APP - right wing celebrates us loss of 2016 olympics

fweelings, yo have fweelings, who would have thought it...:eek:

so some person in the UK thinks conservatives are bitter..

It would of been nice to see the lefties care as much about our men and women fighting oversees during the Bush years, instead we saw week after week of vile protesting....but hey, that wasn't bitterness, Oh No..

as we see now at least they have their priorities straight, the tear jerking over losing a stupid sporting event..

We absolutely cared about our men and women fighting overseas, and that was the reason for the protests. None of them should have died in that illegal, immoral war.
We absolutely cared about our men and women fighting overseas, and that was the reason for the protests. None of them should have died in that illegal, immoral war.

Don't even bother arguing this point with that asshole. Meme's answer to ANY criticism of the Shrub & company is the lie that criticism of the Shrub was being against troops and country.

Now what's really hysterical is that since we are still at war in Afghanistan, shouldn't the "logic" of the neocons be applied to them? Are they now not being against the troops by criticizing the Commander in Chief?

Listen carefully, and you'll hear a neocon parrot's head explode.
Don't even bother arguing this point with that asshole. Meme's answer to ANY criticism of the Shrub & company is the lie that criticism of the Shrub was being against troops and country.

Now what's really hysterical is that since we are still at war in Afghanistan, shouldn't the "logic" of the neocons be applied to them? Are they now not being against the troops by criticizing the Commander in Chief?

Listen carefully, and you'll hear a neocon parrot's head explode.

I know. A couple of days ago I asked Tutu to give me a yes or no answer to the question "should we pull all troops out of Afghanistan?", and in response from her I got the sound of crickets chirping. Maybe they were all for it before they were against it? :confused:
you are correct

i am distracted of late due to personal problems and should not be posting

my take on bho and the reps is that if bho is for it the reps will be against it

not all of the time but about 90% of the time

as far as afganistan is concerned we need about 50,000 more troops with support - we cannot cede afghanistan to al qaeda, but the taliban are not in favor of al qaeda either so maybe we should just get out

the problem as i see it, is that we cannot afford to abandon pakistan to al qaeda so we may be stuck

oh screw it, i am too tired to think clearly and have too many other problems to cope with right now so good night

love you and tell cawacko to kiss yours! ;) love ya wacko!
Yeah all we whiteys look alike too. :rolleyes:

And there you have it folks. This yahoo interjects race into an exchange when he doesn't have a plausible come back. In fact, look at the quote he uses under his screen name.

Southie will try to distract or detour a discussion everytime he loses on a point. Now he'll try all types of bullshit to somehow make me the culprit of race baiting, when the evidence is quite the contrary by the chronology of the posts.

Back to the minors with you, Southie....this last stunt of yours just proves your out of your league. Carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Don't even bother arguing this point with that asshole. Meme's answer to ANY criticism of the Shrub & company is the lie that criticism of the Shrub was being against troops and country.

Now what's really hysterical is that since we are still at war in Afghanistan, shouldn't the "logic" of the neocons be applied to them? Are they now not being against the troops by criticizing the Commander in Chief?

Listen carefully, and you'll hear a neocon parrot's head explode.
I know. A couple of days ago I asked Tutu to give me a yes or no answer to the question "should we pull all troops out of Afghanistan?", and in response from her I got the sound of crickets chirping. Maybe they were all for it before they were against it? :confused:

Well, the standard line from the neocon punditry is that we should continue the course laid out by the Shrub & company, and that any deviation by Obama will spell doom for that region, the US and the world.

And yet

They throw their previous mantras of "you can't criticize the President in times of war, because that's treason and does not support the troops" they heap obstuction, criticism and slanderous accusations upon Obama.

Sometimes I think if the neocon punditry told the morons on these boards to take a flying leap, they would actually consider it.
Well, the standard line from the neocon punditry is that we should continue the course laid out by the Shrub & company, and that any deviation by Obama will spell doom for that region, the US and the world.

And yet

They throw their previous mantras of "you can't criticize the President in times of war, because that's treason and does not support the troops" they heap obstuction, criticism and slanderous accusations upon Obama.

Sometimes I think if the neocon punditry told the morons on these boards to take a flying leap, they would actually consider it.

Obama doesn't support the troops, or talk to his generals. He's a crappy CIC.
And there you have it folks. This yahoo interjects race into an exchange when he doesn't have a plausible come back. In fact, look at the quote he uses under his screen name.

Southie will try to distract or detour a discussion everytime he loses on a point. Now he'll try all types of bullshit to somehow make me the culprit of race baiting, when the evidence is quite the contrary by the chronology of the posts.

Back to the minors with you, Southie....this last stunt of yours just proves your out of your league. Carry on.

You seem to think that in every thread, the discussion starts anew. But the Southern Man doesn't play that way.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Well, the standard line from the neocon punditry is that we should continue the course laid out by the Shrub & company, and that any deviation by Obama will spell doom for that region, the US and the world.

And yet

They throw their previous mantras of "you can't criticize the President in times of war, because that's treason and does not support the troops" they heap obstuction, criticism and slanderous accusations upon Obama.

Sometimes I think if the neocon punditry told the morons on these boards to take a flying leap, they would actually consider it.

Obama doesn't support the troops, or talk to his generals. He's a crappy CIC.

Thanks for proving my point by repeating bullshit that was squawked by Beck, Drudge, Maulkin, Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage Weiner, Crowley, and the rest of the peanut gallery.

Thanks again,'re dependable as always.
You seem to think that in every thread, the discussion starts anew. But the Southern Man doesn't play that way.

Actually, if one just clicks back and follows the Chronology of this particular thread, they'll see for themselves that your statement here is pure nonsense....another lame attempt to distract and detract from your failure. I expect nothing less from some joker that refers to themselves in the 3rd person. Carry on, McDuff!:cof1:
Thanks for proving my point by repeating bullshit that was squawked by Beck, Drudge, Maulkin, Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage Weiner, Crowley, and the rest of the peanut gallery.

Thanks again,'re dependable as always.
The Southern Man is happy to be amongst these great contemporary thinkers.
Actually, if one just clicks back and follows the Chronology of this particular thread, they'll see for themselves that your statement here is pure nonsense....another lame attempt to distract and detract from your failure. I expect nothing less from some joker that refers to themselves in the 3rd person. Carry on, McDuff!:cof1:
Actually, if one clicks back they will find you dissing our past president, calling him a childish name, and my post stating plain facts and a reasonable opinion about our current president, your messiah.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Thanks for proving my point by repeating bullshit that was squawked by Beck, Drudge, Maulkin, Levin, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage Weiner, Crowley, and the rest of the peanut gallery.

Thanks again,'re dependable as always.

The Southern Man is happy to be amongst these great contemporary thinkers.

Okay folks, just remember for future reference that when this jackass is trying to distance his 3rd person referencing self from the forementioned neocon/ultra-conservative/fringe right wing punditry previously mentioned, that right here he states that they are "great contemporary thinkers". Limbaugh, Beck, Drudge, Hannity.....great contemporary thinkers!

Talk all the shit you want, can't erase this. You've sealed your fate, and have done my job for many posts to come. Adios!
Actually, if one clicks back they will find you dissing our past president, calling him a childish name, and my post stating plain facts and a reasonable opinion about our current president, your messiah.

And you do realize that your myopic and misleading version just won't cut it when people see the REAL chronology? It shows how you just try to change the subject, and when you're defeated, you lie.

Talk all the bullshit you want just make yourself look more foolish and pathetic, because you CANNOT ERASE THE CHRONOLOGY OF THE POSTS. But logic and facts have never deterred you before. See ya!