Rick Scott - Florida Governor - Wants to Rig the Vote in November

“Hispanic, Democratic and independent-minded voters are the most likely to be targeted”

Who's shocked? Anyone?

Not me....Hispanic, Democratic and independent minded voters are the ones that are usually NOT FUCKING CITIZENS and as such,

They won't end it. Because their reasons for this have nothing to do with voter fraud, since it's been shown, over and over, to be basically nonexistent. Politics is THE driving factor here.

How can non-citizens voting in our elections not be voter fraud ?
This has to do with LAW, so site your legal source
so once again, thanks to the Obama administration, people who are not legally allowed to vote will be given the opportunity to do so.....
Welcome To Rick Scott’s Corrupt Florida


If President Obama loses in November, the reason might have little to do with his record of the last four years or the $1 billion each side will spend in ads and campaign events. It will have even less to do with how wonderful (not) President Mitt Romney would be. If Obama loses in November, it might very well be because of stuff like this:

Six members of Florida’s congressional delegation are pushing Gov. Rick Scott (R) to stop purging the state’s voting rolls of eligible voters, after numerous individuals were improperly flagged as non-citizens.

The state used an outdated driver’s license database in their initial effort to scrub non-citizens from the voting rolls. Officials believed that 182,000 voters on the rolls were non-citizens, and began sending out notifications that required voters to prove their citizenship within 30 days.

But plenty of legal U.S. citizens who should be allowed to vote wound up on the purge list. In Miami-Dade County, 1,638 people were flagged by the state as “non-citizens,” yet at least 359 people provided the county with proof of citizenship and another 26 people were identified by the county as U.S. citizens, ThinkProgress reported. An analysis by the Miami Herald found that Hispanic, Democratic and independent-minded voters were most likely to be targeted by the purge effort.

The GOP voter suppression effort (see New Mexico and Colorado) would be serious stuff at any time but even more so in an election year where the winner will likely eke out a victory by a percentage point or two. And forget not that the worst presidency of the last century was led by a man who won stole an election over Al Gore by a mere 537 votes. Voter disenfranchisement is old business in Florida. In 2000, Gov. Jeb Bush hired private contractors to purge voting listings of felons. The result was that 12,000 eligible voters were wrongly identified as felons and were unable to cast a vote on election day. Hello, George W., Dick Cheney, the Iraq war and eight years of disastrous economic policies. Obviously, votes matter.

By Mario Piperni

If President Obama loses in November, the reason might have little to do with his record of the last four years or the $1 billion each side will spend in ads and campaign events. It will have even less to do with how wonderful (not) President Mitt Romney would be. If Obama loses in November, it might very well be because of stuff like this

if that makes you feel better, go ahead and believe that.....I'm sure pretending Bush lost the election in 2000 provided you equal comfort......
Your inability to answer the question is noted.....I didn't waste my time on your link to someones opinion on an irrelevant topic

Your inability to supply proof of your statement is also noted, the opinion piece uses data to back it up, but you choose not to read that other fraud is rare.
How can non-citizens voting in our elections not be voter fraud ?
This has to do with LAW, so site your legal source

Here Haiku......Kiss my ass with your groans....

If you're too stupid to answer a posters question, just skip it and fuck off.....
Your inability to supply proof of your statement is also noted, the opinion piece uses data to back it up, but you choose not to read that other fraud is rare.

I see no need to 'prove' what is a simple logical conclusion......

It IS only non-citizens, illegals, and those that benefit from their being allowed to vote, ie, Democrats, that fight against the issue....thats common sense
Florida: Screw Voting Rights Act???

[SIZE=+1]Florida: Screw Voting Rights Act
[SIZE=+1]They're not letting Blacks vote in November



[/SIZE][SIZE=+1]Florida, a key electoral battleground, will defy the Justice Department's warning to stop
its effort to purge Black voters, a state spokesman said on Saturday.

The warning issued this week by the head of the Justice Department's voting section said
the move to purge Black voters appeared to violate the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which
protects minorities. It demanded a response by Wednesday.

But a spokesman for Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner said the state must ensure
only White voters cast ballots, and intends to go forward with the campaign.

"We have a year-round obligation to ensure the integrity of Florida's White elections.
We will be responding to the Justice Department's concerns next week," Chris Cate said.

As always, Republican
[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] crimes will continue until[/SIZE][SIZE=+1] the Democrats take action.
Usually, our idiot Democrats wait until the week of the election to address these issues,
then a judge rules there's not enough time to make the necessary changes.

How did I get stuck in a party of spinless, clueless cowards?
