APP - right wing celebrates us loss of 2016 olympics

You're getting just like da bullfrog. I never wanted to go to war, however, since we did, I supported the troops, unlike the left.

You're kidding right??


Never "wanted to go to war"???

I am not going to laugh...
I am not going to laugh...
I am not going to laugh...
I am not going to laugh...
Ohthehellwithit...BWAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!:cof1:

OMG that is complete and TOTAL horse hockey!


Never ONCE did you post anything saying you didn't want us going into Iraq!!
You're kidding right??


Never "wanted to go to war"???

I am not going to laugh...
I am not going to laugh...
I am not going to laugh...
I am not going to laugh...
Ohthehellwithit...BWAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!:cof1:

OMG that is complete and TOTAL horse hockey!


Never ONCE did you post anything saying you didn't want us going into Iraq!!

Prove it, you old, saggy pervert.
Prove it, you old, saggy pervert.

And I'm sorry, but flirting with me isn't going to get me to change my mind.

You were FOR THE WAR IN IRAQ from the day we went in, and until you can provide a post of yours proving you made a comment condemning the war in Iraq, then my assertion stands.

What next?

You going to try and pretend that you, disloyal, freedumb and alec were all against the war in Iraq?

This oughtta be good...I can't wait!
And I'm sorry, but flirting with me isn't going to get me to change my mind.

You were FOR THE WAR IN IRAQ from the day we went in, and until you can provide a post of yours proving you made a comment condemning the war in Iraq, then my assertion stands.

What next?

You going to try and pretend that you, disloyal, freedumb and alec were all against the war in Iraq?

This oughtta be good...I can't wait!

Well, since all that occured on the old AOL discussion boards, they'll just claim it's your word against theirs. Courage of conviction was never one of the neocons strong points.
Well, since all that occured on the old AOL discussion boards, they'll just claim it's your word against theirs. Courage of conviction was never one of the neocons strong points.

Don't forget, they were always disappointed when they discovered bush wasn't a true Conservative Republican. That will be tough to find too.
He always followed the advice of his generals too, but Shinseki doesn't count.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing when reality is hard to face.
Well, let's face it, "mistakes were made".
So what do you propose we do about the bloodshedding in Iraq right now? (Yes, Iraq )

Obama told us his strategy in March. Meantime our troops are dying. There is no excuse for him to delay this any longer.

iraq, the iraqis decided that they only wanted our troops to train theirs and as a backup if they wanted them - so far not much is happening to our troops there

as for afghanistan, it is a police action more than a war, but civilians and troops die
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Well, since all that occured on the old AOL discussion boards, they'll just claim it's your word against theirs. Courage of conviction was never one of the neocons strong points.

Don't forget, they were always disappointed when they discovered bush wasn't a true Conservative Republican. That will be tough to find too.
He always followed the advice of his generals too, but Shinseki doesn't count.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing when reality is hard to face.
Well, let's face it, "mistakes were made".

Shinseki?!!? Hell, what about Gen. Batiste, who was a hardcore conservative that resigned in order to call the Shrub a bald face liar?
Yeah, for the neocon parrots here, hindsight is a wonderful thing unless you're looking back at an asshole.
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