Those that were wrongfully purged should get themselves back on the lists as soon as they can.
sorry, but that's what it is. it's a very small, trivial number compared to floridas 20 million population. And that's if we assume everyone one of those votes SHOULD have been on there (which is doubtful). Those that were wrongfully purged should get themselves back on the lists as soon as they can.

You keep missing the point. It is ILLEGAL to deny even one eligible voter. It isn't about what any citizen *should* do or how diligent they *should* be. It's about The LAW.
What part of 'violating federal law' are you not understanding?

people that are citizens should be allowed to vote

people that aren't citizens, should not be allowed to vote.

It should be trivially easy for the citizens that were purged, to prove their citizenship.

I take a very utilitarian view when it comes to this. It's a net gain for our democracy if 4 citizens are purged along with 6 non-citizens. The overall vote will be more accurate. So I am not that alarmed.

It's a very small number, and easily rectifiable. I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
You keep missing the point. It is ILLEGAL to deny even one eligible voter. It isn't about what any citizen *should* do or how diligent they *should* be. It's about The LAW.

you seem to keep missing the point that I am not always going to be having my arguments sync up with whatever the law is. deal with it.
we need a national ID, culled for HSec's database of citizenship. Time to end this patchwork state by state ID. I can guaranatee you "snowbirds" will vote in Florida,
or anyone who has multiple residences can get an ID in that state. and the other state they live in.

There is no crosschecking, there is no way to prevent non-citizens from voting, unless is cross checked with HSec.
Floriduh attempted to do so....no reply, so the state decided to use drivers's liscenses (which inclede state ID's). bad move. but their options were limited.

It's all patchwork, it happens every 4 years, some kind of SNAFU, we all get upset....till the election is over and we forget about it.

This would require "Congressional action": an oxymoron, so it won't happen. So we are bound to this endlles repitious cycle of clusterfucks.
Get rid of the electoral college, make it national election ( POTUS). The best answer i can come up with that is fair and reasonable to all. which is why it won't happen
we need a national ID, culled for HSec's database of citizenship. Time to end this patchwork state by state ID. I can guaranatee you "snowbirds" will vote in Florida, or anyone who has multiple residences can get an ID in that state. and the other state they live in.

There is no crosschecking, there is no way to prevent non-citizens from voting, unless is cross checked with HSec.
Floriduh attempeted to do so....no reply, so the stae decided to use drivers's liscenses (which inclede stae ID's).

It's all patchwork, it happens every 4 years, some kind of SNAFU, we all get upset....till the election is ove"r and we forget about it.

This would require "Congressional action": an oxymoron, so it won't happen. So we are bound to this endlles repitious cycle of clusterfucks.
Get rid of the electoral college, make it national election ( POTUS). The best answer i can come up with that is fair and reasonable to all. which is why it won't happen

National I'd sounds very big government, big brother to me.
Well the law renders your argument wrong. And unconstitutional. Deal with that.

because something is illegal or legal my argument is invalid? Is my argument invalid that I disagree marijuana prohibition, solely because marijuana is illegal? I mean come on . .

As I have said, we want the same thing, I want citizens to vote, and I want non-citizens to be purged. This is nothing to lose sleep over, small number, and easily rectifiable, of all the things to get worked up over, this is just silly.
we need a national ID, culled for HSec's database of citizenship. Time to end this patchwork state by state ID. I can guaranatee you "snowbirds" will vote in Florida, or anyone who has multiple residences can get an ID in that state. and the other state they live in.

There is no crosschecking, there is no way to prevent non-citizens from voting, unless is cross checked with HSec.
Floriduh attempeted to do so....no reply, so the stae decided to use drivers's liscenses (which inclede stae ID's).

It's all patchwork, it happens every 4 years, some kind of SNAFU, we all get upset....till the election is over and we forget about it.

This would require "Congressional action": an oxymoron, so it won't happen. So we are bound to this endlles repitious cycle of clusterfucks.
Get rid of the electoral college, make it national election ( POTUS). The best answer i can come up with that is fair and reasonable to all. which is why it won't happen

You and I both know what the the GOP agenda with this is about.
National I'd sounds very big government, big brother to me.

well we already have a social security number and tons of other things that identify us federally. Can't see the harm in making sure voters are validated.
because something is illegal or legal my argument is invalid? Is my argument invalid that I disagree marijuana prohibition, solely because marijuana is illegal? I mean come on . .

As I have said, we want the same thing, I want citizens to vote, and I want non-citizens to be purged. This is nothing to lose sleep over, small number, and easily rectifiable, of all the things to get worked up over, this is just silly.

Are you having trouble recognizing the unconstitutionality of this? You really think it's on par with marijuana prohibition? You're not that stupid. You're merely using that in a feeble attempt to defend your obviously-partisan position on this issue.
National I'd sounds very big government, big brother to me.
ya. that's the typical reaction, except we already have H Sec. national list of citizenship.
"Hardened processes for driver's liscenses. I'm a federalist, and i value co-sovereignity, but look at the alternative, SOS every 4 years.

Took me awhile to come to this, i'm not crazy about a national ID either, but it's the sane way out of this mess. Unless you have a better idea?
Are you having trouble recognizing the unconstitutionality of this? You really think it's on par with marijuana prohibition? You're not that stupid.

You said that because something was illegal that it invalidated my argument. Which is nonsense, and I pointed this out to you.

obviously-partisan position on this issue.

I dont have a partisan take on this issue. I just don't get my jimmies rustled like some other people do. I look at the big picture. Small number of people, easily rectifiable, non-citizens being purged. It doesn't keep me up at night.
You said that because something was illegal that it invalidated my argument. Which is nonsense, and I pointed this out to you.

No I didn't. I pointed out to you that what you are favoring is illegal AND unconstitutional. Cite where I state that your argument is invalid because it's illegal.

I dont have a partisan take on this issue.

Sorry, but yes you do. Your position and argument are the sames ones from all the right-leaners. If you weren't right-leaning, you would take issue with the fact that the purge specifically and deliberately targets voters who typically vote Democrat.
You and I both know what the the GOP agenda with this is about.
You know I don't give a damn about either MS party.
there are legitimate problems, but i would ASLO tend to agree politics is the driving factor here. So end it. I gave a solution, that is non-partisian.
Cite where I state that your argument is invalid because it's illegal.

Well the law renders your argument wrong.

In reference to my specific statement that my opinions aren't always going to sync up with the law, you say that the law itself renders my position incorrect.

Sorry, but yes you do. Your position and argument are the sames ones from all the right-leaners. If you weren't right-leaning, you would take issue with the fact that the purge specifically and deliberately targets voters who typically vote Democrat.

I don't believe that any citizen should be purged. But I am not going to get alarmist over .00008...% of the population being purged when some of that number aren't even citizens. the situation is easily rectifiable.
and I will say conversely that I am neither losing sleep that the purging has stopped. This entire thing is a complete non-issue to me.
You know I don't give a damn about either MS party.
there are legitimate problems, but i would ASLO tend to agree politics is the driving factor here. So end it. I gave a solution, that is non-partisian.

They won't end it. Because their reasons for this have nothing to do with voter fraud, since it's been shown, over and over, to be basically nonexistent. Politics is THE driving factor here.